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Re: Hate Thread

Facing mortality sucks. I've done it enough, and it never gets easier. Last time was only about a month ago, and I can still see my father suffering from that one.
Re: Hate Thread

Oh, definitely with you on the "Fuck Cancer" train there. Then again, we have, hanging in our kitchen "Cancer touched my breast, so I KICKED ITS BUTT!"

Sorry to hear about your cat, Rule. Never fun thinking about such things, as Chibs and Sin pointed out. But, you have us around to vent to and sympathize with. In the meantime, hugs to you and your mew. Take care of her in the meantime.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate forgetting to order a repeat prescription for my hay fever tablets before my other ones ran out.
Re: Hate Thread

Check and see if your pharmacy can put you on auto-refill, Oni. I know it's something that we offer at the one I work at. Dunno how things are in your area, though, but, never hurts to ask.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate people that over-use memes.

They can be funny when appropriate, but when used every single day multiple times in normal conversation, it gets extremely old.
Re: Hate Thread

I agree with that; I mean some memes are pretty damned funny, but when constantly used, they lose their luster and become... Annoying, repetitive and predictable.

What I hate though is people who act superior to you in every way, and treat you as if THEY know better then you, or act as if they can't do anything wrong. I'm currently in a situation that I'm trying to defuse because a buddy of mine is acting just like this; a superioristic snob who acts like he's better at everything than everyone else, and if you call him out on his mistakes, he somehow turns the entire conversation away, or makes it all play out that you are an asshole for saying such mean hurtful things >.>; bleh
Re: Hate Thread

Ooooh, that's a nasty one to fix, or so I hear (thankfully. *knocks on wood*) Are you okay, Sin?
Re: Hate Thread

Well, after six days of night shift (I volunteered for the last day because I had to) I can say with certainty that night shift fucking sucks. The pay's pretty sweet, especially since I got six hours of Sunday work out of it, but it's just not worth it. I'll never take another weekend night shift, not at gunpoint.
Re: Hate Thread

Ooooh, that's a nasty one to fix, or so I hear (thankfully. *knocks on wood*) Are you okay, Sin?

Perfectly fine, mostly just cosmetic damage to the car. Front driver's side quarter panel was dented all to shit. The only functional damage was a busted running light, driver's door doesn't open all the way, and one of the windshield wipers was knocked loose. Running light and wiper are already fixed.

Still, wasn't fun.
Re: Hate Thread

Did you at least get dinner and a freezer of food out of the bastard?
Re: Hate Thread

I hate driving in twilight. Not a big thing, but it's just the worst type of light to drive in. Makes my eyes tired.
Re: Hate Thread

Perfectly fine, mostly just cosmetic damage to the car. Front driver's side quarter panel was dented all to shit. The only functional damage was a busted running light, driver's door doesn't open all the way, and one of the windshield wipers was knocked loose. Running light and wiper are already fixed.

Still, wasn't fun.

I can imagine not. Glad to hear that you're all right, though, and that your vehicle is on the mend as well.

I hate driving in twilight. Not a big thing, but it's just the worst type of light to drive in. Makes my eyes tired.

And you gotta watch out for all those sparkly bastards while you're at it.
Re: Hate Thread

Broken power supplies, they act all fine, send a little power to the mobo, just enough to make it light up, even let you turn the comp on for a second or two, and then BAM! No more power. It'd be fine if they were the only thing that did that, but god knows there's about 4 or 5 other reasons that cause the same type of malfunction.
Re: Hate Thread

Tigrex when pissed. I hate him with all my soul...bastard.
Re: Hate Thread

I'm fed up with all the people telling me that DotA 2 is SO MUCH BETTER than League of Legends, and that I'm a 'bad player' for preferring LoL over DotA 2.
The problem is, these same people don't want to help me learn DotA 2 so that I can become better at it. Instead, they want to stay confined to their own little circle-jerk, while calling anyone who prefers any MOBA besides DotA and DotA 2 failures. Funnily enough, this is the same problem I had with the first DotA - nobody wanted to help me learn it. So, I had to wait for LoL before I could even properly get started playing MOBA games.
Re: Hate Thread

I'm fed up with all the people telling me that DotA 2 is SO MUCH BETTER than League of Legends, and that I'm a 'bad player' for preferring LoL over DotA 2.
The problem is, these same people don't want to help me learn DotA 2 so that I can become better at it. Instead, they want to stay confined to their own little circle-jerk, while calling anyone who prefers any MOBA besides DotA and DotA 2 failures. Funnily enough, this is the same problem I had with the first DotA - nobody wanted to help me learn it. So, I had to wait for LoL before I could even properly get started playing MOBA games.

In all fairness, the LoL guys will scorn ya too, but at least some of them will teach you WHILE they scorn you.
Re: Hate Thread

In all fairness, the LoL guys will scorn ya too, but at least some of them will teach you WHILE they scorn you.

I was gonna say; most of those games do not provide a learning environment.

I had a friend once share some wisdom with me: "Nobody wants to spend all of their free time being insulted; it's why the single player game will never die out."
Re: Hate Thread

I don't like toasters.

I think my toaster's trying to kill me. Every morning, it always burns my toast to the point where its black. Then it tosses the toast at my eye, trying to blind me with burnt toast. And sometimes at night, I think it tries to cut my throat. With my alarm clock. Then, at a friend's house, a toaster attacked me by making my friend throw the toaster at my face. The friend said he was sorry because he got angry at me about some argument... but I know. I know, it was the toaster that did it.

Fuck toasters...