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Introduction Thread

Re: New Age Introduction Thread

If it means I get to enjoy awesome food then I say diabetes all round.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Whenever I hand over a donut to someone I always say "Have some diabetes!"

Also, for a club right now, we're selling donuts :D
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

You know, we should make an RP where all of us are in a school environmen-
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Hey, we all want to go to Cedar Point again this year, if that means dropping back to middle school level and doing the stupid door to door salesman deal, we will. It's an awsome trip, but unfortunately costs around $3000 that has to come from somewhere. Probably more this time as there's more of us now.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

You know, we should make an RP where all of us are in a school environmen-

Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Good morning! I'm Vina... ah, I stumbled across this site as I wondered about the origins of some of the erotic games out there. It seems really friendly despite having a kinky purpose.

I like the "ryona" games, but also like Role Playing a lot! I've been Role-Playing since high school, so I'm hoping to really get into the scenes here, erotic or not. Though what gets me most excited, is to have story to the... encounter?

...Anyway I love all kinds of art and really want to get involved! Very nice to meet all of you! ><
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Welcome to the forums Vina, enjoy your stay!

Just don't feed that tentacled guy in the back corner. He tends to have gas.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Pasta mostly. I think he's Italian...

....and the occasional nubile young lady...
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Welcome to the forums.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Welcome Vina-Fran to this forum loved for all.

Beware of the Tenta-trolls
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Welcome to the forum, newcomer Vina! *Launches a muffin to or at, depending on one's ability to react to incoming muffins.*
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Welcome Vina, do enjoy your stay here amongst us with less than sane minds.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Welcome Vina, do enjoy your stay here amongst us with less than sane minds.

I object to that. It could be argued that insane minds are, in fact, more than sane.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Thank you all very much! Please message me if anyone needs an extra person in an RP, I'd love to dive headfirst into one! Or just to talk... oh, and does anyone know a good place to find nifty avatar pictures?
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Good to see another RPer.

Rather than waiting around for someone to contact you, I think the best thing to do would be to PM some GMs and see if they'd like to have you, or post in the OOC or recruitment/interest threads. Take a look at what's going on, find one that looks interesting, and ask away.

As for an avatar, find a picture you like, grab a free image editor (I've heard GIMP is pretty good, but I've never used it myself), and crop it down to fit the size limit. Or, if you've never done that before and find the thought intimidating, I'd be willing to do some resizing.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Well you seem very friendly, and happy to be here. And nothing says happy and friendly like the good ol' Jolly Olly Man.
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Good to see another RPer.

Rather than waiting around for someone to contact you, I think the best thing to do would be to PM some GMs and see if they'd like to have you, or post in the OOC or recruitment/interest threads. Take a look at what's going on, find one that looks interesting, and ask away.

As for an avatar, find a picture you like, grab a free image editor (I've heard GIMP is pretty good, but I've never used it myself), and crop it down to fit the size limit. Or, if you've never done that before and find the thought intimidating, I'd be willing to do some resizing.

Actually, I need to find the picture in the first place n.n;; I was hoping to get a gallery link, but thank you.

...That picture should be a deterrent for talking to strangers o.o