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Re: Hate Thread

People can and do make fantastic covers, some of which sound even better than the original. Sometimes it doesn't sound better than the original. Sometimes it sounds worse. Don't be such a music snob and say that the original can never be matched, because it can.
Re: Hate Thread

Like a prayer is one song where EVERY cover sounds better than the original.

Plus Torpedo my .
Re: Hate Thread

People can and do make fantastic covers, some of which sound even better than the original. Sometimes it doesn't sound better than the original. Sometimes it sounds worse. Don't be such a music snob and say that the original can never be matched, because it can.

You're missing my point. I didn't say all covers sucked; in fact I wasn't even making a general statement about covers at all. I was saying that covers of classics bother me. Certain songs have achieved the status of "timeless" in my head, and no cover can possibly match the original recording. Maybe they're better quality, or better played, or better sung, but they don't evoke the same feeling of "timeless classic" and nostalgia that the original does. Which is as obvious as saying two completely different songs from two completely different groups don't produce the same emotions... they're different. Thus the comment about brass and gold. No matter how good the cover is, it won't be the original... which is the definition of "cover." If you like brass more than gold, that's up to you; I don't care.

Anyway, the only thing that bothers me about this one is the fact that it's just a cheap knockoff of the original. It's not as well-played, nor as well-sung, and it's clear that whoever did it was just trying to make a quick buck by riding on the laurels of something better.

Also, I don't see how liking the original more than a cover makes me a music snob. I don't even listen to the Beatles that often.

In other news, I really hate nullreference exceptions. GGGUUUUHHHHHH.
Re: Hate Thread

You're missing my point. I didn't say all covers sucked; in fact I wasn't even making a general statement about covers at all. I was saying that covers of classics bother me. Certain songs have achieved the status of "timeless" in my head, and no cover can possibly match the original recording. Maybe they're better quality, or better played, or better sung, but they don't evoke the same feeling of "timeless classic" and nostalgia that the original does. Which is as obvious as saying two completely different songs from two completely different groups don't produce the same emotions... they're different. Thus the comment about brass and gold. No matter how good the cover is, it won't be the original... which is the definition of "cover." If you like brass more than gold, that's up to you; I don't care.

Anyway, the only thing that bothers me about this one is the fact that it's just a cheap knockoff of the original. It's not as well-played, nor as well-sung, and it's clear that whoever did it was just trying to make a quick buck by riding on the laurels of something better.

Also, I don't see how liking the original more than a cover makes me a music snob. I don't even listen to the Beatles that often.

In other news, I really hate nullreference exceptions. GGGUUUUHHHHHH.

Re: Hate Thread

God fucking damn it, Mo. Here are the goddamn rules.

1) use when you're ACTUALLY INVOLVED in the argument at hand
2) use after the argument has been drawn out for at least 6 - 7 posts, at least 3 by both posters involved in the argument
3) don't just link it like a lazy fuck, add some build up and hyperlink it! [optional - bonus points] also throw in an image macro
4) ????
5) PROFIT!!!
Re: Hate Thread

On the topic of covers: I'm with alias on this one. Some songs are even better when someone else does them, like Gary Jules cover of Tears for Fears.

But some songs just shouldn't be covered, like Behind Blue Eyes. I've heard probably a half dozen different versions of that song, and the only one that doesn't suck is the original by The Who.
Re: Hate Thread

I also hate covers of Behind Blue Eyes. I'd say that I like Tassadar's general opinion of covers in general, but this ain't no thread for the warm and fuzzies!
Re: Hate Thread

I hate being hit by a game's anti-piracy methods when I bought it legitly.

Edit: (Jeesh I have been complaining a lot lately)

I hate EA. The latest straw was when I tried to uninstall one of their games (through add/remove programs) and before it initializes the uninstall, it starts up the actual game.

YES. THAT WAS SUBTLE. "Here! You want to play the game, not actually uninstall it!" Oh yeah and I had to sit through their fifteen un-skippable logo demo-videos before I could quit out and continue the uninstallation process.

Fuck you EA.
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Re: Hate Thread

I haven't had problems with EA on the xbox really.

On the topic of music covers, I think it all comes down to personal preference. I actually don't mind the Limp Bizkit version of the song Behind Blue Eyes. There one version of Paint it Black besides the Rolling Stones that I enjoy. Gary Jules Mad World is much better than the original. I like Disturbed's version of Shout better than Tears for Fears as well.

