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ACT [八角家] ハチナ怪異譚 (RJ431925)


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Feb 19, 2020
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The engine wasn't specified, but the majority of event CG only games are either VNs or RPG Maker games... I'm just assuming.
Uhm I'm just asking where he mentioned that... wanna read up on it


Well-known member
May 25, 2018
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And I don't understand how they could fallen from grace this bad. Like, did the devs became obssessed with KFC fried chickens (hence their constant tweets on KFC foods) or sth that made their creativity gone downhill.
Yeah, I wonder the same. It's irritating. I'd understand if they were just ditching Unity due to the whole thing becoming fucking unstable to be in (devs being forced to pay for people downloading their games, what the fuck????), but it seems like they're not making any effort to find another new engine and are just going back to their interactive slideshows.

I'm just going to unfollow his ci-en now, I have devs that care about what they're making to watch. I think others should do the same to protest this new idiotic plan of his.


Demon Girl Pro
May 15, 2012
Reputation score
Guess I must be in the minority then since I loved this game actually. Apart from wishing there was more content, i found it very enjoyable and the H scenes were more to my liking this time around than Mermaiden imo.

That being said I hope he does change his mind and add more content to the game since the story ended on a rather open ended note, or at least if he makes another Undercrust style game that it's a sequel to Hachina because her design is too good to be wasted on just one game. Very much looking forward to his next game though, probably of my favourite developers still

I am almost certain I am going to be in the minority on this one, but...

I enjoyed Undercrust more than I enjoyed Mermaiden. And don't get me wrong, I think Mermaiden was solidly in the "good" category, though it felt a bit shallow.
I was actually thinking just the other day how nice it'd be if we get an Undercrust quality game for a sequel to Hachina lol


New member
Jun 4, 2021
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Yeah, I wonder the same. It's irritating. I'd understand if they were just ditching Unity due to the whole thing becoming fucking unstable to be in (devs being forced to pay for people downloading their games, what the fuck????), but it seems like they're not making any effort to find another new engine and are just going back to their interactive slideshows.

I'm just going to unfollow his ci-en now, I have devs that care about what they're making to watch. I think others should do the same to protest this new idiotic plan of his.
After spending 7 hours playing both the normal & hard mode, unlocking all secrets items and events in Hachina, I have to stop coping and admitted that this is by far THE MOST DISAPPOINTING H game comparing to predecessor games that Hakkaku team have released. I believe the main reasons the devs were way too focused on implementing new mechanics (leading to many in-game bugs that we've seen since Day 1 release) rather than the core values that made Mission Mermaiden one of the best H game existed (aka the diversity in H scenes, effects and bosses designs)
1. The effects and development on Hachina were pretty bad, given how it lacks the depths on and have very little impact on the gameplay, even almost non existance like some "bugs"
2. The lack of equipments and how little it impact to the gameplay made the diversity in playstyle become limited to the point being reliant too much on the new moves from story progression (I beat this game in hard mode w/full latex without any equipment at all)
3. The lack of enemies H scene while having too much H events is literally a crime. Like, the devs put way too much bugs related H scene, while and the hypnosis, latex and yuri ones were poorly fleshed out and a complete downgrade if I have to compare with Mission Mermaiden. Oh and did I mentioned the final H event having the much better latex suit and that being event exclusive? Yeah, a missed opportunity that Hakkaku didn't make it into an alternate equippable latex suit or being the final phase/full set of the equippable latex suit.
4. My god the boss fights in the game were utterly horrible. The "revamped" giant meat ball, Kinu (Moth girl) and Kuyou (Fox girl) boss fight felt like a joke as it felt like it was rushed and three of them had very limited moveset which made the fight a walk in a park and having only ONE H scene inthe first two bosses is also a crime. The only boss fights that I enjoyed is Chouen boss fight which was pretty good (until you realize you could spam the jump + attack downward aka X + Z + which could easily demolished Chouen without worrying too much on the bells)

[Oh and did I mentioned that the final boss mechanic felt like another joke when the amount of time that the boss spam on the binding move is insanely ridiculous and the 2nd phase you literally have to craft as much medicines as possible then spam the ultimate buttion (default button is C ) until it die. ]

However, the story in Hachina is a slight step up to Mission Mermaiden in terms of Hachina and other characters development.

