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Re: Hate Thread

I rageplay. Use the anger to fuel your play, comfortable in the knowledge that if you lose, you can't be the spy who gets blamed, cuz you were the good one
Re: Hate Thread

I hate ham, why do people feel the urge to serve that instead of turkey on thanksgiving. Though it is free so I can't really complain too much.
Re: Hate Thread

You mean ham like for sanswiches, or REAL ham with the bone and all?
Re: Hate Thread

I hope it's real ham, or it will be even more disappointing.
Re: Hate Thread

It can be a little boring and dry but I would still prefer it to salt flavored meat.
Re: Hate Thread

You know what I really hate? People who stack teams. I was playing as Spy one time, and I got top of the leaderboard really quickly. Then these two other guys decided, "Hey, I think I'll just be spy too,"

This is the "Follow the leader" effect. Once you get to know it, you can pull off a lot of good tricks with it, and play medic with it for a small time to get to the top, and 2 others will go medic because of the points. Then you have a team with 3 medics, you can go play something else, say, soldier.

2 people see a soldier doing well and see there are 2 medics, they change to soldier too. You know have a working team with the useful classes. Now go play the class of your choice, and have fun.

This feels very rewarding when you pull it off right, alternatively, just go medic and ask people to switch, a lot of people will listen to the healer.(Even if you don't heal, and being a battle medic is fun)
Re: Hate Thread

I rageplay. Use the anger to fuel your play, comfortable in the knowledge that if you lose, you can't be the spy who gets blamed, cuz you were the good one

Does ragequitting count?
Re: Hate Thread

I hate when a story gets OVER complicated. You know the type. It starts out nice and simple - nothing complex yet, a clear goal, and a definite destination; then a GOOD story gets complex, throws in a turn or two, and you find yourself having to guess at what's going to happen next, but you can still follow; finally, to turn into a BAD story, they'll cram as many plot-twists, unnecessary characters, and side-stories as they can into it so you'll need a flow chart to understand the flow chart of the story.
Re: Hate Thread

What story would this be Kusa?
Re: Hate Thread

A bunch of them. Went to a manga scans site and read some random mangas, quite a few of them were just... ugly.

Then there's one I've been trying to read for some time now that I have the first 3 books of called 'Angel Sanctuary'. Maybe not everything I ranted about applies to it, but I've gotten quite a few chapters in now... and I dunno if it's because I'm reading it after being up for 14-16 hours or what, but I'm having trouble staying interested at this point. It started out nice, but now, it's just... not as good as I thought it would be.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate vans. That is all.
Re: Hate Thread

They just look evil, they're like the SUV's scrawny brother who you just know has pictures of little boys all over his basement.
Re: Hate Thread

Vans have really helped me in the past. Easy to conceal weapons from the MPs when we don't wanna carry em from one place to another. Great for multiple person get aways so our superiors only see one guy (the driver) leaving.

Vans are great.

SUVs are the gas guzzling pretty version thats more prettiness than substance.
Re: Hate Thread

See! Vans are shifty, you can't trust them. I don't trust any vehicle that has more that 4 seats in it. It's like "Look at me I can seat 8, come closer...." and then it devours your very soul!
Re: Hate Thread

Re: Hate Thread

Vindication right there.
Re: Hate Thread

See! Vans are shifty, you can't trust them. I don't trust any vehicle that has more that 4 seats in it. It's like "Look at me I can seat 8, come closer...." and then it devours your very soul!

Any vehicle? What if it has... 5 seats... but two of those seats fits 7 people between them?