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RPG Localization Mod Hunter's Quest - Aina's Fighting Story English Mod (RJ131569)

Re: [RJ131569] Hunter's Quest - Aina's Fighting Story

Yep, I even tried to make it clearer than the original. There is a hidden tomb somewhere...

Yeah, I saw a bunch of hints, but i havn't seen the tomb itself.

think I have all the swords and the Will though. and I've met the bloke in the graveyard.

I don't explore much in dungeons becasue the enemies spawn every three fucking steps.

You get a bunch of sprites on the map for you to try and avoid, except they spawn based on proximity, so it's completely impossible to actually clear an area out.

Honestly, this method of doing it is probably even worse than just raw random encounters.
Re: [RJ131569] Hunter's Quest - Aina's Fighting Story

Yeah, I saw a bunch of hints, but i havn't seen the tomb itself.

think I have all the swords and the Will though. and I've met the bloke in the graveyard.

I don't explore much in dungeons becasue the enemies spawn every three fucking steps.

You get a bunch of sprites on the map for you to try and avoid, except they spawn based on proximity, so it's completely impossible to actually clear an area out.

Honestly, this method of doing it is probably even worse than just raw random encounters.

Yea, I agree with the annoyance of the quick respawning. Anyways, the tomb is in Rano, and the graveyard guy give probably the best hint. (and tombs are usually, where?)
Re: [RJ131569] Hunter's Quest - Aina's Fighting Story

I know you said you weren't gonna patch for a while (probably) but I guess I can still leave notes here for when you get around to it?

- The breeder bad end has the same bug that prince interview had. It stays on-screen after you revisit the memory.

- The final conversation with Corone (where the guard rushes in to tell you the prisoner has escaped) isn't translated yet?

Anyways, good job! If this is something that inspired Aylia's Story then I'm even more hyped for that game! Although I hope Aylia will act on her lewdness a bit more...; what's the use of adding a stat like that if Aina is essentially gonna stay a prude throughout?
Re: [RJ131569] Hunter's Quest - Aina's Fighting Story

I started a bit earlier (I wanted to wait few post release patch), and i have some remarks:
-I did the prince medicament (He told me about the brothel) -> The snake -> Then I went to the brothel. First, I had an untranslated line when I had to go back to the prince (when I entered the mansion), and also, the dialog with the prince felt very awkward since it was like he saw her (and she saw him) for the first time (no comment about the previous encounter, etc).
It also doesn't make sense "Hey, you should work at my brothel!" "Hey, I want to work at this brothel, the prince sent me!" "Ok, but I think you should go to the prince for an interview" "Ok!" "So, I have to interview you for the brothel???".

-You also have an untranslated line if you try to remove your bikini without a body armor (before talking to the prince), or if you try to dress up again after talking to the prince after the booster thing when still inside the mansion (for both).

-I then did the supplement thing, and after the scene, if you go back to the basement, the sprite for the sick woman change when you talk to her. She does not before the snake quest.
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Re: [RJ131569] Hunter's Quest - Aina's Fighting Story

I started a bit earlier (I wanted to wait few post release patch), and i have some remarks:
-I did the prince medicament (He told me about the brothel) -> The snake -> Then I went to the brothel. First, I had an untranslated line when I had to go back to the prince (when I entered the mansion), and also, the dialog with the prince felt very awkward since it was like he saw her (and she saw him) for the first time (no comment about the previous encounter, etc).
It also doesn't make sense "Hey, you should work at my brothel!" "Hey, I want to work at this brothel, the prince sent me!" "Ok, but I think you should go to the prince for an interview" "Ok!" "So, I have to interview you for the brothel???".

-You also have an untranslated line if you try to remove your bikini without a body armor (before talking to the prince), or if you try to dress up again after talking to the prince after the booster thing when still inside the mansion (for both).

-I then did the supplement thing, and after the scene, if you go back to the basement, the sprite for the sick woman change when you talk to her. She does not before the snake quest.

Yea, that's how a lot of events are in the original. There is pretty much no carrying over from prior events. Anything you read where NPCs comment on earlier stuff or comment on Aina's attire is my additions to try and flesh the game out a bit more.

As for the prince line, I didn't mess with it a ton, because I find brothels in h-games pretty damn boring. So, I didn't add much, hence it reads how it would have in the original.

