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Re: Hate Thread

Evolution is just a theory, it hasn't been proven, and there's definite flaws and evidence against it.

Really isn't the only anti evolution argument basically magic (not to say that doesn't exist in whatever flavour you want). I mean a child inherits traits from its parents, more successful parents have more children making those traits more common. repeat ad infinitum.

the concept that evolution is false seems to lean towards arbitrary barriers and standards that we cannot deviate past.
Re: Hate Thread

Really isn't the only anti evolution argument basically magic (not to say that doesn't exist in whatever flavour you want). I mean a child inherits traits from its parents, more successful parents have more children making those traits more common. repeat ad infinitum.

the concept that evolution is false seems to lean towards arbitrary barriers and standards that we cannot deviate past.

Although there are no reasons to disbelieve it, it still isn't proven, scientists have been wrong about things before, not to mention Darwin said himself that his own theory was flawed,

Despite your argument that the only anti-argument is magic, that's simply not true, there are real flaws in the theory, although certain parts have been proven to be true, animals and such do adapt at a slow rate.

However there is a lack of evidence of transitions between one species to another, which is something very important, the theory of evolution is that we all originated, humans and animals alike, from a basic single celled organism.

And that we then transformed from species to species eventually making our way into our current race, but it just isn't logical that way, it's certainly unlikely, very, very unlikely, so making it out as a theory isn't wrong,
it's saying, "Well just because it's the most scientifically sound theory we can comprehend, doesn't mean it's true."

Truth be told humanity is far from finding out the truth about where life came from, scientifically speaking, but that's my opinion, just don't hate your teacher because he has opinions of his own.

Evolution is still regarded as a theory in general, even by the scientists who believe it.
Re: Hate Thread

Although there are no reasons to disbelieve it, it still isn't proven

Correct, as in the realm of science, nothing is ever properly proven. Ever heard of the Theory of Gravity? It’s this theory that all matter pulls on other matter. We’re pretty confident that it’s correct, and we have found huge amounts of evidence, but, because we use the scientific method. It can’t be proven.

Scientists have been wrong about things before, not to mention Darwin said himself that his own theory was flawed.
Is that the theory of evolution you are referring to? Or Natural selection. The theory of evolution has in essence been around since at least Ancient Greece.
Darwin simply introduced a new mechanism. And that mechanism is natural selection. And yes, he did in fact say that his theory was flawed, because there are other factors that influence evolution.
However there is a lack of evidence of transitions between one species to another, which is something very important, the theory of evolution is that we all originated, humans and animals alike, from a basic single celled organism.

And that we then transformed from species to species eventually making our way into our current race, but it just isn't logical that way, it's certainly unlikely, very, very unlikely, so making it out as a theory isn't wrong,
Could you please explain to me what is illogical about an organism gradually transforming, over a period of millions upon millions of years to better be suited for its environment?
it's saying, "Well just because it's the most scientifically sound theory we can comprehend, doesn't mean it's true."
No, that’s right, we are not completely sure. We never will be, as stated above that’s how science works.
Truth be told humanity is far from finding out the truth about where life came from, scientifically speaking, but that's my opinion, just don't hate your teacher because he has opinions of his own.
We’ve been able to trace our genetic material back to bacteria that have been isolated from us for millions of years.
Evolution is still regarded as a theory in general, even by the scientists who believe it.
I think this is the third time I’m using this argument, but so be it. The scientific method consists of making theories. Even if you’ve disproven all that oppose the idea, it’s still a theory. You cannot prove a theory.
Also, you might be interested in this:

I guess what I'm really trying to say is:




I want some of what you're smoking.
Re: Hate Thread

Same here. I apparently only got back to my apartment at about 4.

Which brings me to my hate. I hate shitty beers. Although this is practically all encompassing since I've yet to find a good tasting beer. Of course, I'm under the assumption that all beer tastes like piss and everyone else just "mans up," so to speak, but that doesn't matter to me.

I'm a deceptively heavily abled drinker, despite my small size. I take in massive amounts of vodka or rum before I get "wasted" but I throw up from one cup of beer. Because of my like of hard liquors, I doubt this is because of the alcohol. But of course the dude who throws up his beer always looks like a pussy.

