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JSK工房 Hgames Translation Thread

I was perusing through the new game's lines, checking stuff and I couldn't get Tengux's parser to recompile the translated bits into the game, it doesn't create new files nor it overwrite exisiting files, am I forgeting something?

I can decompile the lines to a sheet, but I can't recompile the translation to .swf files

I'm having the same problem trying to do a MTL of the remaining bits of Moody Niece. I saw the note somewhere in this thread about "output directory cannot be the same as input directory" which absolutely makes sense, but every time my build gets to the "recompiling SWF" step it hard crashes and leaves the temp directory as-is.

Win10, Oracle JDK10 x64 (is there a different JDK/JRE I should use? I went with this one so I wouldn't have to fuss with downloading JavaFX separately)

I'm using native because Portable just spins on the build status screen without reporting any activity whatsoever.

I really appreciate all the fantastic tools and hard work you guys put into this, btw!!
I'm having the same problem trying to do a MTL of the remaining bits of Moody Niece. I saw the note somewhere in this thread about "output directory cannot be the same as input directory" which absolutely makes sense, but every time my build gets to the "recompiling SWF" step it hard crashes and leaves the temp directory as-is.

Win10, Oracle JDK10 x64 (is there a different JDK/JRE I should use? I went with this one so I wouldn't have to fuss with downloading JavaFX separately)

I'm using native because Portable just spins on the build status screen without reporting any activity whatsoever.

I really appreciate all the fantastic tools and hard work you guys put into this, btw!!

From your description I am not sure, I'll have to try and see if I can recreate your scenario. I can say that a lot of problems seem to be with JPEXS and low memory, so because running the JPEXS decompiler apparently takes up 4gb+ of random access memory (which is ridiculous), if it can't do that for whatever reason, not enough physical memory or the Java environment does not have access to that amount of memory which can sadly be for a number of reasons, that will create a wide variety of hangs and crashes. I'm hoping to get back on this project and backwards engineer what JPEXS does and hopefully do away with this ridiculous memory usage.

I know it is a huge hassle, but you could potentially ask someone nicely to try and run the parser/decompiler with your sheet and game files and have them send the results back to you as a temporary solution. As of right now JPEXS is a bit of a magical black box causing hangs and I really don't know what is causing your problem since the application should very much run in your environment just fine.
I just want to say on behalf of everyone who enjoys your guys' translated versions of JSK's games.


i know its a little weird but i pretty much grew up with JSK's H-games and playing the translated versions all throughout my youth was amazing! (much better than just playing with moon runes).

YOU GUYS ROCK!! (especially you ICEVAIL!)
From your description I am not sure, I'll have to try and see if I can recreate your scenario. I can say that a lot of problems seem to be with JPEXS and low memory, so because running the JPEXS decompiler apparently takes up 4gb+ of random access memory (which is ridiculous), if it can't do that for whatever reason, not enough physical memory or the Java environment does not have access to that amount of memory which can sadly be for a number of reasons, that will create a wide variety of hangs and crashes. I'm hoping to get back on this project and backwards engineer what JPEXS does and hopefully do away with this ridiculous memory usage.

I know it is a huge hassle, but you could potentially ask someone nicely to try and run the parser/decompiler with your sheet and game files and have them send the results back to you as a temporary solution. As of right now JPEXS is a bit of a magical black box causing hangs and I really don't know what is causing your problem since the application should very much run in your environment just fine.

Cannot attach directly because .csv is blocklisted.

I've tried starting with the SWF file in the Translator's Corner directory of the Mega and the one in the Untranslated directory. Both have the same behavior. Portable spins, native dies. I don't think real memory is a problem, this system has 32GB and I'm launching with the launcher batch file which should be configuring the JVM to have more memory.
hey Icevail! Iv'e been meaning to ask, how's the translation coming along? and how exactly do you translate these?

(p.s. im not trying to be a meanie and rush you or anything im just curious. ☺)

Cannot attach directly because .csv is blocklisted.