Overall, Hachina is not a bad game, it's just.....disappointing. Too disappointing when you played Mission Mermaiden before and see how the devs have failed to meet everyone expectation when they overhyped this game with dev logs that they've made for more than a year on ci-en (actually I knew this game might not meet expectation when they gave us a sneak peak onto the gallery which immediately made me realized how little enemies are in Hachina compared to Mission Mermaiden) and Q&A on the blog. The fact that this game currently being more expensive than Mission Mermaiden is a huge slap in the face to me and others that actually bought this game.
I still hope that Hakkaku could give us new content update in this game rather than simply fixing bugs and call it a job well-done, but given how Mission Mermaiden doesn't have the content update treatment, hope on this game improvement content-wise is very fragile.
I did make a review on how much of a downgrade Hachina become. Like, my review haven't even included that the fact other artists made fanarts and ideas (look at きたっしー as an example, you will see the quality and fan concept ideas that in his/her fanart even surprised Hakkaku devs that they have to retweet them) on Hachina are far better than what the devs imagined for almost 2 years of development. I don't think the "CEO of Unity have new subcription plan clusterfuck" affected their development since by the time it started, Hakkaku already claimed that they were at over 90% progression with only bug fixing and languague implementation (which by this time to be a complete lie given how even the translation still exists Japanese characters and the Chinese translation literally fuck your save).

But then again, I'm giving the devs around 2 months to see if they would continue leaving the game half-baked and not worth the money we all spent like this after the "bug fixes" were done. If they do, then I'm gonna do the same like you did, unfollow and fuck their KFC new dishes retweet crap and tell others to avoid any future overhyping scams like this. There many H game devs out there like D-lis (Night of Revenge dev), ねんない🅤 (Sinisistar 1 & currently 2 dev), q2000018 (AyuraCrisis & ErisDysnomia dev), Nagai Wataru, Elzee (dev of Tunnel Escape) and many other devs that are worth my time to catch up and my money on their development and products


Apr 19, 2009
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The lacking of blowjob / fella / deepthroat scene was disappointing, especially with Mouth status being a thing.

Also the nose bug make you more sensitive to smell, I know it's more like the smell of dick or semen, but knowing the hygiene of that era's people, I'd probably ends up getting turned off with that bug around lmao.


Mar 30, 2012
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Apparently I'm the only person who really liked the gimmick of the phase two of the final boss. XD

Mind you, I found the final boss's H-scene very disappointing (oh look, it's "tied up in ropes with a thrusting crotch bulge" event #4), but the idea that
Hachina wins the battle of the mind by using her skill as an apothecary - both as an explicit rejection of her past self for her present self and a continuation of the theme that all illnesses have their proper medicine
actually felt like a really proper finale to the story.

(Also the game puts a giant "C" button right in the middle top of the screen at that part of the fight and names the medicines as they are consumed, so unless you get there with a literally empty medicine box I'm not sure how you could miss the mechanic)


Jun 17, 2009
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Grapples still seem ludicrously easy to escape from and even on hard I haven't died once, is a mod about this a possibility?
Possible to mod? Absolutely. Possible to make it difficult in an interesting way and not just 10x the button mashing. That's a bit more effort.
I applied that 1.4 patch to v1.5 of the game gotten from f95, there's still a lot of untranslated stuff, is that how it's supposed to be? Sorry, I didn't dig too far back into the thread to check.
You have to change the language in the options menu. Most of the game is translated already, my patch is just adding the combat log back in, along with translations there.


New member
Nov 17, 2018
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Guess I must be in the minority then since I loved this game actually. Apart from wishing there was more content, i found it very enjoyable and the H scenes were more to my liking this time around than Mermaiden imo.
I think it's mostly just that it's much more basic than previous games. The scenes themselves are pretty good, but there's too little variation and almost no interaction between the H-states and other enemies.


Demon Girl Pro
Aug 14, 2014
Reputation score
I tried the demo, as much as I've played so far, the game is indeed very good.
Dunno if it's because I've not played the Mission Mermaiden yet to compare both, but if it's the main reason of why you guys see this pseudo-sequel but actually another game as bad, I think I can see it as advantage somehow :3
Also, the game seems to be selling pretty well despite all this.


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Jun 12, 2022
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Good but short. Has upsides and downsides compared to Mermaiden. Unfortunately, the downsides, along with the shortness, combine to make it a somewhat lesser offer than the previous title.

Doesn't help that some of the game mechanics were underdeveloped or badly used. Mermaiden had a system where you'd equip up to 4 diff equipment types and with that you could tailor your playstyle. Hachina, OTOH, doesn't really have anything the like of it. The equipment either gives minor buffs or help you out in specific circumstances and can sometimes even act as a trap when you hit a certain boss or the like. If you played both you understand exactly why it's a major difference.

