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Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

I'll go with D as well. We cant knock them out with the wood sword, so a fight would be most foolish, so simple distraction if we can, grab our gear and then GTFHOD, Get The Fucking Hell Out of Dodge!
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

(Winning vote: D!)

Link felt her heartbeat pounding in her chest, her eyes wide, she turned and was about to flee when her legs suddenly wouldn't move.

Calm down, a voice in her head told her, surprisingly soft and familiar.

She took a deep breath and forced herself to move again, having only an instant to think, she imagined if she fled that she'd be lost in whatever strange dungeons that old pervert had downstairs, and there might not have even been a way out...

Hiding wasn't an option, the stairwell was too large and open to find anyplace good to remain hidden, at best she could've tried to duck behind a corner, but that would've been just a delay before the group burst in on her anyhow.

Her heart was pounding again and she grabbed wildly for anything in her gear that could help. At the last second she turned and started walking towards the exit boldly, hoping it would be as easy as walking free.

"Whoa, what's this? That the girl you said? Looks like she got out.. and has huge tits." the guy in front declared, eyes wide as he gawked at her, Link flinching at her indecision. Her delays and that short run back down the hallway now left her path entirely blocked off by the trainer and his six buddies. And judging by the way the first man was already coming at her...

Link stood her ground and boldly tried to walk past, landing right in the hands of the first two men, one guy swiftly moving around behind her and grabbing her in a tight hug, with hands squarely on her chest, fondling and squeezing wildly, while the second man moved lower, stroking her thighs and already forcing her legs apart, one finger driving against her slit.

She tried to struggle free from the hands, feeling her nipples being pinched at any abused, two more of the men trying to surround her, thankfully at least one of them was shoved aside by his buddies, but the one that did sneak in grabbed her ass hard and fingers slipping under her loin cloth were teasing her asshole, while the man that was toying with her pussy finally decided to shove two fingers inside her, starting to finger-fuck the young hylian heroine.

Her moan was unmistakable as the men laughed at her, her pussy gushing wet in excitement, if this kept up, then Compass of Time or otherwise, she was going to be their plaything. She unexpectedly remembered the way Sheik... or rather, Zelda, had always used deku nuts to escape being seen, barely managed to grab one of the nuts in her hip-pouch before her belt was removed, the last of her clothes hitting the ground as the men prepared to rape her.

(Link loses 2.5 LS, dropping her to 0 / 5 LS.)

The resounding snap of the deku nut and the bright flash instantly disabled all of her attackers, a couple hands still grabbing at her, less for pleasure now, more for trying to restrain her, one hard slap on her ass, a hand at her ankle, her breasts still being squeezed tight, Link could barely stand, but with all of her strength, she shoved the hands off of her and grabbed up her lost garments, bolting for the doorway... By sheer luck, the sword trainer had let his buddies move forward before him and he was in the back of the group, holding his eyes.

Link burst out of the hallway, the trainer on the floor, holding his nose. She was frantic, the sexual assault finally caught up to her, and that blasted spell had whipped her into a frenzy that no magical voice could calm. Barely grabbing her top as she ran past, common sense was long since gone for the heroine with the fear of her attackers behind her.

Hands covering her breasts and pussy, clutching her outfit that had been forcefully removed from her body, Link bolted down the city street, past a guard that merely grinned at her, his look disgusting Link as she realized with all of the new posters and lewd games out that this must've been a common occurance.

She ran down the street, lungs burning, sexual juices dripping down her legs, tears of shame and defeat in her eyes, all while she wondered if this was really so bad, or her changed outlook from the spell was making it so.

Stumbling through the city naked, she scrambled for anyplace she could hide...

(Vote, where to hide)
(Link is in LS-Gameover mode, and must recover. This is not a normal gameover since she did escape, but she's very susceptible to naughty behavior right now.)

Vote, hiding)
a) Link returns to the archery game and hopes the man there will be used to nude girls in his range. (Long run, but likely to be safe if she makes it.)
b) Link turns and tries to flee to the Great Fairy's Fountain. (Large camp in northern section (the path there), and daytime. Low odds of making it, but full recovery if she does.)
c) Link flees the city entirely, heading to Termina Field. (Easily reached, but full GO possibilities if she is attacked and loses.)
d) Link ducks into the small park near Clock Town's southern entrance, hoping it will be as empty as usual and she can gather herself there. (Chance encounter with someone, may have a variety of results.)
e) Link tries to hide out at Anju's Inn, hoping the woman will understand and allow it. (Chance encounter with someone, more limited set of encounters, but larger chance of influencing later quests.)

