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RPG [Kudarizaka Guardrail] 駆錬輝晶 クォルタ アメテュス EG (RJ280540)



The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Jul 12, 2009
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As much as I want to like the game, my take is about the same as everyone else - the combat's pacing is glacial. You have few opportunities to turn a bad situation back around, and they're far between due to how long each enemy's H-attack takes.

Art and scenes are stellar, and I don't mind the less-than-total clothing destruction, but it's an absolute chore to actually play so far.

I'm stuck on the 2nd level, no idea how I'm supposed to beat the boss. I've come across 2 of those terminals, I'm guessing that they're related to the camera enemies or something, but I can't tell if they or something else is some kinda prerequisite to beating the level that I'm just missing.

Also, you can use Page Down to skip dialog which shaves a bit off each battle.


Tentacle Monster
Feb 21, 2014
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I spend a lot of time on the 2nd level before I beat it myself. For combat I hold down 'W' to skip through all the dialogues as fast as possible.
I don't know what exact effect deleting the data in the 4 computer storage rooms does but I deleted it from all 4 rooms as often as I could.
Second there is some sort of button or so in the main stage room in the mirror realm. I'd recommend turning that off.
Third, kill ALL of the audience members in the bottom, right, top, and left areas of the stage. That got rid of all the adds for me.
The tentacle armor can be cured by the sink lady with enough drops from the mirror enemies. The magic womb ball can be cured by getting a key from the 2nd level of the arena fights (the doll at the table in the top map). Never figured out how to cure the exposure fetish. Pretty sure the lesbian fetish can only be cured by a drop from defeating the boss.

Attached a map from my memory:
1: Boss
2: South Audience (kill em all)
3: Right Audience (kill em all)
4: Top Audience (kill em all)
5: Left Audience (kill em all)
6: Arena fight doll
7-10: Computer rooms
11: Button in mirror realm

Red dot: key mirrors
Red line: path to get everywhere from my memory.

Hopefully it helps.

Edit: Just beat zone 3 with all available debuffs. Had the TP+ equip in addition to the sensitivity+ ring and succubus ring from the zone 2 arena rewards. Turned off the 3 bonus effects for the boss, used the attack+ magic spell, the 100TP 2 turn super buff and then used the 19TP super attack dealing 11k+ damage to the main boss, the rest just took the tornado AOE attack on the following turn.
Attached my save file in zone 4 since I remember some people had trouble getting there. Just lost to the faries, haven't lost to anything else yet.


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Aug 28, 2013
Reputation score
I'm stuck on the 2nd level, no idea how I'm supposed to beat the boss. I've come across 2 of those terminals, I'm guessing that they're related to the camera enemies or something, but I can't tell if they or something else is some kinda prerequisite to beating the level that I'm just missing.
Yes, the Terminals are related to the camera enemies, and need to be touched to get a fair chance at beating the boss.

There are four terminals, and certain actions cause their counter (displayed as MB when you interact with them) to go up. Each terminal has it's own action that increases it.
-First terminal increases every time you enter a battle
-Second terminal increases every time you enter a battle, but slower?
-Third terminal increases every time you orgasm while a camera enemy is present in the battle
-Fourth terminal increases every time you are molested while a camera enemy is present in the battle
(Numbers are arbitrary, I don't remember off the top of my head which terminal is which)

The higher these numbers are, the more difficult the boss fight. You can reset each number to zero by talking to the terminal, and you can do so any number of times.

TNT90 mentioned the other gimmicks to the area, though I didn't bother to kill the enemies in the audience. Once the mirror-world gate was closed, and I had the computer memories deleted, the fight was pretty straightforward.


Active member
Nov 13, 2018
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I need the doujins to be translated. They are clearly from same universe, and have nice art just like the game.
Would make the game more fun aswell.


May 5, 2018
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A little hint to get one of the more rare situations in the 4th chapter: If you fight a Succubus, fairy and living clothes all at the same time, they can start a chain attack, ending with a choice. Choosing the lower options causes you to be wrapped up inside the living clothes where you can't attack and must use magic to burn yourself out of binding.


