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Heroine Concept For A New Project

Re: Heroine Concept For A New Project

wow i thought this projejt was die but it's untrue oh yessss :D

will you release a demo?? =)

5 spelling/grammar mistakes and a smiley in a single sentence.

...I hate you
Re: Heroine Concept For A New Project

How could I have missed this thread up until now?! I'm disappointed of myself.

Anyhu, I applaud your effort, sir, this indeed gets my hopes quite high ;) Here's to hoping you'll make something as good as/even better than Nightmare Sphere /Nanocrisis (and I'm mentioning them because, imho, they're the best hentai games we've seen in recent times).

Pretty much what I'm looking for are ideas for the enemies in the first area, the one from Heaven's Gate to the front lines of Heaven more or less. These will probably be mainly the "basic" enemy of the game as well as a small amount of comparatively easy stronger enemies. In addition to the enemies, I'm also looking for level ideas, places, situations, and encounters you would like to see or that intrigue you.

Well, here's . As for the Earth level, maybe spice in some witches/wizzards/possesed people? Maybe even a possesed priest that tricks the angel and then screws her over? And then as she enters hell, maybe a boss battle with the Cerberus dog? It's all your call. ;)

As for level ideas, I'm sure you might have thought about some of these, but I'll point them out just in case you find something interesting: Gates of Heaven (maybe even with something related to Saint Peter), Heaven's waiting room, High mountains (when the angel exits Heaven, she'll be somewhere high, right?), mountain slopes, Garden of Eden/Valley of the 4 rivers (in a more philosophical light, it could maybe be a slumish city built by man on top of what used to be the Garden of Eden?), an abandoned mine (the miners of old always feared they'd one day find hell, right?), underground caverns, gates of hell (with the cerberus as it's guardian), plains of hell.

That's pretty much all that comes to my mind right now, hope you may find something useful by sifting through the wall of text :p
Re: Heroine Concept For A New Project

parjoala: That list you found is fantastic, that will help a lot I think. I had considered having humans of some kind in the earth area, but hadn't found a way to do it until you mentioned possessed humans mixed with wizards/witches/warlocks who would logically be thralls of evil as a rule.

Since this is essentially a game more about running a gauntlet and dodging than fighting so far at least (there aren't any offensive combat mechanics implemented yet, though it's always a possibility) I was thinking for boss fights there could be special running sequences, where there is a large boss chasing, possibly launching attacks of various types, so a certain pace has to be maintained with enemies and obstacles ahead to dodge with no possibility for a rest of any kind. Cerberus might serve that purpose well, though style wise I have a preference for Judeo-Christian tradition over Greek.

I like some of the level ideas. The Garden of Eden has been put forth before and seems to be a popular idea, so it definitely deserves being fleshed out a little more. Your ideas for the transitions Heaven->Earth and Earth-> are especially intriguing. Thanks for the ideas. I'll poke through that list and see if I can find some good enemies for the first level.
Re: Heroine Concept For A New Project

Glad to be of help :D

I mentioned the Cerberus because he's such a popular mythical figure that people often forget the fact that he comes from the ancient greeks. Ask whoever you want and you'll see that at least 7/10 people will say that the cerberus is the dog that guards the gates of hell (not Hades).

Anyhu, looking around for a christian version of the Cerberus, I came across that you might find useful.
Re: Heroine Concept For A New Project

For the Eden finale I'd pitch the serpent, I mean he got Eve to eat that apple expecting her to put out probably but nooooooooo, God totally kills the mood. It would also be a good place to stick in the almost required succubus enemy, Lillith was born in the garden of eden, it's seems plausible that her daughters would be hanging around the dark and warped remains of it.
Re: Heroine Concept For A New Project

Lilith(adam's first partner who was banished from eden by god for refusing to submit to adam) is not a succubus, she's the mother of all demons.

Btw, the christian version of cerberus comes from the Inferno of Dante Alighieri, where it's three heads devours and digest, in an eternal cycle, those who sinned in gluttony, and thats pretty far from the gates, this gates of hell guardian thing mostly comes from movies and videogames.
Re: Heroine Concept For A New Project

Lilith(adam's first partner who was banished from eden by god for refusing to submit to adam) is not a succubus, she's the mother of all demons.

Btw, the christian version of cerberus comes from the Inferno of Dante Alighieri, where it's three heads devours and digest, in an eternal cycle, those who sinned in gluttony, and thats pretty far from the gates, this gates of hell guardian thing mostly comes from movies and videogames.

I think the gate guardian aspect comes from greek mythology actually.

Re: Heroine Concept For A New Project

Dante's Inferno used and referenced Greek mythology and philosophers - incorporating them into his artistic vision of Hell. Since his work is one of the more famous and creative views of Hell, I wouldn't begrudge anyone for saying that the Gates of Hell and the hellhound or cerebrus is a part of a Christian's outlook.
Re: Heroine Concept For A New Project

I think the gate guardian aspect comes from greek mythology actually.