I've tried starting with the SWF file in the Translator's Corner directory of the Mega and the one in the Untranslated directory. Both have the same behavior. Portable spins, native dies. I don't think real memory is a problem, this system has 32GB and I'm launching with the launcher batch file which should be configuring the JVM to have more memory.
Does Tengux's native v1.141 BETA give you any particular error messages?
hey Icevail! Iv'e been meaning to ask, how's the translation coming along? and how exactly do you translate these?

(p.s. im not trying to be a meanie and rush you or anything im just curious. ☺)

I use JPEX FFdec for the majority of the time, I do image edits with GIMP (Buttons and the such whenever necessary), for translations I use 3 types of dictionaries (work, hobby and daily life focused) along side with google's speak feature to listen out the spoken dialogue (I understand spoken japanese, but have trouble with reading the advanced kata and hiragana), Notepad++ for massed translation (scenes most often have shared dialogues, faster to do write & replace all, than go through swf files individually).

As for the translation, its done on my part; UI, gameplay, story and endings are translated, T-pals get to play with the counter, missionary, doggy style and domination scenes whenever they find the time for it.

If they won't have time, then I'll do it bit by bit as days pass.
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Does Tengux's native v1.141 BETA give you any particular error messages?

Same behavior. No error messages, just hard crashes the entire program on the SWF compilation step.

Is there file logging I can share?
Same behavior. No error messages, just hard crashes the entire program on the SWF compilation step.

Is there file logging I can share?
Do you know what version of java you are running? Type the following command into the command prompt.

Java -version
Do you know what version of java you are running? Type the following command into the command prompt.

Java -version

java 10.0.2 2018-07-17
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 18.3 (build 10.0.2+13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 18.3 (build 10.0.2+13, mixed mode)

This is the last Oracle version with bundled JavaFX.
Any chance anyone knows when the English translation of Selene is coming out on Android ?
First thanks for the translations. I having a problem playing the new game, everytime Selene does a forced sex scene the game screen turns gray and you can just hear music but the grey screen never goes away....
First thanks for the translations. I having a problem playing the new game, everytime Selene does a forced sex scene the game screen turns gray and you can just hear music but the grey screen never goes away....

For the love of.. Fuck it.. I'll fucking do it..

Edit; There, its done, there is a bloody txt file included with the translation that should make it obvious to everyone.
satania laugh.gif
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java 10.0.2 2018-07-17
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 18.3 (build 10.0.2+13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 18.3 (build 10.0.2+13, mixed mode)

This is the last Oracle version with bundled JavaFX.
I'm pretty sure it's a java version bug. I'll see if I can get Java Portable working for Tengux's Parser v1.141. That way you won't need to ditch your JavaFX features.
I'm pretty sure it's a java version bug. I'll see if I can get Java Portable working for Tengux's Parser v1.141. That way you won't need to ditch your JavaFX features.

I have no love for Java 10 in particular, but when I try to launch the JAR via the commandline I get a NoClassDefFound exception because it seems Tengux's is expecting the JavaFX library. It looks like a JFX app, anyway.

If this is just a problem of "it doesn't work on Java 10, try Java 15 and the discrete install of JavaFX" I guess that's just what I need to do.
I have no love for Java 10 in particular, but when I try to launch the JAR via the commandline I get a NoClassDefFound exception because it seems Tengux's is expecting the JavaFX library. It looks like a JFX app, anyway.

If this is just a problem of "it doesn't work on Java 10, try Java 15 and the discrete install of JavaFX" I guess that's just what I need to do.
This is my Java version. I have confirmed that Tengux's v1.141 BETA parser works with this version.

java version "1.8.0_261"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_261-b12)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.261-b12, mixed mode)
Is there a way to apply translations to games?
Multiple ways. Check out the translation tools 101 section of the JSK Community Guide. It's linked in my signature as well as the first post. If you have any questions on how these tools work, don't hesitate to ask.