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Re: Hate Thread

We started dating in high school, way before either of us had any idea what we wanted out of life. And it just ended up that what we wanted, our goals and dreams... well they didn't fit together very well, despite the compromises we made for each other. And we decided, that the best thing to do, would be to break up now, instead of years down the road with kids... and put them and us through a nasty and hurtful, divorce.

It was a mature and smart decision, doesn't mean it hurts any less though. Sometimes love just isn't enough...

That and he's a noble self sacrificing idiot that didn't want me to go through the time he's in the Air Force alone. *harrumph*

Also, i hate fleas.
Re: Hate Thread

It was a mature and smart decision, doesn't mean it hurts any less though. Sometimes love just isn't enough...

That and he's a noble self sacrificing idiot that didn't want me to go through the time he's in the Air Force alone. *harrumph*

Also, i hate fleas.

Mature and smart does not necessarily equal warm and fuzzy, you're right. Trust me, I've been on the "mature and smart" end of relationships ending and unless it was something that you wanted to happen, it sucks major ass, even when you think you're okay with it. It will suck for a while and then you will find something to make you happy and give you warm and fuzzies again and unless it's a person, that want for what you had won't ever fully go away (trust me, it's been more than 5 years and I still have bouts of loneliness), but it won't be as bad as when it first happens. Guess I'm trying to get around to saying "It gets better."

*offers chocolate and/or ice cream*

And yes, fleas suck, both figuratively and literally.
Re: Hate Thread

*chuckles* I know it gets better. But Valentine's day every year is going to suuuuck. That's the day we made our decision x.x
Re: Hate Thread

Ironically, I lost my virginity on Valentines Day. I still think it's a pointless and meaningless holiday though.
Re: Hate Thread

But less pointless than Sweetest Day. Now that, my friends, is a Hallmark Holiday right there.

And yah, the milestones tend to suck more than others but look at it this way, it's not Valentine's anymore, it's half-priced chocolate day.
Re: Hate Thread


Alright, I'll go with that. I always get loads from my parents anyway.
Re: Hate Thread

Re: Hate Thread

I hate my school for 'forgetting' to get their files in order so I can go to class, the first time in my life I actually do not feel like school is negative and I'm actually learning something, and then I'm not allowed to go because of 'administrative error'.

Re: Hate Thread

*chuckles* I know it gets better. But Valentine's day every year is going to suuuuck. That's the day we made our decision x.x

thats why you should embrace it as Nunu day and worship me instead.
Re: Hate Thread

Nunu day huh and what will the great sexless god Nunu do on it's day of worship?
Re: Hate Thread

Last Valentine's Day I was in a firefight... and didn't talk to Sly for a few days afterwords.
Re: Hate Thread

Nunu day huh and what will the great sexless god Nunu do on it's day of worship?

Nunu day is mostly about cooking.

biscuits, cakes, puddings, ice cream...
Re: Hate Thread

Dear assholes, if you're in the silent part of the train which just happens to have "Silence" written everywhere(Literally), then don't bring a screaming baby in, only to act surprised or insulted when people tell you not to bring that ugly poopmachine into a part of the train which has "Keep sounds to a minimum" as a rule, some people actually sit there for a reason.

Same goes for the idiots that start talking really loudly, and then tell others to shut up/"mind your own business" in that part of the train, fuck you and I hope you fall in front of a train made up out of only silent parts filled with all the people you annoyed.

That will be all for now, I just hate morons that can't think past what they want for themselves.
Re: Hate Thread

I was one the most PACKED London Underground tube the other day and everyone was totally silent (while squashed together that it is intimate) except this one guy who has his mp3 player turned up to the most ridiculous volume. You'd literally think it was speakers until you looked at him.

The funny part was when someone started whistling along as a joke, and the guy with the headphones was of course completely oblivious, he'd probably have had a difficult time noticing a gun shot.
Re: Hate Thread

I do that, but it's because I already have shitty hearing and strange headphones that somehow project sound EVERYWHERE but my ear
Re: Hate Thread

I do that, but it's because I already have shitty hearing and strange headphones that somehow project sound EVERYWHERE but my ear

You need better headphones.
Preferably the fluffy pink ones you see in cartoons.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate my friends sometimes... they show me the most fucked up shit sometimes...
He forgets the name of the disease, but shows everyone in chat the picture...
Most fucked-up fingers I've ever seen...

Nor for those of you who may be trying to eat at this moment, have just eaten, or plan to eat in the near future.

Re: Hate Thread

This is old, this is explainable. If you want to remain in mystery then ignore this next bit.

That is a shoop of some fish's( them little ones what attach themselves to sharks, remorays I thin) mouth onto the fingers solely for the purpose of fucking with you.Such a thing has never and does not now exist in medical science as far as I know.
Re: Hate Thread

*corrects Newbie*

looks more like a lamprey mouth to me,

not a remora