Good thing I'm really discreet though. It always feels like I'm choking a bit when I'm drinking beer. One of my old drunken roommates wanted to play with my necklace while I was drinking, so his hand got to my throat and I just immediately threw up in my mouth. Luckily I was in a dark corner because I had just got to the bar, so I very calmly transferred it to the cup and threw the cup right into the garbage, then went to the bathroom to wash out my mouth. No one knew a thing.
But now I'm sure they're going to give me shit about throwing up at the bar, despite coming back to the apartment and having numerous shots and being completely fine.
Re: Hate Thread

I would suggest trying either ale or a good German beer, neither of those taste like piss. At least to me, definately avoid the American beers as they basically are piss. Of course a lot of people can only drink one or the other so maybe you're just one of them. I wouldn't make fun of you for throwing up from beer myself, because the only time I ever get sick from drinking is when I've had beer.
Re: Hate Thread

I believe in the big bang theory.
Not the one you're probably thinking of, though.
It's the one where Chuck Norris banged Chuck Norris, and the resulting explosion of awesomeness created the universe and everything in it.


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I hate when my insides fight with each other. I'm having to pop peelz until it's all over. I think it was the last of the fudge that I ate last night, that had been sitting in the freezer for about a year before we brought it out a couple weeks ago.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the subtle things that trigger some pretty nasty flashbacks. For example, that talk of cookies I had led to a memory of an IED strike that didn't end very well. They always make me slightly depressed, and give me an urge to go back over seas. I was told those desires would fade over time, but they haven't.
Re: Hate Thread

It's weird how little things like that can make you suddenly remember something. I had to use a pair of those medical scissors the other day for something or other. Next thing I knew I thought I was back at the Olympic Stadium turning oer detainees.

I don't understand how the doctors are still saying it go away with time, considering the amount of ietnam veterans that still hae problems.
Re: Hate Thread

I still wake up some days and freak out cause I don't know where my rifle is.
Re: Hate Thread

Cappy apparently hates the pussy.

I'm putting this in my signature.

EDIT: Also, I hate how I can't shoot the goddamn ball in Basketball, yet I kick ass at passing in (American) Football, and throwing in Baseball.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate people arguing in my hate thread.

Take this shit to the ranting/debate thread.
Re: Hate Thread

Correct, as in the realm of science, nothing is ever properly proven. Ever heard of the Theory of Gravity? It’s this theory that all matter pulls on other matter. We’re pretty confident that it’s correct, and we have found huge amounts of evidence, but, because we use the scientific method. It can’t be proven.
Despite that there are still major arguments against all species originating from

Is that the theory of evolution you are referring to? Or Natural selection. The theory of evolution has in essence been around since at least Ancient Greece.
Darwin simply introduced a new mechanism. And that mechanism is natural selection. And yes, he did in fact say that his theory was flawed, because there are other factors that influence evolution.

Fine, I'll give you that, but you can't blame me since he's the apparent poster boy for the Theory of evolution in general

There's still a specific lack of evidence pertaining to fossils of creatures between different types of species.
if each species originated from a single celled organism then Reptiles,
Mammals, etc... would all have had to have originated from the single celled organism and evolved next to each other, rather than reptiles evolving into mammals or whatever the hell the order is supposed to be.

Could you please explain to me what is illogical about an organism gradually transforming, over a period of millions upon millions of years to better be suited for its environment?
Because it simply doesn't sum things up that way.
I just don't find it likely myself, honestly if a single celled organism where to keep evolving until it became an animal, it would look rather strange in the millions of years of progress, and what exactly would it feed upon other than its own species? It would generally have to various varieties of its own species for thousands of years etc etc etc....

I may be mistaken but it seems somewhat impossible for something big enough to not be bacteria to suddenly have enough food to survive, unless it's still eating bacteria, but it still have to evolve to the point where it can't anymore.

For the convenience of Sir Obe over here, I have decided to put all debate of the subject in spoiler boxes so people who don't give a crap don't have to scroll over it,
Also, I've only made jokes about hating things in this thread but I'll put up something I really do hate, and here's the juicy part, it's something I hate about myself.

I hate that I'm overly dependant, as a child I never had many friends till my mid-puberty, at which point I was too busy jacking off to care,
But back on subject, when I go into a relationship I tend to put all my social needs into it and kind of deposit a large amount of myself into the other person,
practically suicidal seeing as that can freak said person out, and give them power and control over you.

And the first one or two relationships that I had, not to long ago actually, because I'm quite young, barely legal to be here actually, reason why I stopped lurking and such,
Where disastrous, and a nice hard lesson on life, it taught me that I'm overly dependant in relationships, like a leech.
And that personally pisses me off that I didn't even notice until now, that I'm being somebodies bitch.
I mean if somebody has cruel intentions they can just pull it off, and she did just so you know, and what really makes my blood boil with hatred isn't her,
but me, because I let it happen like a complete fucking douche.

