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Re: Hate Thread

That's why I don't come to you with my problems... -_-

Eh, I just know that the world will shit on people regardless and like Incubus I've been shat on by people I've helped in the past. Which has made me pessimistic and uncaring. Of course there is the odd time I'll help someone but unless I know you and like you enough people generally can forget asking me for help. Granted, this is mostly people asking IRL, the internet is different because there's almost 100% guarantee I'll never see any of you so if you do get shat on by my advice I can just ignore your posts.
Re: Hate Thread

Eh, whatever. If I really need help that badly, I'm sure I could find someone. Maybe people who aren't knighted have better luck with not getting shat on.
Re: Hate Thread

Hmm, today just reminded me of an ever-present hate.

I hate it when I'm speaking with someone and accidentally use words wrong. Not saying something close to what I mean, but rather something completely different. Like how many invoke irony at the wrong time.
Re: Hate Thread

Hmm, today just reminded me of an ever-present hate.

I hate it when I'm speaking with someone and accidentally use words wrong. Not saying something close to what I mean, but rather something completely different. Like how many invoke irony at the wrong time.

"I think it would be ironic if we were all made out of Iron!"
Gimme who said that and you get an e-cookie xD

Seriously though, I agree wholeheartedly.
Re: Hate Thread

Eh, whatever. If I really need help that badly, I'm sure I could find someone. Maybe people who aren't knighted have better luck with not getting shat on.

Ha, I see you picked up on my ego. Though truth be told the 'Sir' part of my name comes from Gardevoir's Japanese name 'Sirnight'.
Re: Hate Thread

"My friend told me I don't understand irony, which was ironic, as we were at a bus stop at the time."

@Oni: and the Oni?
Re: Hate Thread

From my old user name which was taken from one of my OC's, 'Onikain'.
Re: Hate Thread

Fucks sake, I hate Johnny Depp's interpretation of Willy Wonka.
Re: Hate Thread

You clearly haven't watched the remake then. Depp's portrayal is too creepy to be Willy Wonka.
Re: Hate Thread

I have watched the remake. Countless times. Little 3 year old girls love it. I will admit, he reminds me of a paedophile.
Re: Hate Thread

I have watched the remake. Countless times. Little 3 year old girls love it. I will admit, he reminds me of a paedophile.

That was one of my major complaints about it too. He came off as more depraved than eccentric. There was also a nice classiness about Wonka in the other movie.
Re: Hate Thread

That was one of my major complaints about it too. He came off as more depraved than eccentric. There was also a nice classiness about Wonka in the other movie.

i agree. sure there were some dark and twisted things like the girl being inflated into a berry, but wonka never let down his portayal as a class act and tour guide.
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Re: Hate Thread

Fucks sake, I hate Johnny Depp's interpretation of Willy Wonka.

However, I laughed my ass off seeing Depp in Once Upon a Time in Mexico.

"this is the best pulled pork I've ever tasted. As soon as I'm done I'm going into the back, and shooting the cook,"

"Are you a Mexican? Or a Mexi-can't?"
Re: Hate Thread

I love his CIA tshirt in that
Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when people come in and 'organize' my room, because they say it looks 'disorganized'.
Yes, because CLEARLY, JUST BECAUSE I have piles on the floor, I'm disorganized.

Look, I know the joke. 'I'm organized. Everything is on the floor,' but for me, that's pretty much true. I have little-to-no room to put stuff. My room isn't the tiniest thing, but it's smaller than the room I had when I lived with my dad. And that room was pretty small as well. As an idea for how small, could probably fit 6 single beds into the one at my dad's; here, only 4.
In my current room, I can't find a place for everything, so I have piles on the floor. BUT THEY'RE ORGANIZED PILES. Hell, they're not even just piles, more like stacks. This one is for this stuff, that one is for that stuff, et cetera.

BUT NO. OBVIOUSLY I'M DISORGANIZED. So then SOMEBODY *coughmomcough* comes in and 'organizes' for me. Now, It wouldn't be THAT big of a problem if she told me EXACTLY where she put stuff. BUT NO. 'Oh, I put this general category of stuff here, and that general category over there.' Which is bullshit. Some of 'this' is with 'that' and some of 'that' is with 'this'. And some stuff is in a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT area. Fuck, there's stuff that I have YET to find from when she 'helped' ONE WHOLE FREAKING YEAR AGO.

I'm getting back to being organized once more, but my parents are complaining ONCE AGAIN that I'm disorganized. Yet the only things I CAN'T find are the things that I have yet to find where mom put them.
Naturally, I get this: 'Oh, you can't find it because you're disorganized.

Yes, I am disorganized.

I am disorganized because you are the one who made me disorganized.

YOU moved my stuff. YOU changed where everything was.


Oh, and I hate that I can't find my TRON 2.0 game.
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when people come in and 'organize' my room, because they say it looks 'disorganized'.
Yes, because CLEARLY, JUST BECAUSE I have piles on the floor, I'm disorganized.

Look, I know the joke. 'I'm organized. Everything is on the floor,' but for me, that's pretty much true. I have little-to-no room to put stuff. My room isn't the tiniest thing, but it's smaller than the room I had when I lived with my dad. And that room was pretty small as well. As an idea for how small, could probably fit 6 single beds into the one at my dad's; here, only 4.
In my current room, I can't find a place for everything, so I have piles on the floor. BUT THEY'RE ORGANIZED PILES. Hell, they're not even just piles, more like stacks. This one is for this stuff, that one is for that stuff, et cetera.

BUT NO. OBVIOUSLY I'M DISORGANIZED. So then SOMEBODY *coughmomcough* comes in and 'organizes' for me. Now, It wouldn't be THAT big of a problem if she told me EXACTLY where she put stuff. BUT NO. 'Oh, I put this general category of stuff here, and that general category over there.' Which is bullshit. Some of 'this' is with 'that' and some of 'that' is with 'this'. And some stuff is in a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT area. Fuck, there's stuff that I have YET to find from when she 'helped' ONE WHOLE FREAKING YEAR AGO.

I'm getting back to being organized once more, but my parents are complaining ONCE AGAIN that I'm disorganized. Yet the only things I CAN'T find are the things that I have yet to find where mom put them.
Naturally, I get this: 'Oh, you can't find it because you're disorganized.

Yes, I am disorganized.

I am disorganized because you are the one who made me disorganized.

YOU moved my stuff. YOU changed where everything was.


Oh, and I hate that I can't find my TRON 2.0 game.
Somebodys had a bad day and needs a big fluffy hug. *open arms*
Re: Hate Thread

Eh, he always seems to have bad days whenever his family is involved.

When I couldn't stand my parents any longer, I moved out. And sure, it's not as easy to live down here, but it sure beats up there where I was.

Protip: I live about 2 hours south of my parents place.
Re: Hate Thread

As much as I'd love to move out, at this point in my life, I know I'd wind up like .