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ACT Abandoned Ryona [Inui] Hounds of the Blade

El Fuerte

Sex Demon
Jul 4, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Hounds of the Blade

^ This.
If there's no new information regarding the game, it's best not to spam. (Otherwise, you will all be giving people the wrong idea when the threads 'updates')
But I want to write about this awesome Game with the people that like that same Game as I do = o


Grim Reaper
Jul 26, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Hounds of the Blade

The problem is, we're going off-topic and that's grounds for the thread getting locked. Better to show your love for the game by discussing the actual game rather than practically making your own fanfic in the thread.

El Fuerte

Sex Demon
Jul 4, 2014
Reputation score
Hmm, I see it more as a . . . recomendation for the author ;)

Hey, by the way: Is there actually some way to get this other Game he did? Not Nano Crisis, the one with the Valkyrie. I would really like to play this one . . . but I do not know how = /

Can someone help with this? = o
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El Fuerte

Sex Demon
Jul 4, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Hounds of the Blade

Hey, I´m new here :p;)

And you still posted more then me = P


Mystic Girl
Jun 23, 2015
Reputation score
Re: Hounds of the Blade

My bad let me rephrase


That doesnt work for me. when I run its .exe file either alone or when merged into the game folder it just plays a short h scene and then says bad end and loops again.

anyone know why? that all it is?


Demon Girl
Mar 1, 2016
Reputation score
Re: Hounds of the Blade

My bad let me rephrase


That doesnt work for me. when I run its .exe file either alone or when merged into the game folder it just plays a short h scene and then says bad end and loops again.

anyone know why? that all it is?
that's all it is lol


Demon Girl Pro
Jul 17, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Hounds of the Blade

I do not try to win XD

I just told this Noob how much i Pitty him = P

I mean he is the Typical League of Legends Flammer :p

If he would "at least" use Logic and intellect in his "Flamming" it would be worth to read :D
On behalf of everyone reading this thread, and anyone that will one day find themselves here, I'm going to have to ask you to leave.

El Fuerte

Sex Demon
Jul 4, 2014
Reputation score
I hope you Shit-Storm Suckers Read this!


Because it´s damn disturbing that you have to Shit Storm every single Movement i do on this Forum!

Sigh, those Guys are getting on my nervs!

They are spamming me with Dislike comments just because they think that no one can read them aside of me! =_=

You probably think that I can not Report you guys for your bullying since I can´t show the Admins The Dislike comments, well think again!

Don´t you guys have ANY hobbies?

Could you stop Shit loading every single comment i do in every single Thread?

I DON´T care about you noobs and I won´t stop Chatting around since these pages ARE made to Chat!

They are made to ask questions, chat with people that like the same Games And get information about The Games BY WRITING something!

If you wanna dislike my comments then just do! The hell I care! But if you don´t have ANY life or hobbies then get some instead of Shit-Loading random Members!

If this is not enough to stop your Stupid behavior then let´s just see what the Admins say about your Reasonless Shit-Storm if i Report you guys!

I really pitty you guys . . . you are just sad hobbyles, bored, frustrated, overweight Nerds that think they could rule The entire ULMF by shitloading people that you don´t like!

Well, guess what? Suckers like you will always stay single and Virgin!
Fapping may be your only way to get (at least a minimal) satisfaction!

So maybe this is the reason you loosers take it SO Dramatically serious that there is ONE SINGLE person that Talks back and so you wanna bully by disliking every single comment and badmouthing everything I do in ULMF!

After all no one can see what you Write in your dislike Messages!
Or does they? What about I just Show the Admins a Pretty nice Screenshot about your Brainless Bullying Dislike Messages! Maybe THEN you will stop spamming the Dislike button!

Eat some snikkers . . . . :mad:
May 30, 2014
Reputation score
Re: I hope you Shit-Storm Suckers Read this!


Because it´s damn disturbing that you have to Shit Storm every single Movement i do on this Forum!

Sigh, those Guys are getting on my nervs!

They are spamming me with Dislike comments just because they think that no one can read them aside of me! =_=

You probably think that I can not Report you guys for your bullying since I can´t show the Admins The Dislike comments, well think again!

Don´t you guys have ANY hobbies?

Could you stop Shit loading every single comment i do in every single Thread?

I DON´T care about you noobs and I won´t stop Chatting around since these pages ARE made to Chat!

They are made to ask questions, chat with people that like the same Games And get information about The Games BY WRITING something!

If you wanna dislike my comments then just do! The hell I care! But if you don´t have ANY life or hobbies then get some instead of Shit-Loading random Members!

If this is not enough to stop your Stupid behavior then let´s just see what the Admins say about your Reasonless Shit-Storm if i Report you guys!