After recovering for a while, Link finally felt that she could leave again, heading off to meet the Bombers ...

(Repost so everyone can keep up)
Finishing her game(s, and their aftermath), Link spun round and felt... a bit better in a few ways. Prizes were always nice to have, and at least it took her mind off of Cremia for a bit...

But now, she returned to the Bombers, slipping into their dungeon-esque base, she approached and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Good timing. We just finished the paperwork. It seems like they're supplying an army with fresh Romani Ranch Milk somehow. Those Gormon Brothers don't have any decent milk, and the army knows it, there's several letters of reprimand here. It looks like the Gerudo are the grunt workers, moving Milk from the ranch to the dropoff point." The bomber leader began, pointing at several documents.

Link was about to ask what they should do when she was interrupted sharply, "Hold on, there's more... This army... it's using the Milk for it's nutrition and healing properties... but the thing is... the amount of milk they keep demanding is HUGE. Romani Ranch can't handle it alone. There's half a dozen other ranches nearby all sending milk to these guys. Look. Jumbled demands sent to Romani Ranch, the Gormon Track, Nicole's Milk Barn, Lon Lon Ranch, Kasuto Cow Pasture... These guys are everywhere. But the worst thing I found was this."

The Bomber handed Link a letter, it was short and to the point.

"To G-

We've finally captured Cremia. With this, we now have leverage over every major farm in the area. If you want to keep control over your supplies, I suggest you get to Kakariko village and buy these slaves before someone else does. Remember their names: Cremia, Nicole, and Malon. If you don't pay for the girls, we'll sell them to someone who will.

The G. B."

Link quickly realized that this letter was meant to be sent along with the rest to the Gerudo, assuming that's what the "G-" meant, but something still felt off about it...

Snapping back to attention as the lead Bomber coughed, The Bombers all were staring up at her, as they asked rather eagerly, "What should we do?"

Link's first instruction was that she was going to Romani Ranch to make sure Romani was okay and that the Gormons didn't try something else in Cremia's absence.

...after that...

Link motioned to the Bombers quickly and seemed to already know what had to be done. The letter was a clear sign that Romani was in danger, not just Cremia. There was little she could do for Lon Lon Ranch, at least immediately, nor the other ranches. She made a quiet note to herself to rescue Malon and Nicole...

She told her plan quick and simple. Half the Bombers would guard Romani and Romani Ranch, half of them would scout out the slave city and try to find Cremia. Once the jobs were done, she'd be able to give them further instructions, but first things first... Now that the Gormon Brothers assumed that the Gerudo had picked up the notes, they were free to do what they wanted in Romani Ranch, and Link had to get there and stop it.

SideVote) Should I shift focus to Romani and her trying to defend the ranch on her own before Link shows up?
a) No, let's just keep the plot on Link.
a1) Romani makes it out fine.
a2) Romani barely makes it away.
a3) Romani gets raped a few times, but rescued before enslaved.
a4) Link is too late, and Romani is long gone.

b) Yes, but only in a side thread.
b1) As a "Both Sides" dungeon for Romani.
b2) As a very brief CYOA for Romani.
b3) As a PbP RP for Romani, with a few people allowed to play it out.

B-Inclusive) And the results are what happens to Romani here.
B-Safe) And no matter the results, Romani is safe.
B-Captured) And no matter the results, Romani is captured.

c) Continue Romani's side-plot in this thread as part of the CYOA.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Not what I had planned, but I guess it works.

But yes. E! Someplace to get calm down and such(and not naked). Then make it up to Great Fairy to get healed.

also for Romani, C.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Not what I had planned, but I guess it works.

But yes. E! Someplace to get calm down and such(and not naked). Then make it up to Great Fairy to get healed.

also for Romani, C.

Sounds good to me...
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Yeah, I'll hop on the bandwagon.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

E and C seem sensible to me :) Lets go
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

For the main vote, I choose D.

For Romani, a1. Mmmm, steak sauce.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

(Winning votes:
Hiding - E, Link hides out at the Inn.
Romani - C, Romani gets her brief interlude here.)

