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Introduce yourself

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Re: Introduce yourself

I saw some ants kick a big spiders butt, teamwork always prevails. I was the only one who made money that night.
Re: Introduce yourself

pffft, thats just a wee little huntsman. besides all our worst spiders are tiny, but one bit and your dead.

I'm tempted to link to the video again, but I don't want to get yelled at for being redundant.
Re: Introduce yourself

I saw some ants kick a big spiders butt, teamwork always prevails. I was the only one who made money that night.

Teamwork does kick ass, tis why Dolphins can take down sharks, and wolves are one of the top predators in the Canadian Wilderness.

But, we only ever did 1 on 1 fights. Our weird 'lobster cross with a locust chipathingy' was killed shortly after its capture... spider ate it.
Re: Introduce yourself

Well it didn't really seem fair to put the little tiny ant against the big spider so we gave him some friends.
Re: Introduce yourself

I had a very small glass box as a kid, and I would put 2 different bugs into it and force them to fight for my amusement :cool:

I've heard of dolphins taking some sharks 1 on 1 even. Dolphins are scary fucking creatures.

*edit* I've realized my feelings towards bees are not technically a phobia. A "phobia" is usually considered a fear, and it was pointed out to me that my reaction to bees is less fear and more cold hatred. Apparently, my friend joked about wanting to take a video of it, but whenever a bee flies by me, instead of freaking out, I (from what I'm told) bob my head away from it like a boxer and throw my hands up as if I was about to knock out someone. Yes, I take a fight stance against small flying insects.

You may laugh, but I fucking jabbed a bee out of the air before. 1 on 1, I'll punch a fucking bee to death, it's just they always bring their fucking friends.
Re: Introduce yourself

See Toxic, teamwork!

It stings like a bitch.
Re: Introduce yourself

And I still back out swingin away like a fuckin gangsta son!
Re: Introduce yourself

Remember to bob and weave, try to keep them of balance. Unfortunately if it's anything like those ants vs. the spider, they'll eventually get you and eat you. Don't worry though we'll put what's left of you in a coffee can out in the garage, and mark it so we don't accidentally throw you away.
Re: Introduce yourself

Remember to bob and weave, try to keep them of balance. Unfortunately if it's anything like those ants vs. the spider, they'll eventually get you and eat you. Don't worry though we'll put what's left of you in a coffee can out in the garage, and mark it so we don't accidentally throw you away.

<3 such is my wish
Re: Introduce yourself

Same here, I mean with the cost of burial and such these days who wants a funeral.
Re: Introduce yourself

I demand that if I die of natural causes, my body be rented out to necrophiliacs. I figure I'm dead, who the hell cares, plus it's better that then they go grave robbing or something.
Re: Introduce yourself

So uh how much per hour, and is there a er waiting list?
Re: Introduce yourself

I'm going to do my funeral viking style. Just put me on a home mad raft, push me out to sea/a river/ a lake, and set it ablaze. Voila.
Re: Introduce yourself

I want my body to be placed at the bottom of a lake, and then a huge load of the lake sediment dumped on top of me.

Making plans for future fossilization FTW.
Re: Introduce yourself

I'm already working on plans to become a lich, that way I never have to worry about burdening my family with funeral costs.
Re: Introduce yourself

...instead of freaking out, I (from what I'm told) bob my head away from it like a boxer and throw my hands up as if I was about to knock out someone. Yes, I take a fight stance against small flying insects.

You may laugh, but I fucking jabbed a bee out of the air before. 1 on 1, I'll punch a fucking bee to death, it's just they always bring their fucking friends.

Remember to bob and weave, try to keep them of balance.

So, in other words...

Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee? *snickers*
Re: Introduce yourself

So, in other words...

Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee? *snickers*

I was going to say that... but got distracted by my Viking funeral... oh well. Point for Copper.
Re: Introduce yourself


that was... oh god.. that was just so perfect and bad
Re: Introduce yourself

Okay, now I'll take the bows for it. *grins*
Re: Introduce yourself

If you hijack this thread any more you'll be able to demand a ransom.
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