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Re: Hate Thread

The problem is you act like it's a master plan and you're manipulating people but you're not. Sometimes the natural response of a person is to respond back to you, so that would be like putting a saucer of milk down and saying you "manipulated the cat into drinking." Maybe people are responding because they know getting you to continue your assholery will get you banned, so they're doing the manipulating.

And remember kids!:
"Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people."
-Source Unknown
It is of my mind that during this event, you have no idea what you're doing.
Re: Hate Thread

toxic I've had my say and you know what that means, its time for everyone to shut up.

I mean sure magus probably should have tried to answered your post declairing that he's going to leave it unanswered but you know the rules, once i step in you step out.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate fan-made levels that look awesome but once you download them, you just wind up banging your head against the wall. We actually declared that we weren't going to finish this one L4D2 map that we got tonight simply because we just couldn't take it any more.

It was a neat concept. Kind of...Portal-ish, actually (according to my one friend who's played it.) But sweet mother of God, there's one portion in it that requires you to traverse down through the building on narrow pipes and platforms and every so often, the game decides to drop cars on you. And if you fall off, of course, your teammates can get you back up, but only if they haven't dropped to a level beneath you and cannot reach you. Then there's the jumping level and god forbid you get jockey'd or charger'd. Then there's the level where large crusher things drop down from the ceiling. Then there's the rush event with the trap doors in the floor. And then there's the finale which includes: surviving in a room with crushers while you deal with the standard "rush, tank, rush, tank" situation; the water filled corridor with the trap doors, and then *another* spot where you have to run along the pipes, drop onto the platforms, and watch out for cars only this time, there are tanks chasing you, too.

*thud* Big emphasis on the DEAD part tonight. Sweet Jesus.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate my loneliness product of my own weakness, my own lazyness, and my own cowardice.
I want to become strong and worthy to love and be loved, thus i'm struggling.
Re: Hate Thread

In addition to what I just posted in the announcement thread, having to sit through my sister's high school graduation. Yeah, it was nice for her, but the whole thing is kinda inane and I really hate being in crowds.
Re: Hate Thread

deveolping brand new ways to celebrate mediocrtety?
Re: Hate Thread

deveolping brand new ways to celebrate mediocrtety?

Eh, I wouldn't mind if the hordes of family members didn't have to scream so loud. And considering around these parts everyone is related to everyone... :(
Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when the plant has a small but contained fire, and the plastic burns so well that a thick smog fills the entire place, making my glasses steam and get entirely covered, forcing me to clean them every five minutes while packing boxes. Sometimes i really cant see shit when that happens.
Re: Hate Thread

Had writer's block on a certain paragraph for three days. I got done staring at it for a good 10 minutes, decide I'm not feeling it and turn on the TV. It's a commerical and the first thing it says: "You're not going to write a best seller". Gee, thanks for the positive attitude TV...
Re: Hate Thread

Pretty sure I've mentioned this before, but I fucking hate it when people stop in acceleration lanes to merge onto the highway.

Re: Hate Thread

Yes, but when they can't pull onto the highway because people won't let them on... Unless you mean people who have their blinker on, and TONS of room to get on the highway, but they take 10 minutes to turn. If that's the case, I agree.
Re: Hate Thread

*typed to the rhythmic hammering of skull against desk* Why. Can't. I. Write. This. Scene?
Re: Hate Thread

I hate it When i open my car door, get in the car, reach for my keys, and realize, "Oh hey dipshit, its still in the car door".
Re: Hate Thread

I hate it When i open my car door, get in the car, reach for my keys, and realize, "Oh hey dipshit, its still in the car door".

Way better than the alternative of locking them in the car. Not like that I haven't done that..once or twice or even three times. Nope never have.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate pubbing in all it's forms. Whether it's just taking on the main path without checking for goodies, going for quick reward instead of the longer but more rewarding path, doing his own thing in the woods while the rest of the team has to carry the load, going out of the defending area only to complain when he gets gutted by specimen, going against superleveled beasties and getting mauled, rushing ahead, and in general not really knowing what the frig you're doing, no matter if you're in newbie gear or in the invincible armor and 9001+sword, or wielding the biggest baddest gun for your setup, or know character builds by heart...

(Yes, there's at least 3 games I just cited in that grouping. I dare ya to name em all :p )
Re: Hate Thread

I'm going to go with Spiral Knights for one of the games.

Anyway, I'd like to know what part of me comes off as helpful. This is more IRL than online because that's different, I don't mind helping people online if I can. What I'm talking about is people acting as if I'm some kind of fucking manager or 'team leader' in work when I'm the same scrub as everyone else I work with. Christ, every fucking day they come up to me asking what the work is going to be like, if there's going to be overtime and when will break be. HOW THE FUCK SHOULD I KNOW YOU USELESS BAGS OF SHIT?! Granted, I do check to see what the work will be like on the day but that's easily fucking accessible by anyone who's willing to twaddle on up to where the order sheet is and have a quick gander at it. AND the breaks are written down on the order sheet so again it's not hard for them to fucking work it out for themselves.

And then there's the foreigners that don't speak a lick of English, or their English is so poor that they don't bother speaking it who come up and ask me to fucking help them where there's other goddamn fucking foreigners WHO SPEAK THEIR FUCKING LANGUAGE who can tell them what to do. What, do I look like some kind of fucking trainer?
Re: Hate Thread

Maybe you just have one of those faces? Or an aura like that? Dunno.
Re: Hate Thread

I've got a nigh on constant frown/glare going on, so it can't be that. And it would be just my luck if I had an aura of friendliness. I do all I can to keep these douchebags away from me and they still keep queuing up like the assholes that they are.
Re: Hate Thread

Maybe its the constant frown/glare. Makes ye look like a pissed off manager or something. Sub-conscious thing. I'm making wild stabs in the dark as to the reasoning to be honest.

It could just be that they're all lazy idiots and see you checking the sheet.