(Link's escape from the Sword Training Grounds)
Fleeing with all her might, Link was desperate to get somewhere she could hide out privately. The only thing she could think of though was Anju and her out in the woods during that silly archery game...

Catcalls came from the workers, and Link's finger was rubbing her tender folds without knowing what she was doing...

She rounded a corner and slammed into one of the large men, falling back on her ass and dropping her clothes that she was using to try to cover herself, spotted nude in the middle of town, a helpless cry of shame escaping her as she was looked down at, bare breasted, pussy wet and exposed...

She grabbed her things and ran at top speed again, barely catching her breath as she looked up and realized she'd unconciously run to the Inn.

The door thrown open, Link ducked inside and slammed it shut behind herself, eyes closed and panting as she dropped all of her things and trembled in the aftermath of her wild run through town.

"oh my goodness" A slightly older woman's voice rang out, Link opening her eyes and instantly blushing pure red. She'd only met the woman a few times in her previous encounters in Clock Town, but remembered enough of her to know this was Anju's Mother...

Link stood there, jaw moving uselessly. She couldn't figure out what to say to the woman. The lack of response seemed to only anger the inn's keeper though, the woman stomping forward and glaring at Link sharply. "You think you can drag your filth into MY inn! Imagine if Kafei or Anju had seen you like this! Those poor, innocent children, caught in this ever worsening den of filth!"

Link couldn't bring herself to flee back outside to the public eye, too embarrassed to let more people see her nude.

The woman stomped up to Link and snatched her by a long ear, giving Link a hard tug and dragging her off like a disobedient child.

Tugged through the inn, her gear dropped behind her, Link had no will left to struggle as she was carted off to the Inn's kitchen, bent over the counter, and a rattle over her head as the woman grabbed a firm metal spatula. Link's exposed ass and wet pussy getting a sudden hard snap of the tool against her behind, the shock of being so degraded caused her to cry out as her ass was beaten. Her, the heroine of Hyrule, Termina, and so many other lands, whipped like nothing but a naughty child.

She heard the air whistling through the spatula as it was swung down hard again, leaving a very clear red mark on her ass, and another weak cry of humiliation.

Link's ear was tugged at as her ass was beaten red, "See? You like exposing your ass in public, getting off on that dirty stuff? Let's see how you like getting that ass tanned like a naughty child, young lady!"

The proud heroine reduced to a whimpering, sniffling little girl before the maternal figurehead, she was spanked over and over, crying and gasping, feeling pathetic and useless, all the more shamed at everything that she'd done as her behind was spanked silly.

"And just for good measure, I'm going to wash your mouth out with soap, because a dirty girl like you, who knows what's been in there, or what'll come out of there!"

Link's eyes went wide and as she gasped to protest, a large, foul tasting bar of soap was shoved between her lips, making her gag and cough, trying uselessly to spit the thing out as the mature woman punished her, scrubbing that vile soap into every inch of her mouth before she finally let Link go.

The heroine spit out the soap and collapsed at the side of the counter, sobbing like a punished child and hugging her arms around her naked body meekly.

She looked up at the woman with tearful eyes, the woman glaring back down, "And what do you have to say for yourself?"

Link stammered, unable to form words as she tried to say she was sorry. After a few hard sniffles, the woman merely nodded, "Apology accepted. Now go get your clothes fast. Get dressed, and let's get you a nice meal. No more dirty things as long as you're at my Inn."

Unable to protest, Link merely nodded as she moved back to the front room, still covering herself, and collected her things... Further shamed as she pulled on her grey outfit, her most covering clothes without wearing the Gerudo things.

"Tsk tsk. That won't do at all. Here, wear this over it. I expect this dress back after dinner, but as long as you're here, you will dress appropriately... Go back to the kitchen and wash yourself properly, then put this dress on." Anju's mother dug through a box of old clothes nearby and handed Link a dress.

Link gratefully took the dress that looked suspiciously like one of Anju's old outfits, and rushed to the kitchen, picking up the soap that was still on the ground and crouching near the small pool of water used for washing dishes. She lathered her body ever so lightly, and quickly scrubbed up before sliding the dress on, feeling like a proper woman for the first time since this latest adventure started.

A quick twirl around in place and Link was already smiling ear to ear. As badly as she felt for being punished over things that weren't her fault, she somehow felt it put her straight and she deserved it for her bad decisions.

