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ACT [八角家] ハチナ怪異譚 (RJ431925)

Not quite sure what this is yet, but it's related to one of the special defeat events. Message reads "Good medicine tastes bitter. So what about the opposite...?" (machine translation).
Extra: Mizuku who couldn't play Minecraft for a month.
It gives me a chuckle how Mizuku goes from game dev with some art/fan-art,to chill Minecraft posting with the ocassional urge of craving some KFC.

Gotta remember +18 content creators are people,too
I remember the rocks. There were so many cool rock facts about all different kind of rocks just thrown in, and you could really tell that they were both very interested in geology and wanted to share that interest with people. It was fun.
That game is basically, "Come for Hentai, Come out with KNOWLEDGE"
Well the Hentai is still good, just some unexpected extra
So surreal literally just start playing DRG recently, addicted to it. And seeing how it also giving me ROCK KNOWLEDGE, in turn remind me of THAT H GAME.
Wonder if this game gonna giving me this surreal experience again.
I believe it can spawn stuffs as well.

This is the second enemy with a reverse pregnancy (has sex, spawns from the monster rather than the girl) scene. I dunno why he doesn't go with actual pregnancy, but whatever I guess.

Also the dev seems to be questioning whether he releases at the end of September or early October. At least that's what google translate says. Finally the fucking wait is going to be over.

Edit: Meant to say early October, not late.
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I believe it can spawn stuffs as well.
I believe this is actually the enemy spawned from the enemy spawner shown in the . If you compare this and that they share similar appearences, though this one looks to be a bit bigger.

The august article has a section talking about the release date for the demo. The range is from the end of September to the end of November. Currently they're on track for the end of October, slap bang in the middle.
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I keep getting my hopes up whenever I see new posts, but at least it is nice to see further confirmation of a demo in the next month or so. Hopefully it doesn't get pushed back into November, since I think some of the earlier posts were guesstimating September/October
This is one of the four games I'm really waiting, and two of them are expected for demo release on October.
Keep the good vibes going, I have already dumped a week off work for October. My eyes, my ears, and my left hand are ready.
So they are connected after all.

Also... given that the release date could potentially be between tomorrow and maybe a week later, I hope he's fixed the bugs with the first flying enemy (bug thing that can triple attack Hachina). There was a bug in one of its H scenes that made the PC fall through the map on climax, and the three H-scenes for it didn't seem to be properly finished (third missing the submission animation loops, with the first and second missing a climax).

I'm not even sure if he's properly addressed those issues, kind of a concern given one is literally gamebreaking.