New member
Dec 14, 2019
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Hint in second level in arena fights you can get three rings with effects. One helping get out from restrain, second sharpening your senses and making you more vulnerable to pleasure and thrid making you overflow with Oricts mana it's supposed to from time to time add pleasure.
Btw someone knows how to get rid of Lewd crest from Succubus? and what you have to do to trigger Event in swamp and Caves (tree and flower?)? these are where are great amounts of aphrodisiac.
Aug 28, 2013
Reputation score
There's a friendly Succubus somewhere in the 4th dungeon (she has her own room). I don't recall where she is exactly, but I assume she is the one who removes the crest.

(Similarly there is a friendly Fairy somewhere in the dungeon to remove the rope thing that losing to fairies puts on you).


New member
Dec 14, 2019
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There's a friendly Succubus somewhere in the 4th dungeon (she has her own room). I don't recall where she is exactly, but I assume she is the one who removes the crest.

(Similarly there is a friendly Fairy somewhere in the dungeon to remove the rope thing that losing to fairies puts on you).
Nope she is strengthening it after she do that you need something with "great power" but I don't know what it is also if you go to arena where she-knight is fightning you automaticaly lose.
Also I have another question Someone made Claudia run away from fight? because there is status for it.


Jungle Girl
Dec 13, 2011
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So for some reason the second screen of the forest area is just black, the enemies are still there and the games running but the screens just black has this happened to anyone else?


The Dark God Of Lesbians and Memes
Jun 15, 2014
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Why isn't this in the game? This is good fap materiel...
I guess game creators want to be greedy....
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New member
Dec 14, 2019
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View attachment 31220

Why isn't this in the game? This is good fap materiel...
I guess game creators want to be greedy....
Author is thinking about creating an advanced mechanic system for game and it's one of his ideas level drain after complete defeat.
I don't know if it's gonna be implemented into existing game or next game he plan to start creating next year.


Active member
Mar 17, 2019
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Author is thinking about creating an advanced mechanic system for game and it's one of his ideas level drain after complete defeat.
I don't know if it's gonna be implemented into existing game or next game he plan to start creating next year.
That actually sounds awful and tedious as hell to play through; especially if H-scenes are locked behind defeat :/


Active member
May 15, 2018
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As someone who played a game with level drain, let me tell you the actual flow. You get level drained, you reload. Why because how level drained is typically implemented, the results are typically is you end up weaker then when you started game in some cases or that level you got drained in is now impossible. This usually results in impossible fights unless there's a mercy mechanic somewhere, even in that case reloading is just easier, faster.


Active member
Mar 17, 2019
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As someone who played a game with level drain, let me tell you the actual flow. You get level drained, you reload. Why because how level drained is typically implemented, the results are typically is you end up weaker then when you started game in some cases or that level you got drained in is now impossible. This usually results in impossible fights unless there's a mercy mechanic somewhere, even in that case reloading is just easier, faster.
Yeah, that's pretty much what I'd expect. I think an equally lewd and more playable thing would simply to have lewd status effects (ex. parasite, aphrodisiac effects, etc.) carry over into the next fights. You could be weaker but it wouldn't really reverse your progress and the designer could balance around your strength with various lewd effects rather than balance around you potentially being level 1 in a late game area.


Active member
May 15, 2018
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Also I just want to say you have a most excellent taste in tentacles. On topic stat drain can be even worse and when I found that level drain just doesn't work as a video game mechanic. Maybe with a tabletop it'd work with a DM. The gimmick is good for one scene and may as well just be a game over.
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Active member
Mar 17, 2019
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Also I just want to say you have a most excellent taste in tentacles. On topic stat drain can be even worse and when I found that level drain just doesn't work as a video game mechanic. Maybe with a tabletop it'd work if a DM. The gimmick is good for one scene, may as well just be a game over.
Haha, thanks. Yeah, it'd be interesting to see how it would be implemented without it simply being a frustrating mechanic.


New member
Dec 14, 2019
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In this game levels don't mean much it's about 3 points to hp and mp and very little change in stats so this wouldn't make a game more difficult especially enemies almost never hit you if you don't have any negative status.
I can't say the same about future game because it's supposed to be about one of rookie knights (don't remember name probably one with white hair) and has a rogue-like feeling to it. Also those are only ideas he has so there will be more of this some ideas will end up in game other don't