As for the untranslated text, there is a lot of untranslated text when you remove or equip clothing. It is a simple line, and I got tired of trying to figure all the inefficient eventing out. Instead of doing one common event with a script to call it after exiting the menu, the developer created a unique event on every map. AND, those events vary from map to map where her clothing restraints vary, sometimes with little to no sense. So, I figured, I would maintain the developer's clothing restrictions properly if I just left it untranslated in places like the Prince's Palace.

Still, I appreciate the report. It may be something I look at fixing for 2.0.0 way down the line, but not anything worth tackling now.
Re: [RJ131569] Hunter's Quest - Aina's Fighting Story

I see^^

Well, just wanted to point it out, just in case^^Edit: Well, when i'm still remembering it, most of he "you will enter in ..." are untranslated, except the one for the bar which notes "Br" and the one for the inn (just a I, if it's not the katakana for E, i'm not really sure, just started the japanese). Did you tried something here, or something messed up? (not really important).
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Re: [RJ131569] Hunter's Quest - Aina's Fighting Story

I see^^

Well, just wanted to point it out, just in case^^Edit: Well, when i'm still remembering it, most of he "you will enter in ..." are untranslated, except the one for the bar which notes "Br" and the one for the inn (just a I, if it's not the katakana for E, i'm not really sure, just started the japanese). Did you tried something here, or something messed up? (not really important).

Yea, I tried to translate a few, but it does not put certain letters in there. Another person on another forum gave me a way to fix it. I have to edit the script and change the font apparently. I kind of forgot about it though, thanks for reminding me!
Re: [RJ131569] Hunter's Quest - Aina's Fighting Story

Hmmm.... not sure how I feel on this one.

Part of me would rather play the game as the developer intended even if there's less content, if only because the perception of it being changed (for better or worse) messes with my immersion a little bit. For me, it's much easier to get immersed in a world created by "unseen developers", than to play a game where I associate individual elements to individuals.

But on the other hand, it's already gone from one language to another, so it's not like we're always seeing the dev's intent 1:1 anyway.

I know it's probably not viable since changing stuff often amounts to small changes to everything, but if I had the choice, I'd prefer to have just the translation, and then the additions as an option so that they could be experienced in the same manner as mods. (That is, after you've already experienced the game, or as a conscious decision during gameplay)

However I know that an option, or even two versions would probably be a hassle, unless you did the translation first.
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Re: [RJ131569] Hunter's Quest - Aina's Fighting Story

Hmmm.... not sure how I feel on this one.

Part of me would rather play the game as the developer intended even if there's less content, if only because the perception of it being changed (for better or worse) messes with my immersion a little bit. For me, it's much easier to get immersed in a world created by "unseen developers", than to play a game where I associate individual elements to individuals.

That's a valid viewpoint, and one or two other people asked me about it. I split v1.0.0 and 2.0.0 up to kind of offer this. V2 will have my complete quest additions, whereas this is the original game only. It does still contain a lot of minor changes, but throughout, I tried damn hard to stay true to the developer's original vision. For example, at the start, they talk about the Great Demon Asmodian. In the original game, They just say a rebel group is trying to revive him, but offer no backstory as to what the demon is, why a whole country is scared, etc. So, in translating, I add 2-3 dialogue boxes with just a little backstory to make Asmodian the badass he is supposed to be. Yes, that is not the original developer's writing, but I'd hope it adds to his story without changing it.

I think the only scene that I really changed was the zombie one, because it was pretty silly originally. I instead tried to make it hold at least a little bit of realism so that it was not just so silly it was a boner killer. I thought it turned out pretty good actually, but in that case, it was not necessarily in line with the dev's original writing. That is the only scene I can think of that had changes that I did not try to keep true to the original.

As for what most of my "improvements" are, well they are changes to NPCs to flesh out the game. The original has NPCs who have 1, maybe 2 comments, the entire game. You could be walking around with your tits hanging out, and they don't bat an eye. I tried to add short dialogue branches for Aina's current attire. I also tried to keep the NPCs in line with how the original developer wrote them (where possible). In cases like this, I don't see how adding more dynamic NPCs would ever be a "bad" thing. As long as the grammar wasn't atrocious. Beyond that, I added little exhibition mini events, and added a standing portrait (mimicking the original art) to just have her breasts out. So, when NPCs reacted to Aina's attire, they might try to get her to show a little more. Again, I didn't change the original story or anything.

