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Re: Hate Thread

Wouldn't exactly say hate, but right now I'm sick and tired of my friend falling for any guys act that wants in her fucking pants.
Re: Hate Thread

Wouldn't exactly say hate, but right now I'm sick and tired of my friend falling for any guys act that wants in her fucking pants.

Maybe you should try to get her to wear regular pants.
Re: Hate Thread

Well, my 4th of July was just SO awesome.

First I get snidely remarked at by my step-father all day for getting a grade worse than a 'B' (2 B's and 2 C's).

Then I get a stomach cramp.

And to top it off, apparently some random girl I don't even remember from high school calls me (she never said how she got my number, either) to tell me that she could never see me as more than a friend. Naturally, I responded with "Okay... so who is this?", and then she gets offended and hangs up. So either I got prank called, which I seriously hope that's what that was, or some girl who apparently knew me in high school without me knowing her is in need of some psychological help.
Re: Hate Thread

Maybe you should try to get her to wear regular pants.

Or she can learn how to recognize when a guy is being a complete jackass to her circle of friends to try to distance them from her, it means he's trying to manupilate her and control her all for himself.

Then again she's so naive it'd be a miracle if those thoughts ever cross her mind.

EDIT: I just read my last post and it made her seem like a whore. What I meant was she is so naive she dosen't realize that all these guys want is to get in her pants, and she thinks they just want to be her friend. So she "adds" them to our little circle of friends (three people including me and her) and they be a complete jackass to me and the other guy. Then she with her infinite knowledge and wisdom goes like "BUT YEAH HE'S A NICE GUY TO ME SO I WANNA BE HIS FRIEND! DON'T DEFEND YOURSELVES GAIS HE'S BITCHING THAT YOU'RE HURTING HIS FEELINGS LOLOLOL" Then after about a month of this I just explode on her and now I'm tired of it.
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Re: Hate Thread

do her dirty
Re: Hate Thread

Well, my 4th of July was just SO awesome.

First I get snidely remarked at by my step-father all day for getting a grade worse than a 'B' (2 B's and 2 C's).

Then I get a stomach cramp.

And to top it off, apparently some random girl I don't even remember from high school calls me (she never said how she got my number, either) to tell me that she could never see me as more than a friend. Naturally, I responded with "Okay... so who is this?", and then she gets offended and hangs up. So either I got prank called, which I seriously hope that's what that was, or some girl who apparently knew me in high school without me knowing her is in need of some psychological help.

This whole thing made me smirk for some reason. I'm usually not a mean person, but after your big bolded in-your-face well wishes for Happy Fourth of July I was somewhat amused. Especially after no one else really proclaims the birthday of their own nation around here so loudly or resolutely.
Re: Hate Thread

Speaking of how the 4th went, we shot down a bat. I didn't know we had bats until a rocket caught one right in the face and it crashed into the launch pad. :eek:
Re: Hate Thread

Speaking of how the 4th went, we shot down a bat. I didn't know we had bats until a rocket caught one right in the face and it crashed into the launch pad. :eek:

Why didn't you invite me to go with you?!?
Re: Hate Thread

You do realize that you need to go and find its mate and tell her?
Re: Hate Thread

These aren't pigeons (or whatever type of bird does that) Hooker. Bats have no feelings.

Why makes you think one of the dumbest creatures I've ever seen wandering city streets have feelings, and bats don't?
Re: Hate Thread

I hate feeling like I'm 80 years old. For the past like 5 days, I've been going to sleep before 10
Re: Hate Thread

Why makes you think one of the dumbest creatures I've ever seen wandering city streets have feelings, and bats don't?

As far as I know, bats don't tend to be monogamous like pigeons do.
Re: Hate Thread

This whole thing made me smirk for some reason. I'm usually not a mean person, but after your big bolded in-your-face well wishes for Happy Fourth of July I was somewhat amused. Especially after no one else really proclaims the birthday of their own nation around here so loudly or resolutely.

Eh. I was drunk. Hell, I smirked once I sobered up. Besides, someone had to wish America a happy birthday. Too many people have been talking about her behind her back, calling her names.
Re: Hate Thread

I'm not sure if I should make fun of you or feel sorry for you because you browse a hentai forum when you're drinking. =P