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Re: Hate Thread

I hate what I got at the lucky dip last night: a huge violet vase!

(I think I'm going to hide it away for a year, wait for everyone to forget about it, and then turn it in a birthday present for someone who pissed me off)

My father's side of the family has an ugly vase that became an in joke with all the aunts and uncles where they keep giving it to each other in random ways. They each try to come up with a way to give it back to one of the others topping the previous one (even had one uncle with a friend of his that is a cop get in on the craziness pulling over one of the other uncles and giving it to him during that time lol )
Re: Hate Thread

I hate waking up three minutes before my alarm goes off. I also hate when that waking up includes a coughing fit. It's that time again.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate bad dreams... Seriously, I hardly ever have any good ones. This time in my dream, I was walking through the city with my dad and some asshole shot at him... I tried to make them shoot me instead but it didn't work. Damnit...
Re: Hate Thread

I hate my current utter lack of desire to write. ;_;
Re: Hate Thread

It just comes with the territory with being a writer I think. Take your time Tass. Having fun is the most important part, after all.
Re: Hate Thread

Yeah because fuck plants, it's not like they're the basis for all life on this planet or anything.
Re: Hate Thread

Ben is leaving for Texas for two weeks.



Have a mage. I need the rogue.

I hate this week. Family picnic Sunday going just banner until I walk into the computer room to find out that the bird I've had for, oh, about 20 years is on the bottom of his cage.

Work is batshit insane because it's the beginning of the month and we're freaking slammed.

My friend keeps forgetting to dig out the book of mine that she borrowed and therefore can't get it back to me.

Had to take my mother to the ER this morning and they're keeping her overnight after doing a heart cauterization to make sure there's no complications.

And have to find a way to tactfully tell a friend that I won't be around at all on Saturday night without making her grumbly with me.
Re: Hate Thread

Have a mage. I need the rogue.

I hate this week. Family picnic Sunday going just banner until I walk into the computer room to find out that the bird I've had for, oh, about 20 years is on the bottom of his cage.

Work is batshit insane because it's the beginning of the month and we're freaking slammed.

My friend keeps forgetting to dig out the book of mine that she borrowed and therefore can't get it back to me.

Had to take my mother to the ER this morning and they're keeping her overnight after doing a heart cauterization to make sure there's no complications.

And have to find a way to tactfully tell a friend that I won't be around at all on Saturday night without making her grumbly with me.
-grabbyhands on the mage- Maybe I should write while he's gone. Maybe that will help...
Re: Hate Thread

You should. And share it!
Re: Hate Thread

Quite! Could use a little fun reading to make for a better week.

Oh, and mom is home and fine. Sore, but fine. Now I just need to keep from going pitbull on her boss.
Re: Hate Thread

It's good that your mum's back. Does this also mean your rogue is back?
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that my brother only ever call me when he needs a favor (which usually involves finding something he lost, bringing him something he forgot or letting him borrow my car)
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the day I had in general. Humid as fuck-all, then sideways rain and heavy wind out of NOWHERE, soaking and chilling me to the bone. Then I get home, and no matter what I play, either A) I derp and fuck up, or B) my team is trolling the fuck out of me.

Re: Hate Thread

It's good that your mum's back. Does this also mean your rogue is back?

No, I have the rogue still, but I need to get back on track with him. It's the mage I've lent out, heh.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate not being able to drive and not having enough money to get my own plance in town.
Sometimes i wish i could just sprout wings and fly away. I wouldnt have to think about other peoples schedules or worry about cars, i would just grow wings and fly off to wherever i wanted to go and fly back home whenever I was ready :/