Covers are a personal subject, same with movie remakes. People though who grind their heels and say it should never be remade, should never be covered, bug me. They seem like elitists to me for some reason, because they refuse to acknowledge the fact that there's newer generations to whom the original doesn't hold the same quality or magic as the original, and whom would greatly enjoy the remakes.

Gary Jules and Disturbed both did covers of famous Tears for Fears songs, and I enjoyed them much more than the originals.
In movies, Zack Snyder's 2004 remake of Dawn of the Dead was more enjoyable to me, then George A. Romero's 1978 (I could be a few years off) version.
Re: Hate Thread

Well, I've seen through the Anti-cover conspiracy!
I noticed while listening to a cover, that the singing was better, the vocals were better, ambience were better, but I still prefferred the original. Why? Because humans have instinkts that tell them anything unknown is bad. We want that familiar song.

We're fucking boring creatures.
Re: Hate Thread

I fucking hate Bethesda at the moment. The arse holes have only gone and not released Mothership Zeta for Fallout 3 as a CD for those of us who can't/won't DL it from Window's Live/Steam and are instead releasing it only with the GoTY edition of FO3.

Now, I know what you're thinking 'But Oni, if you don't want to DL it from there then you don't have the right to complain if they don't release it on CD.' You know what I have to say? Fuck you, I have a shit internet connection and it would most likely take several hundred attempts at DL'ing it before my rage takes over and I kill everyone in a two hundred mile radius. Now I have to go out and buy the GoTY edition if I want to play the Mothership Zeta expansion. And thats after buying the original FO3 along with the other four expansions.
Re: Hate Thread

I fucking hate Bethesda at the moment. The arse holes have only gone and not released Mothership Zeta for Fallout 3 as a CD for those of us who can't/won't DL it from Window's Live/Steam and are instead releasing it only with the GoTY edition of FO3.

Now, I know what you're thinking 'But Oni, if you don't want to DL it from there then you don't have the right to complain if they don't release it on CD.' You know what I have to say? Fuck you, I have a shit internet connection and it would most likely take several hundred attempts at DL'ing it before my rage takes over and I kill everyone in a two hundred mile radius. Now I have to go out and buy the GoTY edition if I want to play the Mothership Zeta expansion. And thats after buying the original FO3 along with the other four expansions.

I understand completely. I got the other four expansions on disk as well. It was upsetting to see the fifth expansion released for only the GotY edition.
However at the same time I don't know if they are making another expansion, and if they do if they'll release Mothership Zeta and that sixth one together as a package deal.

Doubtful though... bastards.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate ingrates. I get called at midnight because a friend was stranded and needed a lift. Forty minutes and a gallon of gas later I'm back home and the only words the fucker spoke after asking for help were street directions. No worry about whether he'd interrupted anything, no thanks for me driving off in the middle of the goddamn night, nothing.
Re: Hate Thread

Thanks Newbie...
Re: Hate Thread

I doubt they will make a 6th DLC which means I will have to buy the GoTY edition. Which pisses me off because it's like they're spiting their fans just because they can't DL it.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate not being able to use my own choice of song for the music video project I have to do in T.V. Production class.
Well, okay, I have a choice, but it's limited to pre-picked songs. And it's not to make sure we use 'appropriate' music, it's because apparently every single fucker that took the class before utterly bombed the project, and the department figures it's because they got to choose w/e they liked , which apparently made it harder or something.
BULLSHIT. I find it harder to NOT choose my own song. It's hard to find a story in a song you've never heard before and never will hear again.

Also, RAGE at Steam. Fuck you, I don't care that I don't have anything other than demos right now, LET ME ADD PEOPLE TO MY FRIENDS LIST. I want to play Killing Floor with people while it's free for me, dammit.
Re: Hate Thread

Amen brother

Yeah, steams pissing me off too, everytime I try to preload borderlands, all of steam shuts down, and logs me out.
Re: Hate Thread

Ku San... your situation is very much bullshit.

And I'm glad I don't have steam.
Re: Hate Thread

Amen brother

Yeah, steams pissing me off too, everytime I try to preload borderlands, all of steam shuts down, and logs me out.

*already has Borderlands preloaded*

That's not Steam's fault. God just hates you! :D