So, I get that some people worry when a translator adds to things, but I tried to be up front from announcement to release that I'd be doing this. Then, I split it into two versions, so people who didn't want my completely new content, could avoid that. To split it further and do a true translation only, would be about the same amount of work as translating the whole game. That is more than I'd be willing to take on. So, I don't begrudge you if you choose not to play it. I think its a fun, little game and believe this translation still stays true to the developer's original story.
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Re: [RJ131569] Hunter's Quest - Aina's Fighting Story

I think the only scene that I really changed was the zombie one, because it was pretty silly originally. I instead tried to make it hold at least a little bit of realism so that it was not just so silly it was a boner killer. I thought it turned out pretty good actually, but in that case, it was not necessarily in line with the dev's original writing. That is the only scene I can think of that had changes that I did not try to keep true to the original.

Mind sharing what the original scene was like?
Re: [RJ131569] Hunter's Quest - Aina's Fighting Story

I'm not really saying that the changes are always good or bad; however if some of the things that you saw as flaws could have been be regarded differently by others, then it isn't really the place of a translator to make those changes (For example, if they wanted to keep something vague or unimportant, but you expanded upon it).

That's the main argument others might have, however mine is more of a personal thing. Basically, when I read a story, I don't like considering external factors; like wondering "did the character actually say this, or was it added?", since those sorts of things make me second guess content rather than take it at face value, which in turn makes the game less immersive. On the other hand, I'm perfectly fine playing a mod and appreciating it after the raw experience, since there wouldn't be that same second-guessing.

It's also one of the reasons why I can't really play games where the writers have obvious political agendas, or allude to events outside of the game. It just screams "I'm a writer!" to me, and then I stop seeing the characters as characters.

But anyhow, that's just my personal preference, and I don't mean to belittle what you're doing (You did a lot of work, and you're just trying to make it better). Though I will say that as a creator myself, I'd probably prefer that a translator kept the translation and modifications as separate as possible, even to the detriment of the game.
Re: [RJ131569] Hunter's Quest - Aina's Fighting Story

When I interact with the shiny stones before the tutorial fight, the dialogue with the instructor seems bugged. There is no text, only Aina's portrait is changing.

Other things I noticed so far:
- when buying skills, the Buy and Exit options
- when I stand in front of the door to the weapon shop, the sign above Aina's head
- south town exit, the sign reads "Portl", Inn reads "I"
- when I try to put clothes back on in the prince's residence
- Aina also says something in japanese when you enter the prince's residence after talking to the brother receptionist.

I applied 1.0.3.
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Re: [RJ131569] Hunter's Quest - Aina's Fighting Story

I'm not really saying that the changes are always good or bad; however if some of the things that you saw as flaws could have been be regarded differently by others, then it isn't really the place of a translator to make those changes (For example, if they wanted to keep something vague or unimportant, but you expanded upon it).

At the risk of offending you... I think you're being a bit overly sensitive about it. I say that, because the notion that any changes will distract you so much that you can't play is a bit crazy to me. But, I'm not saying your opinion is without value or merit.

I'm also developing my own game, and I thought about what I would think if someone took my game and did the same thing. To me, the important part was keeping my vision for the game intact. If they added little bits, creating new side quests, tried to improve on weak areas, I would like it. If they heavy-handedly rewrote and change the purpose of my game, that would annoy me. If you read the original and read the translation, you'll see a ton of changes, but you'd also see that the primary story and endings read the same. I felt this was the most important part, and I disagree that a translator should ignore obvious flaws in the writing or game just to keep it exactly the same.

Still, not all translations or games are going to be what you or I want. So, I understand if this is not one you'd like to play. I appreciate your comment and will consider it in the future. Perhaps, if I tackle another translation, I'll set things up from the get-go to keep a true translation and then offer two versions. This one is simply too far down the line for me to go back.

@NLL: The primary difference is in my version, Aina takes the lead and uses her hand, mouth and pussy to halt the zombies. Basically, she desperately tries giving the zombie a handjob as a last resort, and the creature responds to the pleasure, stopping its advance.

In the original version, the zombies were the ones who took the lead. Meaning, they attacked Aina and forced themselves on her. As the zombies were portrayed as "zombies" not sex-crazed creatures, it just rubbed me wrong for a braindead, flesh-eating creature to want to have sex with Aina. My thought process was that if Aina initiated it, the creatures might respond to the good feelings, but they wouldn't have the intelligence to seek them out.

