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PUZ Loli [HappyLambBarn] 悪魔の石板と呪いの犬姫 / The Demon's Stele & The Dog Princess (RJ274510)

then again if I knew what values to edit with the save file in minerva, I'd do so and get all the stuff. But with how its structured, I dont think I can do so
Or you could just use Cheat Engine..

for last ending
1 day you have to get 4 hearts
- first you have to get 3 hearts after that call her bitch to get her heart from pink to purple you'll get 4 hearts
2 day you'll see her masturbated when you peek at the door wait for mc charge then you can do anything you want but dont put the collar yet
3 day you can put the collar on her
Thanks, gotta try it out.
I managed to get the 3rd ending on the second day. I was doing a second run and finished the first night on three full hearts, so the princess spilled over to four hearts while masurbating in the pre-night 2 event. From there I filled up her fourth heart and then started spanking her and once her heart turned purple using the insulting dialogue. then, once she was at full four hearts turned purple (indicates obediance?) I tried the collar and she accepted, pushing her into a fifth heart and permanent ahego.

You'll know you're on the right track once you're getting black hearts from spanking her and insults.
I managed to get the 3rd ending on the second day. I was doing a second run and finished the first night on three full hearts, so the princess spilled over to four hearts while masurbating in the pre-night 2 event. From there I filled up her fourth heart and then started spanking her and once her heart turned purple using the insulting dialogue. then, once she was at full four hearts turned purple (indicates obediance?) I tried the collar and she accepted, pushing her into a fifth heart and permanent ahego.

You'll know you're on the right track once you're getting black hearts from spanking her and insults.
Does that work on the 3rd day too? Can't seem to get the masturbation part
This game is absolutely great. Also brings nostalgia about old flash H-games :)
Only thing that might be negative is that you need to grind points a bit to get the better endings, though with animations and reactions made this nice i enjoyed it.

ps. Going to buy it when it comes to eng DLsite.
Game finished and let me tell you guys that this game is literally worth your pocket munneh.
It surpasses most trashy hentai arts In gaming hentai industry with comedy to boot.
There are a few bugs and it isn't perfect.

But i give it a 9/10 for story and chance toget that lood action that we kept getting cucked from playing H-games with poor quality girls.

It's only flaws is that It's missing more options (But eeeeh can't have em all)
I managed to open all endings, but the sex mode only opens up to 3 hearts
Did anyone manage to have more? Or this mode only has that much hearts?

I'll try to clear some things up based on ym experiences.
I've managed to get the third ending with the collar on day 2.
As other have already mentioned, you have to grab the collar after freeing her in the story part.
One thing that wasn't exactly clear for me is the heart count. The total number of hearts is that big one plus the small ones next to it, so you start with 1(not 0) and 5 is the max.
First you have to get to 4 hearts(1+3 small), and (probably) turn the hearts purple as much as possible.
What I did was get to 4 hearts by choosing the nice dialogue options(the ones with the blush icons).
You can see the hearts in the corner flash purple when you choose them. These are I think called the obedience points.
So I got to 4 hearts with these. The thing is with these options that they can only turn the hearts to like halfway purpleish.
After getting the 4th heart I switch to the mean options, which will give you the black hearts in the red bubbles afterwards.
You can use these to turn them all the way to purple. I'm not exactly sure if you can do this all in day 1, but I couldn't.
I was following up during day 2 with the spanking and generally being mean, and when the hearts looked as purple as it gets, I clicked the collar.(It's hidden on the right side of the screen, you have to hover over it.)
You'll get the 5th hearth with that, and you've basically won at that point. You can also remove her crown after that.

hope this helps :^)
happy fapping
Edited for complete walktrough at post #41
think im done unless there a need to put anything more
The dev has just released a fix today for free sex mode. You can have 5 hearts now
bought and tested.

Okay, the story is kind of funny, the puzzle is decent. . . BUT the sex mechanics is FUCKING FRUSTRATING! you can't get past the damn third heart, no matter what you do, no matter how many times you make the princess have an orgasm or what words you use, it just doesn't go beyond the third heart (although her notes say that you can have up to 5 hearts), the worst thing is that the same thing happens in the "sex mode" and the stamina runs out too fast (even having all statistics to the maximum) without counting that there are a couple of BUGs of this type

<> sample text <>

In conclusion, a good purchase, BUT if more updates come out, I hope they balance or correct those BUGs. . .

bought and tested.

