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Re: Hate Thread

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I HATE when I try to give somebody advice, and they ignore it, and then they get bit in the ass (figuratively... though once it was literal), and then they ask me why I didn't tell them anything.

I hate when somebody tells me they're not going to eat something, so I eat it, and then they complain that I ate it. WHY DID YOU TELL ME YOU WEREN'T GOING TO EAT IT. And I don't mean they meant 'oh, I'm not going to eat it now, but I will later', I mean they said they didn't like it at all and they weren't going to touch it again.
Also, I hate when someone eats something that I told them I was saving for the next day.

I hate when I get blamed for something someone else did/didn't do, just because I happen to be in the room when the blaming is going on. 'Oh, your brother forgot to take out the trash and feed the dogs today, and even though you weren't here all day because of school-related stuff, we're going to blame you, too.'

I hate that my supposed 'free' upgrade to Windows 7 from Vista, wasn't going to be free at all. The store said they'd pay for shipping and handling. What happens when I go to try and get my copy of Windows 7? They tell me I have to pay for shipping and handling. FUCK. THAT. Yeah yeah, 'it's just S&H, just pay it and be done with it.' NO. That's not the point. The point IS that they said they'd pay for it so I wouldn't have to.


I hate warm soda. BLECH.

I hate when pizza places don't put enough sauce on their pizza. They might as well just not put any on and give me money off for that.

I hate when people in porn movies just start talking to the camera out of nowhere. It's like, WTF WHY IS (S)HE TALKING TO ME.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate constipation, what came out of me today would baffle a porn star.

*edit* I also hate that I slept 18 hours AGAIN. Now I didn't get to call my insurance and won't get to til monday
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Re: Hate Thread

Went to Six Flags today... I hate severely overpriced food. Four bucks for a god damn grilled cheese sandwich?
Re: Hate Thread

I keep typing 'douchebag' as 'douchebage'.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate word count limits. This contest I'm trying to enter has a 7000 word count cap on submitted stories. I have about 300 words left to cut out before make the cut. This is very annoying.
Re: Hate Thread

those bother me so very much. However at the same time they generally stop me from writing up something that is trying to be bigger than it should be.
Re: Hate Thread

Well, in my opinion, it's hurting, not helping, since I need to cut out massive amounts of description to get it within the limit. I *suppose* it doesn't need to be that long, but reading about a fight or an interaction between charries is better if narrated rather than summed up *sighs*

I also hate that the site I need to submit said story to is not working properly right now. Grarrr!
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that I lost my hard drive a few days ago.
I hate that my last backup was a year ago.
I hate that I lost quite a bit of music because of this.
Can't watch videos! Fucker made me retype this damn message!
I also hate this piece of shit old comp! I thought i got rid of this cock-box years ago! but no! it's BACK!
I also spent a while photoshopping my avatar for christmas! Lost THAT, TOO!
Oh, I also hate the fucker who's laughing about this.
I don't know WHO'S laughing, but I know someone is! I can feel it in my bones, man!
Re: Hate Thread

Oh, I also hate the fucker who's laughing about this.
I don't know WHO'S laughing, but I know someone is! I can feel it in my bones, man!

My pleasure.
Re: Hate Thread

Not sure. I got quite anomalous amount of reps during june, so I'm not sure how to calibrate the base level.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate being woken way too fucking early. By call center fuckholes, no less. 9 in the fucking morning? I know most of them just do their job, but FUCK. This one's gotta be a real masochist.

And no, 9 in the morning is not late. Not if you were up till 3 am. Not if you didn't catch much sleep the night before.
Re: Hate Thread

9 in the morning is too early to call on business. 10, I can see, but 9? Sheesh.

I also don't think you should be called on business after 6 in the afternoon.

Of course, I make exceptions if it's someplace I'm working for, but even then I only extend it by two hours. Between 8pm and 8am, that is MY time.
Re: Hate Thread

Also, don't bussinesses realize sometimes that the reason no one is answering the phone during their hours is because the residents are also at work...
Re: Hate Thread

My next 17 Tuesdays. Wake up at 6 am, no free time untill 9 pm. In between is alot of complex math and term paper writing.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate being woken way too fucking early. By call center fuckholes, no less. 9 in the fucking morning? I know most of them just do their job, but FUCK. This one's gotta be a real masochist.

And no, 9 in the morning is not late. Not if you were up till 3 am. Not if you didn't catch much sleep the night before.

9 isn't late? Even if you were up to 3 am that's still six hours of sleep. And lets say you tossed and turned for about an hour before finally falling asleep, that's about 5. That's really not so bad.

Sure it's annoying. And yeah, it being a call centre is really a kick in the pants, but this isn't that bad.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate people that I hate the very second I meet them.

You know the type. They might look wrong, or the very first thing you hear them say might feel wrong to you, or they do something that is wrong to you... you know the type.

Granted, sometimes it's just that initial impression that sucks, and once that hurtle is cleared, some of them you come to realize actually are okay people. It's those ones that you just take an immediate disliking to, and they just constantly do/say things that make you hate them... those are the ones I hate.

Yeah, I know it sounds redundant. The thing is, I hate that there are people out there like that. Normally, I have a high threshold for people. I can deal with a lot of types of people that most would just tell to go fuck off. If I take an immediate disliking to someone, there has to be something very, very, VERY wrong. And I hate that there are people that I feel that way towards.

EDIT: Okay, I'm off to kill Justin Bieber. Who's with me?
> .
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate vomiting. But what I hate more is how, sometimes, throwing up is making you wait. Have you ever had one of those where you're just kneeling before the toilet, waiting to vomit just so you can get it over with?

For those wondering, I had a vomity day yesterday, and that leaves me a bit pissed off.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate vomiting. But what I hate more is how, sometimes, throwing up is making you wait. Have you ever had one of those where you're just kneeling before the toilet, waiting to vomit just so you can get it over with?

For those wondering, I had a vomity day yesterday, and that leaves me a bit pissed off.

Wait, you too? Must've been something in the air. Stretching all the way from the US to Germany...