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In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

I kind of live under a rock and don't pay attention to the news at all, but apparently, California's Proposition 8 - as I understand it, a gay marriage ban - is being denied an appeal by the judge working it. The ground are that you need to be affected by a law to appeal it, and as none of the guys pushing it are gay or want a gay marriage...
Re: In today's news...

I kind of live under a rock and don't pay attention to the news at all, but apparently, California's Proposition 8 - as I understand it, a gay marriage ban - is being denied an appeal by the judge working it. The ground are that you need to be affected by a law to appeal it, and as none of the guys pushing it are gay or want a gay marriage...

This judge is the awesomest.
Re: In today's news...

I kind of live under a rock and don't pay attention to the news at all, but apparently, California's Proposition 8 - as I understand it, a gay marriage ban - is being denied an appeal by the judge working it. The ground are that you need to be affected by a law to appeal it, and as none of the guys pushing it are gay or want a gay marriage...

I'm not entirely sure if you understood that or not. Basically, California's voters amended the state constitution in 2008 to ban gay marriage, so gay marriage groups appealed the decision as unconstitutionally taking away their right to marry. Last week, Judge Walker who was presiding over the case ruled in favor of repealing the gay marriage ban, and had the option of enacting the repeal immediately or putting a stay on the decision that would keep the law in place until the appeals finished. He chose to enact the repeal decision immediately, and cited that he doesn't believe groups in favor of the ban have a legal right to appeal as his reason for doing so.

And that's my last post on this, as I have found politics on forums not for politics never ever never ends well.

On an aside, woo blue moon is awesome.
Re: In today's news...

i don't think a single person here is actually against gay marriage, so its not much of a discussion.
Re: In today's news...

The people who want to ban gay marriage are nutters that can die in a fire at the bottom of a (dry) well.

The Judge is going to get retaliation to his 'this doesn't affect you' statement from the religious community.
Re: In today's news...

Oh, I knew there wouldn't be anybody against gay marriage here. I was just inarticulately trying to say that's my rule in general and I only broke it because I wanted to point out the declining a stay vs. denying an appeal distinction. I'm on blue moon #4 atm (and a lightweight), so my posts are probabl not as clear as they should be.
Re: In today's news...

Oh, I see now. Thanks for the explanation.

...I'd intended to mention I'm not too familiar with how legal stuff like that works in addition to the fact that I mostly ignore it, but I guess I forgot that.
Re: In today's news...

The people who want to ban gay marriage are nutters that can die in a fire at the bottom of a (dry) well.

On a grim side note, have you considered the possibilities of burning people in a "wet" (typical water filled) well? I imagine it may actually be an improvement over a dry well.
Re: In today's news...

You mean like using termite?
Re: In today's news...

Unless our pal Termite happens to be an expert on well burnings, I'm gonna guess that was a typo. Thermite?

I guess pouring enough termites into a well over the intended victims could work fairly well too. Though depends how agressive termites are, I'm not sure, and that's hardly humane on the poor termites. But nah, I was thinking of a simple flammable oil to coat the surface of the water. Give them a choice, neither of which are appealing.
Re: In today's news...

I don't think that counts as burning.
Re: In today's news...

Oh oh oh! Dump an alkali metal in, like potassium. That fucking explodes :3 Or these two:

Yay! Science!
Re: In today's news...

Just use white phosphorous on them. Water won't put the fire out... so they both drown and burn.
Re: In today's news...

Just use white phosphorous on them. Water won't put the fire out... so they both drown and burn.

Marines were using this in Afghanistan or Iraq forget which. Basically to force the insurgents from their buildings or little trenches that they had dug into. It was refereed to as "Shake and Bake" and they got in trouble when it got out into the media and forced to stop it.
Re: In today's news...

Marines were using this in Afghanistan or Iraq forget which. Basically to force the insurgents from their buildings or little trenches that they had dug into. It was refereed to as "Shake and Bake" and they got in trouble when it got out into the media and forced to stop it.

Probly both. I know in Canada we have a lot of the shit just laying around, wanting to be used.
Re: In today's news...


The last group of Combat Troops has left Iraq.

Well, think what you want about Obama, but he's 3/5 on promises so far from his campaign and addresses: redid health care, redid the Wall Street rules, and got all combat troops out of Iraq. Only promises left are unemployment rate and the energy deals (moving towards clean energy).
Re: In today's news...


The last group of Combat Troops has left Iraq.

Well, think what you want about Obama, but he's 3/5 on promises so far from his campaign and addresses: redid health care, redid the Wall Street rules, and got all combat troops out of Iraq. Only promises left are unemployment rate and the energy deals (moving towards clean energy).

I give Iraq 3-4 months before the terrorists move in, unfortunately.
Re: In today's news...

Maybe I would care about how Obama is doing if I actually lived in Ameri... oh right, I do. Hmmm... now I have to think of a different excuse to not care. What about pretzels? That might work....
Re: In today's news...

Maybe I would care about how Obama is doing if I actually lived in Ameri... oh right, I do. Hmmm... now I have to think of a different excuse to not care. What about pretzels? That might work....

Americans need an excuse to not care about politics?