Honestly I don't think I'm responsible enough for romantic relationships except the one I currently have going on with my right hand (whom I love immensely, it never betrays me <3),
And the next time I have a relationship, I hope that it's gonna be when I'm damn well ready to hold my own social needs up without somebody to throw it all at.(Grammar fail, I think)
And quite frankly I think at least one person is going to go "I hate it when people bring their emotional problems into the hate thread",
Well it belongs here because I hate it, so in advance, shut the fuck up <3

Ok, emotional rant is done, all further hate contributions will be towards other people rather than myself.
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Re: Hate Thread

I don't understand how the doctors are still saying it go away with time, considering the amount of [V]ietnam veterans that still ha[v]e problems.

I still wake up some days and freak out cause I don't know where my rifle is.

There's an interesting book you guys should check out called "On Killing" ( ) -- it discusses, among many things, the trauma caused by killing others, especially in a military capacity. There's a rather relevant part about how Vietnam vets had it worse than most, because instead of the support from people back home that most of our soldiers get, they came home to violent protests and accusations by the civilians they served. I found it a particularly fascinating read -- I am appreciative of the fact that in my current job, I'll be launching missiles and therefore I'll most likely never undergo the level of trauma that combat G.I.'s have to endure. I'm also grateful to the badasses that are actually "in the shit."
Re: Hate Thread

Damnit, I mildly dislike the fact that I don't have time to discuss evolution with Cappy, 'cause he seems to be intelligent enough to not make it into a religious battle, and instead focus on the evidence and theories at hand, which provides for an interesting and balanced talk.

Wait for me Cappy, I will come for a discussion once again!
Re: Hate Thread

Damnit, I mildly dislike the fact that I don't have time to discuss evolution with Cappy, 'cause he seems to be intelligent enough to not make it into a religious battle, and instead focus on the evidence and theories at hand, which provides for an interesting and balanced talk.

Wait for me Cappy, I will come for a discussion once again!

-imagines what would happen if he where to pull the religion card-
As much as I believe there could be a higher power, bringing religion into a
logical conversation would result in a shitstorm, and to be honest now that you bring it up, it WOULD be epically funny, but it would lower everyones base opinion of me I think, so let's not try that. xD
Re: Hate Thread

I hate invisible walls in video games. Most recent example: L4D2's new campaign, The Passing, has a part where you open a gate by pressing a button, which initiates the horde moment. However, there was a gap in the fence that the gate was in, which was of mild-to-moderate difficulty to reach, depending on your ability to curve your jump. This was fixed not by adding in another section of fence to cover the gap, but simply by placement of an invisible wall.
Fucking lazy ass-hats. If you're going to set a boundary for the player, at least put something there that makes sense. Shrubbery, fencing, 1000-ft straight-up vertical mountain, gun turrets that will shoot you if you go beyond a certain line..... SOMETHING other than just an invisible wall. If having an invisible wall makes sense in-game, like it's a futuristic setting where guard-rails are replaced by underground emitters that emit an invisible force-field that can only be seen if something collides with it, sure, go ahead. But in something like L4D2, having an invisible wall is BULLSHIT.
Re: Hate Thread

And they killed Bill. Cock suckers.
Re: Hate Thread

AND ANOTHER THING I HATE: People who give up too quickly in team games. L4D, Halo, LoL, any game that has a team vs team mode. 'But the other team has twice as many kills as us!' Yeah, we have 4, they have 8. It's only been what, 15, 20 minutes though? If we had kept going for even just 5 more minutes, I could have made it 7-8/10, and in 5 more minutes, probably 11-12/12. I'm not saying that all the kills would be mine, but I'm great at support in team games. But, no, let's quit, because Mr. Big and Bad over here keeps getting killed because he keeps going off on his own, and getting jumped by the entire other team, and then wonders why we were all trying to get the objective done instead of following him around like a bunch of mindless bots.

AND ANOTHER THING I HATE: people who try to play 'Rambo' in team games, then bitch when they keep dying. Hey, you're the ass-hat who went off on your own because you thought you were 'da-bomb' or w/e. Not our fault you didn't stay near the healer/medic, WHO IS THE REASON YOU MANAGE TO KEEP ABSORBING DAMAGE WITHOUT DYING, BTW. Cock-sucker.

I guess I just hate people who play team games, don't play WITH the team, and then bitch that their team sucks. WHAT team. WE'RE over planting the bomb at B. YOU'RE running around A with an AWP, wondering why the guy with the Scout won't sit still, ignoring the guy who's LOUDLY coming up behind you with a knife.