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Re: Hate Thread

Sounds like they're doing something wrong, because you can't even become a DS in our army without having been in combat or at the very least deployed to a war zone. Experience is the best instructor after all.

Standardization is actualy the best way to train especially for new recruits. However for NCO's they should be teaching you how to lead, not just how to follow the standard. It's not easy, but you have to learn the standards and know how to apply them in a myriad of environments and situations. One of the first things my DS taught me when I went to PLDC was that everyone leads in a different way. The reason for the course is just to provide the background to becoming a leader. The actual leadership develops over time or not at all for some people.

Don't forget the only dumb question is the one you don't ask, and often the best question to ask is why do we do it this way. If they just brush you off when you ask why, then you have shitty instructors.

Sorry about the wall of text, hopefully the senile old veteran ramblings made some sense.
Re: Hate Thread

I currently hate Valve.

As well as a few people I know that jumped on the 'fuck L4D2' bandwagon only recently.
Re: Hate Thread

I currently hate Valve.

As well as a few people I know that jumped on the 'fuck L4D2' bandwagon only recently.

How? L4D2 was eight times better than I ever expected it to be. Mostly because I fell in love with the characters and their unique personalities, and I like each of whom better than most of the characters from the original L4D. (Louis will always be my first and favorite L4D character, no matter how many games they make.) Nick is easily my favorite, with Ellis and Coach tied for 2nd. Everyone hates Rochelle. As well they should.
Re: Hate Thread

How? L4D2 was eight times better than I ever expected it to be. Mostly because I fell in love with the characters and their unique personalities, and I like each of whom better than most of the characters from the original L4D. (Louis will always be my first and favorite L4D character, no matter how many games they make.) Nick is easily my favorite, with Ellis and Coach tied for 2nd. Everyone hates Rochelle. As well they should.

I'm with you on Nick, but why likes Louis?
Re: Hate Thread

Sounds like they're doing something wrong, because you can't even become a DS in our army without having been in combat or at the very least deployed to a war zone. Experience is the best instructor after all.

Standardization is actualy the best way to train especially for new recruits. However for NCO's they should be teaching you how to lead, not just how to follow the standard. It's not easy, but you have to learn the standards and know how to apply them in a myriad of environments and situations. One of the first things my DS taught me when I went to PLDC was that everyone leads in a different way. The reason for the course is just to provide the background to becoming a leader. The actual leadership develops over time or not at all for some people.

Don't forget the only dumb question is the one you don't ask, and often the best question to ask is why do we do it this way. If they just brush you off when you ask why, then you have shitty instructors.

Sorry about the wall of text, hopefully the senile old veteran ramblings made some sense.

Made sense to me, and I see where ye be coming from. In many ways what they are doing makes sense, it just irks me that I went through basic training with one of the instructors. While I decided to go overseas, he went on leadership course and taught new guys.
Re: Hate Thread

It really isn't fair to try to compare the two games' characters. The problem with the characters in L4D 1 and 2 is that the two have different "feels" to them when you play.

When they did L4D 1, they were trying to create a hopeless feeling, where your only goal was to survive. It was you against the world, and the world hated you. Thus all the characters react as such and we only got to see more negative feelings like hopelessness and fear.

On the other hand, L4D 2 was introduced with a much more aggressive approach. While L4D 1 took the "survive" path, L4D 2 was the "fight back" path. Everything in L4D 2 can be described by what Nick says in the intro movie: "I have not come this far to die now." Basically, it's you against the world, and you happen to hate the world right back. And like L4D 1, the characters responded as such. As a result, the L4D 2's characters gave a lot more positive emotions such as hope and determination.

Don't believe me? Why was L4D 1 set mostly at night? Why were all of L4D 1's maps more grisly version of everyday settings? In contrast, why does L4D 2 have daylight? Why do we have popular "zombie apocalypse" locations like malls and amusement parks for maps? It's because L4D was meant to make you fight to survive while L4D 2 was meant to make you fight because it was fun.

Basically what I'm saying is the characters in L4D 2 seem a lot more likeable only because the game made it so that you could see the more likeable side of them. You wouldn't like the characters in L4D 1 as much because they were made to react as they would in a hopeless situation.

Granted, you could argue that both games are all about being in a hopeless situation, but that's talking plotwise. I'm focusing more on the setting. L4D 1 seems a lot more hopeless and depression because everything is dark and gritty, while L4D 2 is sunny and familiar.

So in the end, you really can't say that you like L4D 2's characters more because they're more unique. They just happened to be in a game where they responded to a different kind of situation to the characters in L4D 1. Here's a question. Would you be more brave/aggressive/cheerful/determined if you were in the Death Toll campaign finale, waiting for a boat to pick you up while you fight off zombies, or would you be more (Insert those adjective here) if you were standing in the concert finale of the Dark Carnival campaign, waiting for a helicopter to pick you up, with the Midnight Riders blasting and fighting off zombies?
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Re: Hate Thread

Any zombies around and I'm thrilled
Re: Hate Thread

Here's a question. Would you be more brave/aggressive/cheerful/determined if you were in the Death Toll campaign finale, waiting for a boat to pick you up while you fight off zombies, or would you be more (Insert those adjective here) if you were standing in the concert finale of the Dark Carnival campaign, waiting for a helicopter to pick you up, with the Midnight Riders blasting and fighting off zombies?

Midnight Rider concert finale... with Zoey instead of Rochelle.
Re: Hate Thread

Actually, my favorite character is Bill. I was just wondering why he liked Louis, since he seemed to be the most bland and annoying of the characters. His optimism irritates me, and the fact that he jumps in front of my bullets like the zombies are the President and he's Secret Service stopped being amusing after the first twenty or so times.
Re: Hate Thread

Interesting idea for a social experiment: try going to several goth/emo/punk concerts in average clothes, or even clothes counter to the expected standard, and see what happens.

Tried and tested. If its an -actual- goth/punk concert? Nobody cares.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate people referring to "infected" (28 days later, L4D, etc) as "zombies"

"Zombies", by definition, are re-animated corpses...(or mindless slaves made by Haitians, which were perceived as reanimated corpses...)
"Infected" are humans gone bat-shit insane mad due to some virus or taint...

Makes me rage as hard as Twilight fans calling their scene kid a "vampire"...
Re: Hate Thread

is it okay to refer to them as rage zombies?
Re: Hate Thread

Until Mr South Australia allows us some variety of freedom (Like SA counts as a state anyway...), I refuse to call the Infected anything except Zombies. And would prefer it if they called them Zombies too. Just to ensure that I can actually play games where people aren't dancing in invisible fire.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate discussions that spread across multiple threads. Just how many parallel threads does L4D need, anyway?
Re: Hate Thread

And one hijacked thread, so that doesn't count as an original.
Re: Hate Thread

This....this is truly terrifying...

Re: Hate Thread

I hate computers.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate girly computers.