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Re: Hate Thread

Well, when you've been with the forum since the original board, it doesn't really seem like simply a 'hentai forum' anymore. At least, that's my opinion on it.

ONTOPIC: I hate mosquitoes. Got bit by one of those fuckers today. I really hate this one in particular, because it was 'full' when I killed it... jebus, those things can hold quite a bit of blood.
Re: Hate Thread

This whole thing made me smirk for some reason. I'm usually not a mean person, but after your big bolded in-your-face well wishes for Happy Fourth of July I was somewhat amused. Especially after no one else really proclaims the birthday of their own nation around here so loudly or resolutely.

our national birthday doesn't have explosions, plus australian history is really boring. the most violence we had internally (genocide attempts excluded) was the eureka stockade, and after two days and 28 deaths they called it quits cos the pubs opened.
Re: Hate Thread

Well, when you've been with the forum since the original board, it doesn't really seem like simply a 'hentai forum' anymore. At least, that's my opinion on it.

ONTOPIC: I hate mosquitoes. Got bit by one of those fuckers today. I really hate this one in particular, because it was 'full' when I killed it... jebus, those things can hold quite a bit of blood.

Spit on wherever you got bit, and then pour some table salt onto it. Leave it there for a few minutes, and it should get most of the poison(?) out. At the very least, you'll itch less, at least in my experience.
Re: Hate Thread

Wait, when did mosquitoes become poisonous?

WTF kind of mosquitoes do you have to deal with? O___O

EDIT: Ah, you had a (?).
Yeah, as far as I know, mosquitoes aren't poisonous. They can carry diseases, but they aren't poisonous themselves.
Re: Hate Thread

They actually are poisonous, in a sense. Their saliva makes it easier to suck blood, and causes the irritating inflammation that we're all so fond of.
Re: Hate Thread

Bleah. I hate the weather right now. I'm okay with heat, but right now the air is so full of moisture that sweating barely does any good and it just feels like I'm frickin' swimming in my own sweat.
Re: Hate Thread

Well, when you've been with the forum since the original board, it doesn't really seem like simply a 'hentai forum' anymore. At least, that's my opinion on it.

ONTOPIC: I hate mosquitoes. Got bit by one of those fuckers today. I really hate this one in particular, because it was 'full' when I killed it... jebus, those things can hold quite a bit of blood.

Indeed, a few pages back I expressed my displeasure with the damned insects. I assume we all have a new coating of bites after being out after dark Sunday. In the shower just now I counted atleast six new ones.
Re: Hate Thread

They actually are poisonous, in a sense. Their saliva makes it easier to suck blood, and causes the irritating inflammation that we're all so fond of.

Yeah, it's a blood thinner from what I recall, and it has a particular reaction with your flesh, making the itch. It's also only female mosquitoes that suck blood to give nutrients to their off spring, whereas males go after flowers and such.
Re: Hate Thread

Yeah, it's a blood thinner from what I recall, and it has a particular reaction with your flesh, making the itch. It's also only female mosquitoes that suck blood to give nutrients to their off spring, whereas males go after flowers and such.

When walking around, if you walk into a swarm of tiny bugs that mostly ignore you, it's male mosquitoes hanging around, waiting for a female to show up for a gang bang.
Re: Hate Thread

When walking around, if you walk into a swarm of tiny bugs that mostly ignore you, it's male mosquitoes hanging around, waiting for a female to show up for a gang bang.

It's like hentai....

but in real life.
Re: Hate Thread

Wait, when did mosquitoes become poisonous?

WTF kind of mosquitoes do you have to deal with? O___O

EDIT: Ah, you had a (?).
Yeah, as far as I know, mosquitoes aren't poisonous. They can carry diseases, but they aren't poisonous themselves.

Yeah, I wasn't sure what to call the compound in their saliva.
Re: Hate Thread

The term would still not be poisonous either way Kusa. Ingest is poison, inject is venom.

And it's hard to categorize anyway, as there are compounds and stuff that are technically not venom or poison but have like properties. For instance, the numbing effect delivered into a lot of insect bites, even though localized numbness is a job venoms often do. Not to mention creatures that aren't technically venomous themselves, but eat venomous/poisonous plants and animals or rub the contents on their skin, or even creatures that are dangerous for other reasons like bacteria in their bite.

Hell, I don't know what it is that mosquitoes carry, but technically, I'm pretty sure it's just some sort of "chemical" that isn't classified as a venom I guess for some lack of amino chains or some other scientific bullshit. Point is, they still are dangerous through indirect means in their bites.

And I feel like I've said this before but this is partly why I hate bees so goddamned much. Any venomous sting or bite has different chains of venom that'll attack different things, like paralyze nervous centers, numb the area, systemic pain, attacking organs, but almost every single animal has localized pain as one of them. Bee venom, almost in their entirety, are localized pain, meaning instead of adapting to have things that'll attack the brain stem immediately and shut down the victims body, they are trying to KILL YOU WITH PAIN.

..little fuckers.
Re: Hate Thread

English has too many words for poison. Poison. Venom. Toxic. A couple others, I think.
Re: Hate Thread

Well they're all technically different. But eh, semantics.

I've just always found the difference between toxin and venom rather easy.


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Re: Hate Thread

Well they're all technically different. But eh, semantics.

That makes it worse! It means not only are there a bunch of different words for poison, but that pedants will point it out to you if you use the wrong one as well.
Re: Hate Thread

Well, yeah. That only means that they can't even be used interchangeably.
Re: Hate Thread

That makes it worse! It means not only are there a bunch of different words for poison, but that pedants will point it out to you if you use the wrong one as well.

Yeah, like Toxic!