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Re: Hate Thread

Hatin' on D-bags in the hate thread :D
Re: Hate Thread

D: My sympathies; that sucks, Puffer-Fish-spike-sucks. I've personally not been in a accident, but there's so many times where that could have happened, it is past the proverbial joke.

The little handle in question, we have come to call the "Oh sh*t! handle" from the number of times, either going with brothers or parents, some fool only worthy of pitying attempts to perform a majestic example of driving or is in a pointless ego-driven race with some other fool - on filters to and fro' busy duel-carriage routes.

I do commend your relatively calm reaction to the incident S'Wolf.

And agreed to some extent, at the very least the speed is lowered, idiots are easier to point out.

Oh, edited avvie! Hopefully that's remotely Christmas-y?

Honestly, I was reacting on instinct more than anything. I was fine enough, get out, do job, make sure no one's seriously hurt, people are crowding in, tell them to get back... oh shit, not in the desert, call the cops...

Training more than anything that made my reaction.
Re: Hate Thread


So yeah, I hate waiting for news. I'm waiting to hear whether or not I got my new job; I know they intend to get in touch with me(and others) asap but have been bogged down in meetings all day (having a friend in the office helps) but I'm going nuts here. I need to know >.<

And if it turns out I didn't, I hate the bureaucratic clusterfuck nightmare I'll have to go through in order to fix things.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when packages aren't delivered when they say they will be. It's not like the weather is affecting the postal service either, all the snow has pretty much melted away and the roads are clear. I'm still waiting on two christmas presents to arrive as well as a game I ordered just under two weeks ago.
Re: Hate Thread

It's a pain, but there's a reason.

The postal service simply gets over loaded around this time of year and is forced to hire hundreds of minimally trained temp workers to help sort the excess mail. Mistakes do get made, and packages and envelopes can bounce around the country for a few days if someone slips up at the wrong point in the system. I've done the job and seen the same package come back to the same sorting centre I was at three times before it was finally sent the right way.

As someone who's done it, I urge you to make sure your mail is properly and clearly addressed. Most of all, please use the correct post code/zip code. What's really sad (and difficult to work with) is when you take a mail tray from one village, and find about 100 envelopes, written in quaint but illegible little old lady handwriting. The sorter gets the choice of spending over an hour struggling to guess where to send them, likely getting half of them returned the next day and risking losing his job due to what will show on his performance records as "low productivity", or resigning them to the problem mail pile, knowing that the senders relatives will never get their cards, quite likely including kids Christmas money.

On another note. I hate over sleeping.
Go to bed at 3am, wake up at 2pm, feel tired and groggy because of it, develop head ache because of it, end up feeling like sleeping more to fix it. It's broken and stupid. -_-
Re: Hate Thread

The stuff I ordered was from Amazon and HMV, so the address would be printed out and put on the packages so handwriting wouldn't be an issue. The game was ordered before December.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when packages aren't delivered when they say they will be. It's not like the weather is affecting the postal service either, all the snow has pretty much melted away and the roads are clear. I'm still waiting on two christmas presents to arrive as well as a game I ordered just under two weeks ago.

I hear you Oni. I got a letter the other day (read, December 8th) that I was supposed to receive November 8th. This was very annoying as instead of the month I had to fullfill the requirements detailed within the letter to keep my license, I have 10 days. 10 days which includes mailing my renewal application in response, and taking a test I hadn't known about.

My address was printed, in clear Times New Roman (or Arial... one of the two) font on a computer and printed off. This was from a business in Toronto. I'm a little peeved.
Re: Hate Thread

Well sometimes the post does just suck I guess. Though I do like it when I order something online at 4:30pm, and it turns up at my door early in the morning the next day.