The dress was too tight around her breasts, if it wasn't such a modest cut, she might've been left exposed wearing the outfit, but it hugged adequately to her as she walked out, gracefully showing off what a proper lady she could be to Anju's mother.

"Much better... Now have a seat... It will just be us and Kafei. Anju is off at her second job, making sure we don't go under before the festival... that girl, so proper and dignified." The woman sounded so proud of her daughter...

Link meekly kept quiet as she walked into a small dining room, finding a rather handsome young man, a bit younger than herself, already seated and awaiting his meal. When Link arrived, he stood and bowed politely, "Welcome to the Stock Pot Inn. Are you joining us for a meal?"

Link remembered him... Kafei... She bowed, feeling a bit at a loss, knowing what Anju was really doing to save the Inn... She couldn't bring herself to say anything to either of them, either to defend Anju or out the other woman. The meal ended quickly enough, and Link thanked her gracious host, removing the dress the minute Kafei left, and excusing herself.

"If you need a proper place to stay, we'll have cheap rates until the festival... and if you can stay proper, we'll even let you stay in the staff room in exchange for helping us during the festival." Anju's mother called after Link as she left...


After recovering for a while, Link finally felt that she could leave again, heading off to meet the Bombers ...

(Continuation already posted, from here, Romani's side-story will be the only thing voted on for a bit, until it's resolved.)

(Romani's Tale)
Romani's Diary said:
Dear Diary...
It's been over a week since I last heard from my sister. Things around the farm have only gotten stranger and stranger. I understand now how she neglected listening to my stories about the ghosts so long ago. I'm just glad Link was there to help me out... I don't know what would've happened if she didn't show up.

Link... I wonder how she's doing. We kissed and touched one another... it was so ... different... Maybe that's just how Heros are. Or maybe she was special.

I was up before the crack of dawn again and barely managed to catch sight of someone messing around in the barn. My aim with a bow has gotten sloppy since I was a girl. Too much farmwork to do, especially lately, and not enough time practicing. But if I don't do the work, it won't get done, and we'll lose the farm anyhow.

Three more broken bottles. And two of the cows were already milked dry. I know it's the Gormons, but I can't prove it, and can't afford to hire anyone to help me protect the place.

Those Gormons... I took a shipment to the Milk Bar a couple days back, and they had the nerve to insist I should obey the special rules they had passed in Cremia's absence. Swore that if I didn't obey, I'd be banned from selling our ranch's milk. To think, I actually was desperate enough to take my top off for those creeps while we I unloaded the milk... urgh. I should've just insisted we'll sell our milk elsewhere... Cremia would have... But I'm not that strong. My nipples still hurt from when they pinched me and made a big show of trying to milk me for the guests...

All those people, I get sick just thinking of it. If Cremia ever found out, she'd probably do something stupid to get even, and we'd lose our last big customer. Not that I can get much milk to sell anyhow with all of the goings on.

Festival time is almost here again too... THEY will be back, same as every year. The cows always suffer after the event... Cremia never believed me, and I've always been able to fight them off... but not this year... my aim's gotten so bad, it'll take a miracle to save Romani Ranch...

The Gormons have offered to help me. But only if I play a good figurehead for the Milk Bar. Perform for them. Be their plaything. Ew. I just had to gag at the thought.

I'm getting desperate though... The Gormons... or lose Romani Ranch... I'll hold out as long as I can, but if Cremia doesn't return soon...

My only choice may be accepting the Gormons' offer.

Romani, signing out...

The teenage girl sighed as she read the entry she just wrote, turning and walking to the window and glancing out it.

Nightfall already. She knew the Gormons would be back in those costumes, along with their new lackeys. Every night the men got bolder. One night while she was working late, they even pulled her dress off and groped her, making her fear they were about to rape her before Cremia came out and scared the man off...

Romani pulled her dress back on and never spoke of it...

That wouldn't happen now though. It was only because Romani never left her bow behind anymore that the men hadn't grabbed her outright and raped her since Cremia disappeared. But it was only a matter of time at this rate.

Exhausted from a long day's work, Romani's eyes already narrowed as a hooded figure appeared in the field. Just the first scout, checking to see if Romani was asleep or working.

(Romani's Votes)
Romani's Stats: 5/5 LS, 5/20 stamina, 5/5 Hearts, 10/10 Arrows.

