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Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

some cool pictures i've collected from around the internetz.

Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...


Oppai the sailor man...
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

That wasn't spinach he ate...

And am I the only one who finds Cthulhu's son to look strangely similar to Selim Bradley?
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

That wasn't spinach he ate...

And am I the only one who finds Cthulhu's son to look strangely similar to Selim Bradley?

Now that you mention it...

Also, the womans arm seem a bit too thin.
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

What a better place to be than Japan?

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Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...



Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

Here's a sammich~<3!

Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

Beyond the link is a series of images by artist Mike Puncekar who has drawn some classic enemies from the Mario series in a more twisted fashion.

Kind of like what Todd McFarlane did for a few Grimm stories, but with less sexiness.
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

I liek the Bomb-Om the best. :3 Very steam-punk'd
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

Like the shy-guy myself, but then, I'm a big fan of robes. What's the rock looking thing with spider legs? I don't recognize that villain.
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

If ye mean the red-eye'd square rock, I do believe that's a Thwomp with legs...
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

Thwomps got legs?
(And I am probably one of the only few that actually gets where I'm coming from with that... *sighs*)
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

Thwomps got legs?
(And I am probably one of the only few that actually gets where I'm coming from with that... *sighs*)

Please tell me they're not allied with the clams, give the world some hope for a future, at least...
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

If they did, they probably shook on it...
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

I've heard of man-bear-pig, but wolf-bear-tiger? JEBUS.
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

From my trip to Japan a few years ago.

Rapist in a box?
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...


By JohnSu from deviant art.

The description makes is all the more humorous:

"Tarantula Bombistin was sitting at home one day, looking over his unallocated skill points and wondering what to do with them. His sisters came in to give him advice:

"Spec in dual wielding; we did it and it was pretty cool."

so he specced in dual wielding in the sister branch (his brothers tried to convince him to dual wield brothers instead, but he insisted "no, girls are more popular").

So now they are nigh unstoppable."