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Re: Hate Thread

I hate women, I hate how they spend all their time complaining about how hard their life sucks while wallowing in their defeatist attitude and refusing to see they don't *have* to feel so shitty about everything. I hate how they'll throw themselves on other guys and apologize when I say it hurts me before doing it again TOO SECONDS LATER and still bitching at me when I find myself liking another woman more because of it. I hate how they can inconsiderately ignore me, and walk away mid convo and yet have the gall to say "I love you" and lash out at me when I question their feelings. I also hate worrying that my friends will find out I like hentai and hate me, or find out I like really *fucked* up hentai because I like seeing girls in a vulnerable position (though not raped, anyone ever find consenticle?) and I hate how "hentai" is marked as a spelling error in a damn HENTAI forum.
(also I love women)

i think your solution to all these problems is to date an asian man.
Re: Hate Thread

My post was meant to convey the impression that I understand and share your condition.
Re: Hate Thread

My post was meant to be funny, playing on the fact that writers block would prevent me from elaborating on my frustration, thus facilitating your empathy.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate women...
(also I love women)

So, you hate women, but you love them. That makes zero sense, and the closest I can come to rationalize this is that you hate women for who they are, but love to stick your cock inside them.

Also, to judge the qualities of half the human race across the globe based on a handful of examples in one area. Probably all of a very similar culture as well. How very astute and open minded.

That's all I got. I felt slighted.
Re: Hate Thread

i think the dual posts of this is instead supposed to illustrate a sensitivity that he is aware of the situation that all girls aren't actual bastards.
Re: Hate Thread

I'm really starting to get upset at the lack of local multiplayer in games. It used to be everywhere. I get it, someone in charge of that believes that everyone should have to buy a copy to play the game, but it's a pain in the ass to have a lan party for two people. And free advertising doesn't get much better than that: a trial and an endorsement from someone you know and (most likely) trust. An it's entirely possible to create an online mode that doesn't allow guests. I don't see why this isn't standard. Fuck you video games.

Aww, come back baby, I didn't mean it.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate women, I hate how they spend all their time complaining about how hard their life sucks while wallowing in their defeatist attitude and refusing to see they don't *have* to feel so shitty about everything. I hate how they'll throw themselves on other guys and apologize when I say it hurts me before doing it again TOO SECONDS LATER and still bitching at me when I find myself liking another woman more because of it. I hate how they can inconsiderately ignore me, and walk away mid convo and yet have the gall to say "I love you" and lash out at me when I question their feelings. I also hate worrying that my friends will find out I like hentai and hate me, or find out I like really *fucked* up hentai because I like seeing girls in a vulnerable position (though not raped, anyone ever find consenticle?) and I hate how "hentai" is marked as a spelling error in a damn HENTAI forum.
(also I love women)

OK seriously... you need to grow some self-esteem there, pal. If you're following your girlfriend around, getting jealous when she talks to guys and whining to her about her feelings, you're putting in way too much effort and, more importantly, it SHOWS. Best thing you can do when your girl pulls crap like that? Don't call her and don't give a shit. If she digs you, she'll chase YOU (and she'll like you more because you're playing a little hard-to-get). If she doesn't dig you, you can both move the fuck on, which is a pretty good thing, really.

As far as worrying your friends will find out you look at hentai... trust me, all of your friends look at porn. ALL OF THEM. Probably some of them look at hentai, too. It's just another type of porn, and it's nobody's business what type of porn you look at (so long as it's not kiddie porn or something that will get you tossed in the slammer).

Also, have a great day!
Re: Hate Thread

I hate:
-having 10 weeks worth of free time and nothing to do with it. (this is NOT Summer Vacation. It's my vacation time from work)
-internet trolls who think they're all high and mighty when all they do is piss you off
-paying for Xbox Live
-Under aged kids playing M rated games online and then SCREAMING in your ear.
-my internet connection
-people who use an obscene amount of emoticons.
-people hoo speeel tings liek dis on porpose jus ot pis u of. (people who spell things like this on purpose just to piss you off)
-turn based combat
-people with large egos
-EA and its ilk

There's more, but I don't feel like posting it otherwise my anonymity might become compromised.
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate that I still haven't gotten around to continuing Muse.
Re: Hate Thread

that is entirely possible...

of course you mean activision/blizzard
Re: Hate Thread

that is entirely possible...

of course you mean activision/blizzard

I was under the impression that Activision pretty much left Blizzard alone despite owning them...
Re: Hate Thread

Re: Hate Thread

I hate the painfully obvious kids that post in the hentai games section.

Seriously, can we just purge them? Maybe send out PMs telling them we've discovered they're underage and trick a confession out of them?

I'd worry about them seeing this cunning plan, but as they never appear to post outside the HG section, I doubt they read here. But the whole damn section is starting to look like nothing but bots and kids looking for porn.