@bigtoror0: thanks, noted. I knew about those, some are script translations that I'm avoiding due to what happened at the end of May, others are ones I might try to translate later, but decided it was not worth trying to figure out the developer's inefficient eventing structure to translate properly.
Re: [RJ131569] Hunter's Quest - Aina's Fighting Story

Is there any way to ger her naked? I mean, I am at 200 corruption right now and I just can't make her do it.
Re: [RJ131569] Hunter's Quest - Aina's Fighting Story

At the risk of offending you... I think you're being a bit overly sensitive about it. I say that, because the notion that any changes will distract you so much that you can't play is a bit crazy to me. But, I'm not saying your opinion is without value or merit.

I'm also developing my own game, and I thought about what I would think if someone took my game and did the same thing. To me, the important part was keeping my vision for the game intact. If they added little bits, creating new side quests, tried to improve on weak areas, I would like it. If they heavy-handedly rewrote and change the purpose of my game, that would annoy me. If you read the original and read the translation, you'll see a ton of changes, but you'd also see that the primary story and endings read the same. I felt this was the most important part, and I disagree that a translator should ignore obvious flaws in the writing or game just to keep it exactly the same.

@NLL: The primary difference is in my version, Aina takes the lead and uses her hand, mouth and pussy to halt the zombies. Basically, she desperately tries giving the zombie a handjob as a last resort, and the creature responds to the pleasure, stopping its advance.

In the original version, the zombies were the ones who took the lead. Meaning, they attacked Aina and forced themselves on her. As the zombies were portrayed as "zombies" not sex-crazed creatures, it just rubbed me wrong for a braindead, flesh-eating creature to want to have sex with Aina. My thought process was that if Aina initiated it, the creatures might respond to the good feelings, but they wouldn't have the intelligence to seek them out.

That kind of just proves my point about changes being subjective. I'm more into submissive rape fantasy, so the original scene sounds more appealing to me. Honestly, the appeal of some fetishes is how unrealistic and absurd they are, so it may be easy to let personal bias affect the theme or content of a scene.

You may appreciate people changing your game, but just like my absurd dislike of "second-guessing content", it's a personal stance. Ultimately, this isn't your game, and you're changing things about the content that were conscious decisions on the part of the developer. As a translator, I think you should respect the devs intentions, and then as a modder, you should explore your own preferences, giving players the choice to both play the game for what it was, and what you want it to be.
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Re: [RJ131569] Hunter's Quest - Aina's Fighting Story

That kind of just proves my point about changes being subjective. I'm more into submissive rape fantasy, so the original scene sounds more appealing to me. Honestly, the appeal of some fetishes is how unrealistic and absurd they are, so it may be easy to let personal bias affect the theme or content of a scene.

You may appreciate people changing your game, but just like my absurd dislike of "second-guessing content", it's a personal stance. Ultimately, this isn't your game, and you're changing things about the content that were conscious decisions on the part of the developer. As a translator, I think you should respect the devs intentions, and then as a modder, you should explore your own preferences, giving players the choice to both play the game for what it was, and what you want it to be.

Okay, but as I said, that is literally the ONLY scene I did this with. Of the 20+ scenes, I did this with ONE. So yes, I made a change to his intentions in one instance. I get that the change fit with my fetishes more than anyone else's, and that's just what happens when I'm the one who translates it. As with Habisain in VPM, I'm the one busting my ass in my spare time to do this, I'm therefore the ultimate authority on what'll be in the translation.

Either way, you've made your point. If you're trying to get me to take down the translation or something, I'm not planning on doing so. If the original developer contacts me, and asks me to do so, I will. I'm very proud of the translation, I think it reads well and represents the sheer amount of work I put into giving people access to the game. I've pushed at every turn that people support the original developer over giving me any donations, and I watched his 2014 game jump back into the top 20 purchased products on DLSite twice in the past month. So, he's gone from a little over 4,000 sales to 6,600+.

@Thundras: No, she never is able to walk around naked. The corruption mechanic is very, very limited. It only opens up the brothel, the bunny suit and determines your ending. That's how the original dev created it.
Re: [RJ131569] Hunter's Quest - Aina's Fighting Story

@bigtoror0: thanks, noted. I knew about those, some are script translations that I'm avoiding due to what happened at the end of May, others are ones I might try to translate later, but decided it was not worth trying to figure out the developer's inefficient eventing structure to translate properly.

Right, none of those is anything major anyway, just listed them in case. If I came across anything else I'll post it.