Romani is almost exhausted after a hard day's work, she's disheartened at not knowing where Cremia is and growing desperate with her situation down on the ranch.

Vote 1) Encounter with the intruder...
a) Romani turns out all the lights and pretends to be asleep, waiting for the scout to leave so she could get a jump on the work she still had to do, while not alerting them to her being up and about.
b) Romani turns out all the lights and actually goes to sleep, needing the rest before facing the intruders tonight, ignoring the scout.
c) Romani keeps the lights on and eats a fresh meal, trying to keep her strength up for the night, but the intruder knows she's there.
d) Romani skips the pretense of staying in for the night and goes out, alerting the intruder to her leaving the house, giving her more time to prepare, but the intruder knows exactly what she's doing.
e) Romani confronts the intruder...
e1) By shootings arrows at him.
e2) By trying to talk to him, from afar, keeping her bow ready.
e3) Lowering her guard and offering peace, trying to convince him to stop this.
e4) Stark naked, hoping to bribe him into going away with her body.
e5) Stark naked, trying to trick him into dropping his guard so she can attack him.

Vote 2) Hoping to prepare for the rest of them...
a) Romani goes to do farm work, hoping to make more money for the Ranch, valuing this more than guarding against a few thugs.
b) Romani goes to fix the barn, hoping a well locked barn will deter them and give her someplace to hide in case of emergency.
c) Romani attempts to prepare some traps for the intruders, not having a lot of time, but hoping it will discourage them at least.
d) Romani practices shooting her bow and tries to collect extra arrows so she'll be ready for a fight.
e) Romani practices fingering herself and applies lots of lube, knowing tonight was likely to end very badly for her.
f) Romani leaves the Ranch...
f1) Fleeing to Clock Town (Romani Ranch falls).
f2) Rushing to Clock Town to get help if possible.
f3) Attacking the Gormon Track in a pre-emptive strike.
f4) Giving herself up to the Gormons.
f5) Accepting her fate and becoming a Milk Bar Barmaid.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

1A, 2C/D.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

b) Romani turns out all the lights and actually goes to sleep, needing the rest before facing the intruders tonight, ignoring the scout.

Because her stamina is low...

c) Romani attempts to prepare some traps for the intruders, not having a lot of time, but hoping it will discourage them at least.

Because traps are always a good preemptive defense :)
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

(Winning votes 1A, 2C)

Romani cursed under her breath when she noticed she was being watched. This always happened when the Gormons were about to try something. They'd recruited others, strange beasts that she could never tell what they were for certain.

This was one of those beasts, staring across the field at her house.

She finished a brisk meal... not enough to fill her nearly empty belly, but enough that she could keep going. Then rushed upstairs, taking the last lit lantern with her.

... She knew the last time she changed her routine, they figured out they were spotted, and much to her disgust, she couldn't let that happen today, not if she wanted to trick this scout into leaving.

Her dress' laces came undone easily and she flipped it over her head carelessly, blushing from having her bare body visible from the window to outside. Ample breasts, round hips, just enough hair down below to cover her pink at a glance, almost teasingly enough to encourage roaming fingers to want to delve into her depths. Large nipples firm from the slight chill in the night air, as she quietly snuck into bed...

Romani reached over and turned the lantern down until only the dullest whisps of light remained from the leftover oil in it. It would finish burning itself out in a little while, but not before...


It was such a quiet sound, Romani wouldn't have heard it if she wasn't expecting it, but it was loud enough for her that she tossed unexpectedly, and had to play it off as shuffling under her blankets, having accidentally kicked them off. One eye half open, she glanced to the window and saw the dark figure had moved closer to doublecheck on her, to ensure she was turning in for the night...

Laying there naked with those eyes on her, Romani could nearly cry in disgust, knowing if she roused or shuffled too much it would look suspicious, but even if she just lay there, the thing would stare at her for hours until it was sure she was asleep.

The dirty knowledge that she was being watched was driving her crazy in hatred of the creature and the Gormons, but at the same time, she couldn't help but think back to their touches and being exposed in front of the Milk Bar patrons...

She didn't mean to when her fingers slipped down, starting to stroke her quickly moistening folds, but it was too late to stop herself as legs spread wide and a single finger slipped inside herself, only snapping back to reality when she realized that beast outside her window was staring at her all the more intensely.