Okay, the story is kind of funny, the puzzle is decent. . . BUT the sex mechanics is FUCKING FRUSTRATING! you can't get past the damn third heart, no matter what you do, no matter how many times you make the princess have an orgasm or what words you use, it just doesn't go beyond the third heart (although her notes say that you can have up to 5 hearts), the worst thing is that the same thing happens in the "sex mode" and the stamina runs out too fast (even having all statistics to the maximum) without counting that there are a couple of BUGs of this type

<> sample text <>

In conclusion, a good purchase, BUT if more updates come out, I hope they balance or correct those BUGs. . .


Remember, sometimes there's option to restore the stamina when you below 50%, the chance get bigger when you in critical condition
bought and tested.

Okay, the story is kind of funny, the puzzle is decent. . . BUT the sex mechanics is FUCKING FRUSTRATING! you can't get past the damn third heart, no matter what you do, no matter how many times you make the princess have an orgasm or what words you use, it just doesn't go beyond the third heart (although her notes say that you can have up to 5 hearts), the worst thing is that the same thing happens in the "sex mode" and the stamina runs out too fast (even having all statistics to the maximum) without counting that there are a couple of BUGs of this type

<> sample text <>

In conclusion, a good purchase, BUT if more updates come out, I hope they balance or correct those BUGs. . .

You seem to be missing the way to play the game. Upgrade your stats and replay, also 1st evening is locked at 3 max hearts AFAIK and you unlock 4th and 5th on the following evenings (if you do it correctly)
you can't get past the damn third heart, no matter what you do, no matter how many times you make the princess have an orgasm or what words you use, it just doesn't go beyond the third heart (although her notes say that you can have up to 5 hearts), the worst thing is that the same thing happens in the "sex mode"
To have above 3 hearts, you must use conversation to get her in the mood (sweet things with her for 4 hearts, and abusing things + the BDSM collar later for 5 hearts)
Also the version 1.00 have bug in sex mode so you cant have 4 or 5 hearts (if you already cleared all endings in story mode of course)
To have above 3 hearts, you must use conversation to get her in the mood (sweet things with her for 4 hearts, and abusing things + the BDSM collar later for 5 hearts)
Also the version 1.00 have bug in sex mode so you cant have 4 or 5 hearts (if you already cleared all endings in story mode of course)
Ver 1.0? i think i know what the problem is :(
I was able to get 4 hearts on day 1 consistently before I knew to click on the collar icon in the story cutscene, but now that I have that collar it seems to be impossible to get 4 stars on day 1. Not having 4 stars means that you can't get the special scene when you look through the keyhole in day 2. In fact, it seems to me that getting 4 stars at all is impossible regardless of the day. I wonder if it's bugged?
If you look in the readme file in the game folder you'll find a link to a that explains the game's mechanics and what conditions are required for each heart. What isn't in English is easily made clear in DeepL.

You can easily get 4 hearts on day 1 with purple obedience on the first day by praising her nonstop (You are the princess, how adorable, you have done well etc.) until she hits the forth hearth and then choose nothing but insults afterwards. Never reassure her or her obedience will drop. Also make sure you never kiss her because draining the kiss meter will prompt a speech slot. Always make sure you move her arms away before talking to her if she's reverted because that will occupy another speech slot.

To optimize your speech, make sure you prioritize in this order. Insult (if at 4th heart) > Praise > Clothes (which are appropriate for the heart level) > Kiss > refill stamina.

You can also optimize by using obedience speech during climax because climax and afterglow doubles the amount of obedience gain. On day 2 assuming you peek and see her masturbate, you can then spank her for further obedience gain. This costs a lot of stamina but as long as you have speech up at low stamina you should get refills.

I tried using the collar on the first day with purple hearts but it fails. It looks like this can only be done on the third day.

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What did the 1.01 hotfix add to the game? Any news on an uncensored version? I wish I could buy and support the creator, but I don't have a credit card for dlsite.