Well, yeah, Cerberus in greek mythology guards the entrance to hades, which in most writings don't have an actual gate, but is a deep cave crossed by the underground river styx, still most people don't know much more about greek mythology than what they see in movies and games, and those media are created by people that usually just patch information together to make the story intersting more than literary correct. My point is these people see cerberus at the gate and cerberus in hell and make cerberus the guardian of the gate of hell, and all those that play the game or watch the movie (with a limited knowledge of the sources) make assumptions and elaborate an incorrect truth, it's been a good 60 years that we got movies about satanism and such stuff that divulged a great deal of misinformation, just look at the mess that came out of vampires(from Vlad III the impaler, to twilight...).
Re: Heroine Concept For A New Project

Well, yeah, Cerberus in greek mythology guards the entrance to hades, which in most writings don't have an actual gate, but is a deep cave crossed by the underground river styx, still most people don't know much more about greek mythology than what they see in movies and games, and those media are created by people that usually just patch information together to make the story intersting more than literary correct. My point is these people see cerberus at the gate and cerberus in hell and make cerberus the guardian of the gate of hell, and all those that play the game or watch the movie (with a limited knowledge of the sources) make assumptions and elaborate an incorrect truth, it's been a good 60 years that we got movies about satanism and such stuff that divulged a great deal of misinformation, just look at the mess that came out of vampires(from Vlad III the impaler, to twilight...).

Twilight has no Vampires, silly. They sparkle and live in a forest. They're obviously fairies.
Re: Heroine Concept For A New Project

Re: Heroine Concept For A New Project

Dante's Inferno used and referenced Greek mythology and philosophers - incorporating them into his artistic vision of Hell. Since his work is one of the more famous and creative views of Hell, I wouldn't begrudge anyone for saying that the Gates of Hell and the hellhound or cerebrus is a part of a Christian's outlook.

Agreed, Christianity is basically a pastiche of previous beliefs... for instance, Eve+Apple/Pandora+Box... I remember doing a comparative study of a mesopotamian religion with Xianity and Greek Mythology and it felt like I was reading the same stories three times!
Re: Heroine Concept For A New Project

Agreed, Christianity is basically a pastiche of previous beliefs... for instance, Eve+Apple/Pandora+Box... I remember doing a comparative study of a mesopotamian religion with Xianity and Greek Mythology and it felt like I was reading the same stories three times!

Well, that can be said about pretty much all religions, they all come from somewhere, lot's of the repetitions you find can also be seen as reinterpretations of different points of view(religions) of a fact or story or myth. Christianity comes from judaism mainly, and, although there are many opinions around, who knows where judaism comes from. Besides, many things look similar only because the concept they are trying to pass on is the same, and you can find these kind of examples in pretty much all religions.
One could say there are so many similarities because there's just one god and he/she/it lacks imagination when speaking to different people.:rolleyes:
As a matter of fact these "parables" are just elaborations of simple concepts that aim to instruct people on the "correct" way of living, a set of rules to follow or teachings on how to handle situations or life in general. That said, the concepts didn't change too much from population to population all the way past the dark age, it's been only recently that the concepts of life have changed(and not everywhere in the world yet), with science giving a more solid base of analisys than the "sacred scriptures"(be careful i'm not saying science beats religion here, but that physical datas are more reliable than words, and more reliable doesn't mean they are inherently true), for example qu'ran says you can't eat animals died of natural death, because the the animal must be killed in a particular ritual to be suitable for consumption, now, this might look stupid to most people, but about two thousand years ago they didn't know what viruses and bacteria were and there were not many safe ways to conserve meat(expecially in the desert's heat), so to keep people healthy and prevent the spreading of infections there needed to be rules, and religion was the perfect way, since it rules with the fear of post-death judgement(and pre-death punishments :rolleyes:), which at the time was very effective.
Re: Heroine Concept For A New Project

*teleports and starts shooting fireballs*
Re: Heroine Concept For A New Project

Ahh... But Raptor, an enlightened mind knows not Religion but Faith

For all religions are one...
Re: Heroine Concept For A New Project

... one hollow and ultimately unfulfilling attempt to provide comfort for the masses and control over their actions.

I'll make an exception for RJ though. I've been a devout follower of dinosaurs since age 4, an avid fan of raptors since Jurassic Park at age 6 and as far as I'm concerned anything that has the magical booze creating hands of Jebus coupled with the wisdom of philosoraptor and teeth like a chain saw is alright by me.
Re: Heroine Concept For A New Project

And RaptorJesus is just a name. Since you can interact with me, I think it's safe to say I'm much more real than those other religious figures out there.