Disgusted with herself, she used her fingers to spread her delicate flower and tease herself, stroking softly and feigning not being aware of the monster just outside. Fingers slipping around her folds, in and out, she was so wet and excited, only made worse by knowing she was being watched...

Scarcely moments went by before Romani was moaning out passionately... rubbing her breasts and panting hard, all with those eyes upon her...

She reached her climax... shame flooding her mind as she felt her juices splashing all over her sheets before her clenched muscles released, and she collapsed again, still panting.

Eyes looked upward briefly. The monster had gone, leaving a filthy mess against her window and pooling up on it outside... the thing got off on watching her, then left... It only disgusted her more as she climbed out of bed...

"Now... to prepare for these guys..." Romani whispered, edging over in the darkness to her window and slipping it open enough so she could look outside and ensure the scout was gone.

(Stats and Votes)
Romani loses 2 LS from masturbating while being watched.

Romani's Stats: 3/5 LS, 5/20 stamina, 5/5 Hearts, 10/10 Arrows.

Vote 1) Dealing with cumsplatter on her window, Romani...
a) Ignores it, trying to not let it get to her. (embarrassed reaction. Lowers LS defense. Special effect.)
b) Washes it off. (typical reaction. Restores some LS points.)
c) Licks it off. (dirty/curious reaction. Boosts LS defense.)
d) Smearing it all over herself. (slutty reaction. Boostt LS defense, Restores some LS points, and special effect.)

Vote 2) Romani gets dressed before going out to setup traps...
a) Putting back on her normal dress. (Typical dress, not too easily removed, may get in the way working on traps.)
b) Choosing a rather skimpy swimsuit that's still fairly covering. (Easily removed, may fall off, but won't get in the way working. Minor LS risk just by wearing it.)
c) Wearing an old armored tunic she got during her crush-on-Link phase, even if it's too tight and doesn't really fit. (VERY tight, practically exposed breasts, digs into her pussy, hinders work a bit, but high defense and difficult to remove. Mid LS risk just by wearing it.)
d) picking up little more than panties and a bra. (Very exposed, no defense, no penalties working, but won't fall off on its own, for what little good that is. Large LS risk just by wearing it.)
e) deciding after a moment to simply wear nothing and go work like this, hoping it will encourage her to work faster. (Totally exposed, no defense, naked. Boosted work speed. HUGE LS Risk by ... not? wearing it. Special effect.)
f) Putting on a shamefully ill covering outfit for bargirls at the Milk Bar. (Breasts exposed, pussy easily exposed, most shameful attire...)

F1) Deciding it would inspire her to work faster, knowing wearing this daily would be the penalty for losing. (Greatly boosted work speed. HUGE LS Risk. Special effect(s).)

F2) Hoping it will be a distraction to the group attacking the ranch and trying to show off to lure them into her traps. (Boosted work speed. HUGE LS Risk. Special Effects. Lure Enemy ability.)

Vote 3) Heading out, Romani decides to setup...
a) Simple non-lethal traps, meant to hinder and discourage her attackers. (Easily setup, very many traps active, but least effective, and small risk of Romani stumbling into one due to the number of traps set.)
b) Dangerous traps, using her arrows and farm tools to try to injure her attackers. (Mid-Difficulty to set, many traps, more effective at detering enemies, almost no risk of Romani accidentally setting them off. Fewer traps means fewer traps to hinder enemies though and more direct fighting for Romani.)
c) Lethal Traps, arrows, farm tools, broken bottles, all with the intent of killing monsters for her and keeping her out of combat against anyone falling into a trap. (Hard to set, few traps, but traps set off are likely to defeat a foe outright. No risk for Romani as she'll be very aware of where her traps are, but unlikely many enemies will fall for them.)
d) Traps at any cost, sawing through ladders, preparing valuable equipment to fall on enemies, breaking jars that aren't already broken, anything to setup traps as fast as possible, while keeping them dangerous. (Most traps, Mid-Dangerous level, Romani is likely to set one or two off herself accidentally though. Enemies are going to find it almost impossible to get through without suffering lots of injury from traps... but the Ranch will suffer greatly from this approach... special effects.)
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Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA




>< Got it the wrong way around. Fix'd
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Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Vote 1: C
Vote 2: C
Vote 3: B