I really pitty you guys . . . you are just sad hobbyles, bored, frustrated, overweight Nerds that think they could rule The entire ULMF by shitloading people that you don´t like!

Well, guess what? Suckers like you will always stay single and Virgin!
Fapping may be your only way to get (at least a minimal) satisfaction!

So maybe this is the reason you loosers take it SO Dramatically serious that there is ONE SINGLE person that Talks back and so you wanna bully by disliking every single comment and badmouthing everything I do in ULMF!

After all no one can see what you Write in your dislike Messages!
Or does they? What about I just Show the Admins a Pretty nice Screenshot about your Brainless Bullying Dislike Messages! Maybe THEN you will stop spamming the Dislike button!

Eat some snikkers . . . . :mad:
So yeah how about the game this topic is about
Apr 8, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Hounds of the Blade

Guys, I have a question that may or may not have been asked already. I would check, but after seeing the most recent page of comments, I will pass....for reasons. Anyway, I want to know if this plays fine on Windows 10 or not. I have 7 and it's good, but I hear that it sucks on 8 because of some sound issue. Is that the case on 10 or is it fine there too?


Mystic Girl
Jun 30, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Hounds of the Blade

Guys, I have a question that may or may not have been asked already. I would check, but after seeing the most recent page of comments, I will pass....for reasons. Anyway, I want to know if this plays fine on Windows 10 or not. I have 7 and it's good, but I hear that it sucks on 8 because of some sound issue. Is that the case on 10 or is it fine there too?
Works fine for me with Windows 10.


Demon Girl Master
Mar 19, 2012
Reputation score
Re: I hope you Shit-Storm Suckers Read this!


Because it´s damn disturbing that you have to Shit Storm every single Movement i do on this Forum!

Sigh, those Guys are getting on my nervs!

They are spamming me with Dislike comments just because they think that no one can read them aside of me! =_=

You probably think that I can not Report you guys for your bullying since I can´t show the Admins The Dislike comments, well think again!

Don´t you guys have ANY hobbies?

Could you stop Shit loading every single comment i do in every single Thread?

I DON´T care about you noobs and I won´t stop Chatting around since these pages ARE made to Chat!

They are made to ask questions, chat with people that like the same Games And get information about The Games BY WRITING something!

If you wanna dislike my comments then just do! The hell I care! But if you don´t have ANY life or hobbies then get some instead of Shit-Loading random Members!

If this is not enough to stop your Stupid behavior then let´s just see what the Admins say about your Reasonless Shit-Storm if i Report you guys!

I really pitty you guys . . . you are just sad hobbyles, bored, frustrated, overweight Nerds that think they could rule The entire ULMF by shitloading people that you don´t like!

Well, guess what? Suckers like you will always stay single and Virgin!
Fapping may be your only way to get (at least a minimal) satisfaction!

So maybe this is the reason you loosers take it SO Dramatically serious that there is ONE SINGLE person that Talks back and so you wanna bully by disliking every single comment and badmouthing everything I do in ULMF!

After all no one can see what you Write in your dislike Messages!
Or does they? What about I just Show the Admins a Pretty nice Screenshot about your Brainless Bullying Dislike Messages! Maybe THEN you will stop spamming the Dislike button!

Eat some snikkers . . . . :mad:
since you seem to be very ignorant El Fuerte i will point out the reasons you are getting so much hate and negrep by people on the forum in a civil manner.

1: you are derailing the thread and posting off topic stuff repeatedly if you really want to make fanfic or go that far off topic you should make your own thread in the correct place instead of ignoring the advice given to you by nice people like Fenril who pointed out what i am saying above but in a much shorter post the correct place for talking about something like that should go here http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/forumdisplay.php?f=9 this is the hentai games section not really a place for derailing a thread just because you want to.

2: you are spamming the thread and double posting a lot which brings me to the second reason for the hate you are getting from others since you seem to being doing that a lot i have to ask did you even bother to read the rules of the forums after you signed up http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=3 scroll down to D: General Posting Rules and read numbers 4 6 and 9 i hate quoting the rules for this stuff since you should have read them and know how to post in a reasonable and correct fashion instead of spamming the thread double posting and going off topic your getting a lot of neg rep and hate for it i will cut this point short since it ties into my third point.

