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In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

Some news that seems to be completely ignored by everyone(Including me, since I'm going to bed now without double checking this.)

Canadian citizens demanded to hear all the government's files on aliens and UFOs
Defence minister just flat out says there's aliens working with the US government. We're not alone in the universe

FBI confirms

And Russia confirms

May as well just toss out the link to the whole list

These countries have apparently confirmed there have been aliens.
1. Argentina
2. Australia (new info May 2013)
3. Brazil (new info Apr 2013)
4. Canada
5. Chile
6. China
7. Denmark
8. Finland
9. France
10. Germany
11. India
12. Ireland
13. Japan
14. Mexico
15. New Zealand (Additonal Report)
16. Peru
17. Russia (New Info From Feb 2013)
18. Spain
19. Sweden
20. Ukraine (not in English)
21. United Nations
22. United Kingdom (Additional Files July 2012)
23. Uruguay
24. Vatican City (Educating Humanity on Vatican Disclosure)
Re: In today's news...

You may have noticed that some of these stories were posted in april. perhaps you have been... fooled.

the rest are on sites dedicated to ufo sightings.
Re: In today's news...

You may have noticed that some of these stories were posted in april. perhaps you have been... fooled.

I disagree on me being fooled, as I never looked at the information to begin with.
It was 2 AM and I was just logging off when I got those linked, so I just posted them to allow anyone reading them to decide for themselves.

Some conspiracy theories are just bullshit, or incredibly unlikely
And then there's conspiracies that actually get confirmed, like the attempt to create a global government/new world order

Here's an Australian politician flat out saying that. I would suggest giving it a listen since it's all plausible and they explain it without using a mass of huge words. This one is pretty important as it explains what's going on with the economy and governments taking more power. (Even though it's pretty old)
Re: In today's news...

This world just gets more and more corrupted each day don't it?
Re: In today's news...

For the Europeans

The EU Commission has taken up a suggestion by the socialists in the European parliament, according to which parties which “do not respect the values of the EU” will be fined. By this means, the group of Hannes Swoboda, an Austrian, intends to prevent “right-radical or xenophobic” parties from being represented in the EU parliament.The EU Commission has taken up a suggestion by the socialists in the European parliament, according to which parties which “do not respect the values of the EU” will be fined. By this means, the group of Hannes Swoboda, an Austrian, intends to prevent “right-radical or xenophobic” parties from being represented in the EU parliament.

"Why are all these people against the EU? They must be xenophobic racists."
"How do we fix this? I know! Let's make it illegal to have a 'wrong' opinion"
Re: In today's news...

Surprise! More news!

Anonymous releases private NSA documents regarding spying

Includes the names, email addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, mailing addresses, and home addresses of all those involved.

For those unaware, the NSA was in a scandal recently with them spying on all big web servers, including google, microsoft, apple, facebook, and several others, browsing private user data.


It was also predicted several days before this that there would be another shooting/false flag if this news came out. Keep an eye on the news to see if it happens.
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Re: In today's news...

It was also predicted several days before this that there would be another shooting/false flag if this news came out. Keep an eye on the news to see if it happens.

Anyway, on to Syria

Assad winning in Syria. Aleppo attacked with missiles as government troops prepare to enter

Rebels removed from one of their strongholds, being pushed back.
Re: In today's news...

I just heard from someone that it's apparently illegal to televise Fox News (specifically) in Canada, due to "misinformation laws", and some kind of past grievance.

The thought just kinda cracks me up.
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Re: In today's news...

I just heard from someone that it's apparently illegal to televise Fox News (specifically) in Canada, due to "misinformation laws", and some kind of past grievance.

The thought just kinda cracks me up.

Notbeegsurprise. Sadly if there's anything to say about the US news networks, is a lot of the 'big name' news networks tend to be gratuitously censored or dumbed down. Fox News tends to be the worst when it comes to opinions approved as fact though.
Re: In today's news...

As much as I hate Fox, they do have one good thing. If there's ever an ongoing news story regarding an emergency, they at least have streaming for free on their website, as compared to CNN which only offers 30 seconds or so of some anchor in a news room, unless you pay for a cable subscription.
Re: In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

Since the US government was so nice to spy on everyone ever, Anonymous spied on Obama's skype

NTERNET — Anonymous hackers claimed to have infiltrated PRISM’s network infrastructure after gaining access to the graphical user interface which was intended only for use by federal agents in cases of terrorism. Because the PRISM system has access to a log of all internet phone calls (voIP, Skype, Google, etc) and video chats, Anonymous vigilante intelligence researchers quickly unearthed evidence of high-level collusion between corporate executives and government officials. “We have access to President Obama’s Skype,” said a spokesperson for Anonymous, “and we’re only afraid it’s too absurd to be true.”

Anonymous will not comment on details of the leak until the information has been confirmed and verified. This time, Anonymous is seeking input from government sources so that their final release will be seen by the public as an even-handed nonpartisan attempt at uncovering the truth. “We want to know the government’s point of view simply because it will help us build a more complete view of what’s really going on. Even clever lies, denials, and evasion help us in our pursuit of truth. We won’t release the information until we’ve run it all over with several officials and received a frank appraisal of its context.”

President Obama has scheduled a press conference for Monday, and the White House has already released a statement condemning Anonymous. “The sad irony is that PRISM doesn’t even exist, but because of hacks like these we need something like it,” said White House Press Secretary Jay Carnie. “We will not cooperate with terrorists on any level, and we refuse to comment on illegally-obtained confidential information.”

So, in short: Anonymous uses existing software and stuff used by the government to get into the president's skype.
Government then denied having these options(Or at least that they're not using it) and says because Anonymous can do it, the government needs to do it too.

I don't think logic can get weirder than that
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Re: In today's news...

As much as I hate Fox, they do have one good thing. If there's ever an ongoing news story regarding an emergency, they at least have streaming for free on their website, as compared to CNN which only offers 30 seconds or so of some anchor in a news room, unless you pay for a cable subscription.

And they have some of the best eye candy. I have to have it on mute or I rage; but still...
Re: In today's news...

Not really news but kinda on topic, .
Re: In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

Does it really count as whistle blowing when you tell people something that was already common knowledge?

This isn't news to me or most people I know, theres actually a base called RAF Menwith Hill about 10 miles north of me, in the Yorkshire Dales, commonly refered to as 'the golf balls'. The golf balls are part of a US listening station that was originally built to spy on the ruskies during the cold war, after the CW it was repurposed for domestic use to monitor phone conversations in the UK (although it is still ran by the US)
All very common knowledge round these parts so its not exactly a great surprise to find out the US has its own monitoring stations to monitor its own citzens.

So was this 'reveal' really a great surprise to anyone across the pond?
Re: In today's news...

Honestly not really, at least in my opinion. I think some people's shock (from what I've read, and personal experiences with friends/family etc.) and horror comes from the fact that Obama is basically doing the same and more of what Bush did. For some reason people can't quite understand that a politician is a politician; regardless of the party.
Re: In today's news...

Heh..... 'like Bush'....

Governments, all governments, have been spying on their own citizens for centuries.
Its just that the communication methods have become easier to intercept, the facade of anominity leads to people being more open in their thoughts, and communication is easier and longer reaching, and people don't disappear as easy.
Re: In today's news...

It's not surprising at all but it has seemingly become a lot more prevalent and seems to have less oversight than when I was in the military. I wasn't stationed at Menwith in the UK but I was at Pine Gap in Australia for a brief time. It used to be very difficult to get permission to listen in on our allies or our own countrymen prior to the last two presidents though it did happen.