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Heroine Concept For A New Project

Re: Heroine Concept For A New Project

Hi, I also have a screen resolution of 1366 x 768. I believe this is quite staple for laptop users. This was also an issue for another homegrown game called Exiled. However, that game was eventually abandoned due to memory leak and CTD issues. I love RoR games! Good luck to your endeavors!
Re: Heroine Concept For A New Project

Giron, you should probably edit your first post to include basic info about the game. like current version, changes and the link to your site.
Re: Heroine Concept For A New Project

so approved :D
Re: Heroine Concept For A New Project

The controls feel solid enough. It will be the enemy AI that makes or breaks this. And by break it I mean make the game very sexy if unwinnable.
Re: Heroine Concept For A New Project

Zid: I got the deprecation warning out of the way, shouldn't be a problem in the next update later this evening.

4 days later...

<3 you Giron :p
And yes, I know, that pesky thing known as Real Life can get in the way of things.

Next task: Integrating a system to add background and progression through the level.

v0.2 landmark goal: A fully playable first level with the heroine, background, enemies, and a health system

WOOHOO! Enemies. :D
Re: Heroine Concept For A New Project

I love your new avatar, I'm high fiving it like crazy.

Makes me think I'm getting slapped in the face over and over again. And HECK YES!


oh and by the way.


Re: Heroine Concept For A New Project

Thanks for the support guys.
considerably bigger than the usual 640x480 or 800x600, but I'm not sure how big is too big. Case in point I would love to do one in 1280x1024.

i use 1280x1180 i think i'm not sure i'll just check

edit: 1280x1024 is the highest resolution damn it oh well off topic anyone know where the 3d sexy games are 3d sexy being the creator of the games
Last edited:
Re: Heroine Concept For A New Project

this looks like a cross between Demon Girl and Nanocrisis, an interesting combination, i'll keep my eye on this project and wait for a version 0.0.1
Re: Heroine Concept For A New Project

wow you are very fast LoL i hope you'll release soon a little demo :p
Re: Heroine Concept For A New Project

Unfortunately I executed the tactical error or discover Lord of the Rings Online...

I've worked the MMO bug out of my system for a bit long enough to stage this update. There's no binary update yet, but the source code has been updated with a simple background and foreground rendering system that allows scrolling. Furthermore I've simplified the graphics options by eliminating hardware acceleration which, come to find out, doesn't work on most modern graphics cards anyway since they're accelerated for 3D, not 2D.

I'll try to upload a revised binary later tonight.

P.S. The background looks pretty ugly at the moment, I'm having issues finding a good visual for the first/demo level which is the run through the battlefield between heaven and the first stage of earth. If anyone would like to tinker with the system you can open the level1.txt file and edit it with your own images and such.
Re: Heroine Concept For A New Project

so, wait, pardon me for probably being retarded or just overlooking something, but there is a playable level right? then would someone be so kind as to after doing that lovely little turtle program thingy (makes things easier thanks btw) that I can only get the first demo version, with just the heroine and the black background? someone give a fapper a hand here?
Re: Heroine Concept For A New Project

No, not a playable level yet. The only thing that's changed today is that there's a background now. I'll be compiling and uploading shortly.
Re: Heroine Concept For A New Project

Ah, well then, carry on good sir. My bad.
Re: Heroine Concept For A New Project

Newest binary should be up and running.
Re: Heroine Concept For A New Project

Woot, a new binary, cool!!!


Ok, i don't know what that imply, but who cares, it's new, so it's cool...
Re: Heroine Concept For A New Project

Allow me to elucidate.

Binary = compiled version of otherwise incomprehensible source code

In short a single .exe file that can be run instead of a confusing mass of programming gibberish.

To download aforementioned binary, simply click below.
Re: Heroine Concept For A New Project

Oooooh, i see. Thanks for explaining.
Re: Heroine Concept For A New Project

This is a repost from a new Everything Else thread. Just thought it would fit well here as well since this is the original game thread.

Friendly greetings everyone. :) Lately I've been working on-and-off with a game that I had started as a replacement for the overly ambitious Community Game on the old ULMF site. I have a thread in the Hentai Games section, but it's buried pretty deep by now, and I think a thread on the Everything Else forum might get better responses than one in just the games forum.

The story is roughly as follows. I've condensed it to save room.

For time immemorial Heaven and Hell have been locked in mortal war. Striving in the firmament betwixt the two bitter enemies to sway the hearts of man and overthrow their adversary. In recent times though (by human reckoning) the faith of the world itself has weakened and slid, thrusting the armies of Heaven in to distress. The army of beautiful angelic warriors has been slowly battered back from the gates of Hell, until now only a small contingent hold the forward guard. War has broken through in to the Firmament itself (what the divines call our world) and advance raiding parties of demons have begun to stalk the area around Heaven itself.

In the midst of this chaos a young angle has been thrown. Though only several centuries old herself she is swift of flight and foot, and has been tasked with delivering a vital message to the troops valiantly fighting to hold the gates of Hell. She must brave the lowers levels of Heaven, the long descent through the firmament, and the deadly journey in to the bowels of Hell itself, to dutifully deliver her message and earn her angelic wings.

All of that is essentially a dressed up excuse for a DG/JG styled side-scrolling Run-or-Rape game. Right now the plan is simple. Navigate a variety of levels transversing Heaven, Earth, and Hell, dodging a variety of spirits, demons, and creatures along the way. Right now there is no concept of how combat will be done if at all, though bosses and such would be fun to do.

Pretty much what I'm looking for are ideas for the enemies in the first area, the one from Heaven's Gate to the front lines of Heaven more or less. These will probably be mainly the "basic" enemy of the game as well as a small amount of comparatively easy stronger enemies. In addition to the enemies, I'm also looking for level ideas, places, situations, and encounters you would like to see or that intrigue you.

Enemy types should be generally demonic in a bipedal form, as well as weird or macabre demon forms. Spirits, possessed people, possessed animals, and artifical dark constructs are game too. Anything that might conceivably be crafted by the dark, occult forces of Hell for the destruction and violation of angels.

Rest assured I'm working on ideas myself, but I have a hard time crafting excellent or original concepts in this sort of games for reasons I'm trying to resolve. I look forward to your thoughts. Thanks in advance.


P.S. The game does have a Subversion (SVN) link for those who know how to access them. The link itself is
There IS a working binary for the game so far as well, though there is little available to see at the moment, if you click here.
Re: Heroine Concept For A New Project

wow i thought this projejt was die but it's untrue oh yessss :D

will you release a demo?? =)