I'm happy enough with it, but I didn't have lofty expectations to be dashed. ... Which still left me a mite disappointed that it was over so quickly, mind.

Still a good buy, but don't expect too much out of it. Perhaps someone may at some point decide to have fun and try to mod it, but I can't say how well that would work 'cause it seems to me there's both less fodder to work with and more interconnectedness between levls to tangle up any modding with.


Jungle Girl
Apr 26, 2017
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I think I'm getting tired of the idea that being restrained by the enemy is some specialized idle or unmoving animation where you're perfectly still while the animation plays out.

I like the idea of bondage or restraints being a status that sticks with you, with some challenge or difficulty removing them.
Like maybe Hachina needs to chant to cast spells but a gag keeps her from talking.
And if her hands are tied, she can't remove the gag.
A blindfold would darken the area around her and you can't see directly in front of you until you remove it.
Being bound at the legs means slow hopping.

And so on.

I remember Undercrust having a status where there's a bondage suit that sticks on Hasumi even when she exits out of battle?


Oct 20, 2012
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Idunno the game always seemed weirdly overhyped to me and it ended up being about what I expected.


Well-known member
May 25, 2018
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I think the problem is that Mission Mermaiden was pretty damn good for what it was at the time. Which was this guy's first H-Act title.

Many of us all expected Hachina to be more of an improvement after 4 years of combined work experience, but there really wasn't much to speak of and hell, I actually think MM actually has slightly more content. From where I observe, I think the dev burned out their interest to work on Hachina by adding bells and whistles (the whole crafting system, making maps join together, fast travel, etc) rather than more combat/platforming + nsfw content. That it was also made into a metroidvania is very strange choice when the stage by stage system was fine.

Honestly, I don't ever understand why devs take extra unnecessary steps to do what they think is improving gameplay when it means they neglect the nsfw aspects. They should be able to tell that their titles were even noticeable in the first place because of their animated nsfw content.


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Nov 17, 2018
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It is kind of bizarre how much devs try to make a "good video game." If I wanted "good gameplay," I'd be playing an actual videogame.

The gameplay of an H-game only needs to be functional and not actively bad. After that, all effort should be going into the H-content. That's the reason people are playing your game.


Lord High Inquisitor
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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It is kind of bizarre how much devs try to make a "good video game." If I wanted "good gameplay," I'd be playing an actual videogame.

The gameplay of an H-game only needs to be functional and not actively bad. After that, all effort should be going into the H-content. That's the reason people are playing your game.
Being wrong never goes out of style I see. If you just want to hump your fist while looking at pretty pictures you don't need gameplay at all, shouldn't you be whining that you have to do anything other than click to the next picture?


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Nov 17, 2018
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Being wrong never goes out of style I see. If you just want to hump your fist while looking at pretty pictures you don't need gameplay at all, shouldn't you be whining that you have to do anything other than click to the next picture?
That's why I said the gameplay needs to be functional. It's why I'm playing an H-game and not just looking at pictures. The gameplay serves to enhance the H-content, especially in a game of this style. The interaction between the two is what makes it better.

However, adding stuff like extra metroidvania elements doesn't really do much to enhance the eroticism. Getting a double jump doesn't really get me going. Potentially losing my double jump because I got a bad H-state would be a way to improve the H by directly involving it with gameplay mechanics. That's the sort of gameplay that this game is sorely lacking in favor of adding regular non-H gameplay instead.


Demon Girl Pro
May 15, 2012
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Apparently on the ci-en site google translate says the next game won't be a sequel and that's the biggest disappointment I have so far, if it is true that feels like such a waste :(. Was really looking forward to a potential sequel since it feels like by the end of the story, we didn't really even resolve the whole bug pandemic


Well-known member
May 2, 2018
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I tried the demo, as much as I've played so far, the game is indeed very good.
Dunno if it's because I've not played the Mission Mermaiden yet to compare both, but if it's the main reason of why you guys see this pseudo-sequel but actually another game as bad, I think I can see it as advantage somehow :3
Also, the game seems to be selling pretty well despite all this.
Iirc a vanilla hrpg like the one made by yaminabe daiichi kantai or worse than that iirc was listed as "top selling" or so.

Maybe they can read the game or something, idk.
Like, you can play a much better game and H, but that was rated quite high on dlsite.

Yaminabe daiichi kantai games are great when you know what happened tho XD