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Re: Hate Thread

I hate that all posts older than a week show up as read. It makes catching up all but impossible. Yet another reason to add to the list "why I hate vBulletin". Seriously, next time I end up in vBulletin board I'll just close the tab. No matter how good the forum itself is, it probably isn't worth it.
Re: Hate Thread


Well fuck you guys. I could use a little extra sun >.>
Re: Hate Thread

Are you seriously complaining about a lack of sun, while living under a hole in the ozone layer..?

On topic, I hate the fact that the glorious weather is coupled with a drastic pressure change and sinus infection... since that means a nice few days in the dark with a migraine for me. I love the sunshine, but I hate the pain it brings..

Re: Hate Thread

I hate how fast my fingernails grow.


I can second that one actually. I also hate the fact that mine can ping some several meters across the room when clipped. It's good that their healthy or tough, or whatever it is, but I've actually hurt my eye before while clipping friggin finger nails.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate when I'm typing something up, or in the middle of a conversation, and I have to go to the bathroom; when I come back, I've always forgotten what it was I was going to say originally =.=
Re: Hate Thread

I hate when I'm typing something up, or in the middle of a conversation, and I have to go to the bathroom; when I come back, I've always forgotten what it was I was going to say originally =.=

That just happened to me with this thread 3:
Re: Hate Thread

I hate starting the day finding out what fucking worthless crap my health insurance is and THEN finding out that the preventative blood test I really *should* have (due to family history of what the test checks for) is going to put me nearly 2000 bucks in the hole. And that's *with* the insurance. And I swear to God on high if they try and tell me I haven't met my deductable, I'm telling the company that's doing the test to bill me twice. Once in the amount of the deductable and once for the rest of the f'ing test.

My DM said it best tonight. America doesn't have Health insurance. We have Sickness insurance. They only want to pay to treat us, not keep us healthy.

Hope I'm not a mutant. Cuz then I have to start saving for *other* medical expenses...

And people wonder why I prefer living in worlds with Cure spells.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate starting the day finding out what fucking worthless crap my health insurance is and THEN finding out that the preventative blood test I really *should* have (due to family history of what the test checks for) is going to put me nearly 2000 bucks in the hole. And that's *with* the insurance. And I swear to God on high if they try and tell me I haven't met my deductable, I'm telling the company that's doing the test to bill me twice. Once in the amount of the deductable and once for the rest of the f'ing test.

My DM said it best tonight. America doesn't have Health insurance. We have Sickness insurance. They only want to pay to treat us, not keep us healthy.

Hope I'm not a mutant. Cuz then I have to start saving for *other* medical expenses...

And people wonder why I prefer living in worlds with Cure spells.

One of the few reason I hate America myself. That and Republicans who think health care is fine as is. Seems to me they have never gotten sick like the people who can't afford the damn health care.
Re: Hate Thread

Ridiculous, I tell you. I mean, granted, the idea of the test is good and they're coming out with great innovations with regard to the particular ailment, but holy sweet mother of god, is this shit expensive. *shakes head* In my mother's case, it is/was worth it. In my case, I'm second guessing having this done, honestly :/ Too late now, since it's already been okay'd but...damn.
Re: Hate Thread

Are you seriously complaining about a lack of sun, while living under a hole in the ozone layer..?

It's winter. I'm cold.

Besides, we moved the hole for the Sydney 2000 Olympics (To quote a silly TV show that sued to be on called "The Game", which was a comedy about the planning of the games and the constant botching of the idiots in charge.)
Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when programs don't work out of the box. I also hate that my blu-ray player doesn't support wmv files.

I was just going to watch some porn on a big screen. So I downloaded a few clips and put them on a usb-stick. They don't show up when I put it on. So I check the samsung webpage. Yep, it supports wmv. So I figure I'll check again. Still nothing. I check the webpage again. Turns out that the frickin' search function ignored over half of my search, so it isn't my bd-player. I find the right one, and it doesn't support wmv files. So I go to package manager and get a program that's supposed to convert videos to other formats. It doesn't recognize the fileformat(or something like that). So I go to winff homepage. Yep, it supports it. I check for helpfiles. There's only a forum and a wiki. After a bit of searching it turns out that I'm supposed to have something-52unsomething and I have something-52something. So I install the packages. And finally the converter works, now I just have to wait for it to finish converting.

"It builds character"
Re: Hate Thread

That's nothing! Back in my day, you had to plug a wire into the wall, and the wire connected to the cable that lead to the other wire that plugged into the adapter that was hooked up to the machine that processed the data that was sent to it through some other cable that you had to wrap around the box that was on top of the bigger box which had to be tilted at a 45 degree angle to fit into the container that had a bunch of wires that all lead to the biggest box which ate your tapes - that was their strategy to keep us buying their tapes at the time, since they weren't very good or long - and then it sent the data bits to the inner-tubes which molecularlized and digi-something'd it into pixels that carried information to the colored lightbulbs in the screen to create what was supposed to resemble a moving picture!
Re: Hate Thread

You don't know nothing, grandpa. You've never even touched command line.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when programs don't work out of the box. I also hate that my blu-ray player doesn't support wmv files.

I was just going to watch some porn on a big screen. So I downloaded a few clips and put them on a usb-stick. They don't show up when I put it on. So I check the samsung webpage. Yep, it supports wmv. So I figure I'll check again. Still nothing. I check the webpage again. Turns out that the frickin' search function ignored over half of my search, so it isn't my bd-player. I find the right one, and it doesn't support wmv files. So I go to package manager and get a program that's supposed to convert videos to other formats. It doesn't recognize the fileformat(or something like that). So I go to winff homepage. Yep, it supports it. I check for helpfiles. There's only a forum and a wiki. After a bit of searching it turns out that I'm supposed to have something-52unsomething and I have something-52something. So I install the packages. And finally the converter works, now I just have to wait for it to finish converting.

"It builds character"

Holy crap, I was just talking about watching porn on my big screen in another thread. :) Well worth it. A little hassle to set it up, but well, WELL worth it.
Re: Hate Thread

19 and a half hours of sleep.
That's just fucking fantastic :mad:
Re: Hate Thread

19 and a half hours of sleep.
That's just fucking fantastic :mad:

Wow, I wish I could sleep the whole day away. Only did it once, and that was after staying up for a whole week to finish a project that had to be done by the end of the week.
Re: Hate Thread

19 and a half hours of sleep.
That's just fucking fantastic :mad:

Yep. It fucking sucks. I did that once, missed a day of work because of it. At least my employer at the time was cool with it. That, and I think he really believed I was severely ill when I called in to apologize for not being in that day.

What's really weird, is that sometimes I'll sleep for 12 hours, and then I'll feel really tired for the rest of the time I'm awake.
Re: Hate Thread

Yeah, I'm still not all there right now.
Re: Hate Thread

I don't even think I'm capable of sleeping for 10 hours...