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Re: Hate Thread

Every day that I've woken up, my arms were tingling and I couldn't feel my fingers. I don't know what's going on, but I guess however I sleep, I end up cutting off both my arms.
Re: Hate Thread

Every day that I've woken up, my arms were tingling and I couldn't feel my fingers. I don't know what's going on, but I guess however I sleep, I end up cutting off both my arms.

I guess your sheets must be quite bloody and red then, do they grow back?
If not how do you masturbate? If they do how do they? And why is your hair green?

Re: Hate Thread

No they don't grow back, that's fucking ridiculous you idiot. They reattach themselves. No I don't jerk off, even if I did have arms. And my hair's green cuz I ran out of purple and green is the second best mohawk color.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate allergy medicine, I spent an entire day off unable to do anything because the stuff puts me in a zombielike state all day. Good thing I only took a half a dose.
Re: Hate Thread

My sleeping patterns are rather odd.

I'll randomly wake up after 6 hours sleep and be fine, but then after my next night's sleep of a standard 7-8 hours, I'll feel really tired and headachey all day, and that night I'll sleep 10-12 hours.

I can run off 3 hours sleep as long as I have something to do. It's even getting to the point where my mental functions aren't too badly impeded, I'm just a little slower to think when doing things such as math.
Re: Hate Thread

No they don't grow back, that's fucking ridiculous you idiot. They reattach themselves. No I don't jerk off, even if I did have arms. And my hair's green cuz I ran out of purple and green is the second best mohawk color.

Well you obviously jerk off your arms...
And besides that, if you don't jerk off and go to a hentai site you must not have a penis, or have really really rough hands covered in spikes, or perhaps you pleasure yourself with your feet instead, I better not dwelve too deep into this before it starts sounding creepy.

Anyhow, maybe if you'd stop using all your purple on stupid things, you wouldn't have to worry about "second best" colours, you ninnie.
Re: Hate Thread

I'm sorry I run out of dye so quickly, but it's not like I use it frivolously, just in my hair. All my hair. I figure if it looked awesome in my mohawk, it would look cool to have purple mohawks all over my body, so I shave accordingly. Also in all my food, cuz there's not enough purple food. Also on my pets because that makes them look cool.

So now all I have is green. Also porn is hilarious, back off.
Re: Hate Thread

I'm sorry I run out of dye so quickly, but it's not like I use it frivolously, just in my hair. All my hair. I figure if it looked awesome in my mohawk, it would look cool to have purple mohawks all over my body, so I shave accordingly. Also in all my food, cuz there's not enough purple food. Also on my pets because that makes them look cool.

So now all I have is green. Also porn is hilarious, back off.

Sure , it's hilarious, but I still don't trust you, you're hiding something Mr.Wright,
And I'll find out eventually.....
Re: Hate Thread

... did you make an ace attorney reference at me?
Re: Hate Thread

what's huh
Re: Hate Thread

I hate when relatives come over unannounced. It's nice to see them and all, but a little warning would be nice so I know to take a shower the night/day before. And clean up my room a bit. And make sure nothing I care about is within reach of the small children.
Re: Hate Thread

That's why you should always keep some quarantine signs handy. Either that or you could do as I do and tell them you should have called I have to go to work now.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate humidity. 100+ degrees and dry, awesome I can go all day with enough water. 80 degrees and humid, I avoid the outside like the plague, I can't do anything.
Re: Hate Thread

You don't happen to be one of those people who live in a area, are ya?

A dry heat is still a heat. Humidity does suck, though.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate humidity. 100+ degrees and dry, awesome I can go all day with enough water. 80 degrees and humid, I avoid the outside like the plague, I can't do anything.

Re: Hate Thread

I hate humidity. 100+ degrees and dry, awesome I can go all day with enough water. 80 degrees and humid, I avoid the outside like the plague, I can't do anything.

I measure degrees in Celsius , for about two hours I thought you where living inside a literal oven.
Re: Hate Thread

Not mid-west, north-east near a river.

And I wish I could do the same, I've been able to do most measurements in metric except degrees.
Re: Hate Thread

Celsius is where the cool kids are at.