3: by doing what your doing that i pointed out in point 2 you are most likely going to get this thread locked which most do not want to have happen on top of that you are bumping the thread for no reason which gets people hopes up that there is an update to the game when there is nothing but your spamming of the thread that will also get you negrep your attitude to others who pointed this out is also why you will get more negrep and hate not to mention you are even saying you will start reporting people for using the negrep system the way it is intended to be used i doubt the mods would take that report seriously and it would most likely be counted as spam which is an abuse of the report system since you reporting people that are negreping you for good reason and for the way it was intended to be used.

in short you need to stop posting reread your posts and maybe think before posting other wise you will most likely get more negrep and the hate you are getting will continue and could even lead to a ban if you provoke enough people.
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Demon Girl Pro
Jun 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Hounds of the Blade

Off-Topic as hell shit about the issue at hand:
On behalf of everyone reading this thread, and anyone that will one day find themselves here, I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
Nope, not me, Norris.
Calm down man, don't let them provoke you, they're just trolls. (I am talking to El Fuerte) (Boom! plot twist, didn't expect that huh!?)
Just comment your things, and don't get in discussions, i'll try to not say anything more too.
And, just between you and me:
I don't see anything wrong with the way you behave, but sadly, most people do, and that's why the rules are as stupid as they are.
Still, take my advice, just ignore them and if they wanna say shit then it's not your prob. You do your job being you, and they do theirs: possibly block you, but you just make another account, it's not like they can ban IP's.....or...can they...? D: lol.
Anyways, yeah, a deaf person doesn't deserve to be heard (not in the literal sense). And that goes to everyone, even i am a little intolerant sometimes...

I didn't mean you are trolls everyone, but, he has a point guys, and that argument about "giving people the wrong idea" is shit. Even if a thread is all wisely done there will always be lazy people who ask and do not look. Like you just said. Just like that dude tryin'a act all funny (actually was lol) who didn't notice several people talking about how is the game running on windows 10.
You see it now? Ain't that shit about talking over the same thing over and over and all over again derailing the thread too?. So STOP.SAYING.SHIT.
Nvm, i'm not angry, that was a performance, but sorry guys someone had to put you in your place
I did get off-topic with the game with the rescue mechanic i mentioned.., it's not an action game tho, but, we can discuss that in it's own thread or in the sprite sex one,
and speaking of sprite sex, about that valkyrie game... it was called "Eryona Action" and all links seem dead (heck, it was the Megaupload era XD). I played it, was barely a demo but by any means definitely not bad
Didn't know it was the same creator, such a shame nobody has it now
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Demon Girl
Mar 1, 2016
Reputation score
Re: Hounds of the Blade

Off-Topic as hell shit about the issue at hand:
Nope, not me, Norris.
Calm down man, don't let them provoke you, they're just trolls. (I am talking to El Fuerte) (Boom! plot twist, didn't expect that huh!?)
Just comment your things, and don't get in discussions, i'll try to not say anything more too.
And, just between you and me:
I don't see anything wrong with the way you behave, but sadly, most people do, and that's why the rules are as stupid as they are.
Still, take my advice, just ignore them and if they wanna say shit then it's not your prob. You do your job being you, and they do theirs: possibly block you, but you just make another account, it's not like they can ban IP's.....or...can they...? D: lol.
Anyways, yeah, a deaf person doesn't deserve to be heard (not in the literal sense). And that goes to everyone, even i am a little intolerant sometimes...

I didn't mean you are trolls everyone, but, he has a point guys, and that argument about "giving people the wrong idea" is shit. Even if a thread is all wisely done there will always be lazy people who ask and do not look. Like you just said. Just like that dude tryin'a act all funny (actually was lol) who didn't notice several people talking about how is the game running on windows 10.
You see it now? Ain't that shit about talking over the same thing over and over and all over again derailing the thread too?. So STOP.SAYING.SHIT.
Nvm, i'm not angry, that was a performance, but sorry guys someone had to put you in your place
please, explain how i am trolling. not sure what i did to offend anyone.
Apr 8, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Hounds of the Blade

Is there another use for that jumping spin attack besides killing the flies? It's kinda lame that most of the fights I do on this game consist of 3 slashes on everything I face. I do like the game, I just wish there were a bigger variety of skills.

One thing I liked more that Nanocrisis had was a wider selection of weapons that all functioned differently. As far as I know, all you get on here are stat upgrades which take your 3 slashes and turn them into 2 slashes.


Tentacle God
Aug 30, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Hounds of the Blade

Is there another use for that jumping spin attack besides killing the flies? It's kinda lame that most of the fights I do on this game consist of 3 slashes on everything I face. I do like the game, I just wish there were a bigger variety of skills.

One thing I liked more that Nanocrisis had was a wider selection of weapons that all functioned differently. As far as I know, all you get on here are stat upgrades which take your 3 slashes and turn them into 2 slashes.
Because the AI is so dumb, the jumping spin attack easily beats Ashar since he won't shoot immediately above himself.