I've received a letter before telling me I had an appointment somewhere in an hour from the time it came through my door, dated as being sent the day before. Amazingly I was able to make the appointment anyway without any inconvenience, but took the letter with me to let them know how ridiculous it was. About a week latter the same organisation sent me another letter reprimanding me for apparently "missing" an appointment scheduled a month in the future. Someone really needs to stop and think about the shit they're printing and mailing before they send it.
Re: Hate Thread

Yeah, my dad just got something from the VA that was postmarked Nov 15th about something happening on the 1st or 2nd...

In other news, the van broke down because walmart has watery gas...
Re: Hate Thread

I just got a mail telling me that from November the 5th my concession card was cancelled. But that one I'm willing to blame on the particular government department, and not the mail.

Still haven't heard about that job btw. Today being saturday, and knowing it started on Mon, I'm basically assuming at this point I didn't get it. Which brings me to the next point; I hate it when people don't give you an answer. I can handle rejection, I can handle a no. What I don't deal with well is when people don't even bother giving you that much, and just thinking that "Eh, if I ignore it, it'll go away."

Without a definite no, it's harder to move on.
Re: Hate Thread

Still haven't heard about that job btw. Today being saturday, and knowing it started on Mon, I'm basically assuming at this point I didn't get it. Which brings me to the next point; I hate it when people don't give you an answer. I can handle rejection, I can handle a no. What I don't deal with well is when people don't even bother giving you that much, and just thinking that "Eh, if I ignore it, it'll go away."

Without a definite no, it's harder to move on.

I get that shit constantly.

I'll even make a point to call them back once or twice after the first time I call back (about a day after I hand in the application), and I always get met with some variation of "thanks for calling, but we'll call you."

And, without fail, they never do. It sucks major ass, because all that time spent waiting, I could have gone out and found another job to apply to.
Re: Hate Thread

And, without fail, they never do. It sucks major ass, because all that time spent waiting, I could have gone out and found another job to apply to.

You should probably apply to as many jobs as possible if you want a job.

It's not like you're going to lose your job if you applied to a different job.
Re: Hate Thread

Yeah, my dad just got something from the VA that was postmarked Nov 15th about something happening on the 1st or 2nd...

In other news, the van broke down because walmart has watery gas...

Maybe you shouldn't buy gas at walmart then. :p Sorta kidding but sorta not...I'm always suspicious of these cheap gas stations with wierd unknown names like "Speed Gas" or something. But eh maybe this is the urbanite in me assuming there are normal gas stations in the country... :)
Re: Hate Thread

Maybe you shouldn't buy gas at walmart then. :p Sorta kidding but sorta not...I'm always suspicious of these cheap gas stations with wierd unknown names like "Speed Gas" or something. But eh maybe this is the urbanite in me assuming there are normal gas stations in the country... :)

Well, it wasn't me that got the gas, and even then most of the we go to Citgo or Casey's, just in a hurry that day.
Re: Hate Thread

I was about to say something about not understanding why it's even called "gas" in the US, but decided to wiki it instead first.

In case anyone else has ever wondered the same, the first paragraph has the answer.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate my phone. It likes to turn off on it's own at random intervals, but mostly right before I send a text or something so I have to turn it back on and rewrite the whole thing hoping it doesn't decide to turn off again. And my texts tend to be really long because I insist on using proper grammar and vocabulary. I also hate "textspeak."
Re: Hate Thread

I hate phones in general. They're so fucking annoying.

They keep making these weird beeping ringing noises! I tried feeding them, lulling it to sleep... nothing worked! Finally the ringing stopped and I got my peace and quiet..

But TEN SECONDS later...
Re: Hate Thread

I hate my phone. It likes to turn off on it's own at random intervals, but mostly right before I send a text or something so I have to turn it back on and rewrite the whole thing hoping it doesn't decide to turn off again. And my texts tend to be really long because I insist on using proper grammar and vocabulary. I also hate "textspeak."

I feel your pain. Also, am I the only one who finds it counterproductive for a phone with a low battery to buzz every minute to let you know it has a low battery?