Btw, wouldn't it be possible to also hide the dark transparent rectangle below the text when you hide the text pressing Shift?
Re: [RJ131569] Hunter's Quest - Aina's Fighting Story

Okay, but as I said, that is literally the ONLY scene I did this with. Of the 20+ scenes, I did this with ONE. So yes, I made a change to his intentions in one instance. I get that the change fit with my fetishes more than anyone else's, and that's just what happens when I'm the one who translates it. As with Habisain in VPM, I'm the one busting my ass in my spare time to do this, I'm therefore the ultimate authority on what'll be in the translation.

Either way, you've made your point. If you're trying to get me to take down the translation or something, I'm not planning on doing so. If the original developer contacts me, and asks me to do so, I will. I'm very proud of the translation, I think it reads well and represents the sheer amount of work I put into giving people access to the game. I've pushed at every turn that people support the original developer over giving me any donations, and I watched his 2014 game jump back into the top 20 purchased products on DLSite twice in the past month. So, he's gone from a little over 4,000 sales to 6,600+.

Not once did I say that your content was bad, or that I didn't appreciate your time or effort. But you got defensive all the same, so if you don't want me to sugar coat my opinions then that's fine with me.

Changing the context or content of a scene isn't "just what happens" when a project get's translated. You're not localizing under the scrutiny of cultural expectations or laws; a privilege that not all Japanese games get. It seems to me a very arrogant and dismissive handling of the source material to assume that tampering with it here and there doesn't, and shouldn't matter to anyone. You can say that you personally don't care all you want, and that you want to focus on it as a revision, just don't dismiss the feelings of players as "oversensitive" and then act as if you're being attacked because they don't want to play a version with changes you're proud of.

That said, keep doing what you want to do. If other people like it, great. I just wish that the choice was there, and that you weren't so dismissive of what changes are in the 1.00, however small you think they are.
Re: [RJ131569] Hunter's Quest - Aina's Fighting Story

From my second reply, "Still, not all translations or games are going to be what you or I want. So, I understand if this is not one you'd like to play. I appreciate your comment and will consider it in the future. Perhaps, if I tackle another translation, I'll set things up from the get-go to keep a true translation and then offer two versions. This one is simply too far down the line for me to go back"

I said, in the future, I'd take that into account. That when starting a translation, I'd consider putting in the effort to create two versions. What you are arguing for is not some simple thing. You're basically asking me to create TWO translations instead of one. That is a shitload more work, it is not some small minor thing. I've been exceedingly clear what this is throughout, it's an adaptation of the original game, not a true translation.

You accuse me of misrepresenting your stance, I can make the same argument. I never said that my modifications were something that "just happens" when you translate. I've said from the START that I am consciously adding and making what I consider improvements to the original game. By-and-large, the things I've changed are also things that I've seen time and again listed as complaints by people who play these games. Prior to you, I've literally NEVER seen someone who wants NPCs to be soulless sprites with a single comment the entire game. I've NEVER seen someone who wants NPCs that don't react to what you do, your choices in clothing, etc. My experience in playing these games as that those are universally appreciated improvements, but I've obviously found the exception to that rule.

You can say I get defensive, well, of course I do. This represents a shitload of my time. I've also taken a number of steps I don't see other translators take to respect the author's vision and to promote sales or the original developers game. So, yes, it did make me a little defensive. That said, I don't believe I was defensive until your third reply saying essentially the same thing. I stated in the first two replies, that I DO respect your opinion. While I disagree with it, I also conceded in the second reply that I would consider creating two versions if I translate something else (not likely). I don't see how that is excessively rude, or not treating you with respect.

Thank you for your viewpoint, and thank you for actually posting the comment. I like feedback of all types, and this IS constructive criticism. I may disagree, but it is still valid. I doubt you'll ever see another translation from me, but if you do, I'll consider it.
Re: [RJ131569] Hunter's Quest - Aina's Fighting Story

Finished, and it was fun. Thank you very much. I went through some untranslated lines (sometimes, skills in combat weren't translated, but it happened 3 times the whole game, so I can't say why).

Also, I did the 8 quests in that order:
-First part
-Second part
-Zombies (failed)
-Third part (Sucess)
-Fourth part

And I saved there.

Succeding in the fifth part was ok (I got the fallen bad ending, and I had no translation problem).

Then, I loaded, I lost to the minotaur, went back to the town and talked to the chief (advancing the storyline). I had only 6 successful mission, so I got the breeder ending. But both the dialog right before they discover the prisoner had escape, and also the dialog after beating the demon king were machine translated (with the names still in japanese).

I can give the savegame if you may need it.