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Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I think that's sickle cell anemia, or perhaps it's both, I dunno. Speaking of blood points reminds me though. Either tonight when I get home (~5 hours), or in the morning when I get up (~14 hours), I'll finish off the character sheets and tell everyone what they get for Blood Points, Will Points, and Health Levels :3
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Typically, it's about 1 Kindred per 1000 people, or maybe per 10000 and Red Deer's a hotbed, I don't remember, so places less than that might not have any Kindred at all. Places like Airdrie, Sherwood Park, and such would just be integrated into the larger parts, or separated for Anarchs perhaps. In other news...


*kicks the Prince of Balzak in the Ballsack*

Tee hee, I've always wanted to do that :3
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Sickle cell anemia is the one found mainly in black people.

Yay blood points and other stuff that I have to keep track of.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

It's the 'if you have ONE of this gene, you get +10 vs Malaria, but if you have two of a kind you're screwed. :c' disease, if I remember my highschool bio properly!
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

So do the cams have like a world headquarters and a prince of princes?
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Isn't it somewhere in Austria? And a council of old farts who preside over rules works out of there, instead of a Prince of princes?

(Also, 1/1000 seems more likely... about how many Kindred would you find in a town like Red Deer, normally?)
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

More or less, though I don't think it actually filters down to one kindred, ask Copper ;)
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

So it's like congress with vampires. Which oddly enough doesn't really change it much.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Don't look at me. We never dealt with the higher end politics when it came to VtM.

In general, though, Princes tend to reside over larger cities (Chicago, NOLA, Paris, etc etc.). Smaller places, where there might just be one or two vampires might be monitored, but in general, smaller suburbs and outlying towns likely are under the domain of the nearest Prince.

Beyond Princes are the Justicars, one for each clan. Sort of the end all, be all to Cam. justice. After them is the "Inner Circle" which, I think are Inconnu (a special form of Elder.) Once you're past that, you're looking at the Methuselahs and Antidiluvians. and we don't want to go there.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

And that's exactly why I did look at you Copper, I had heard of Justicars and Inconnu, but I had no idea what they were. Aren't there also Archon's in there somewhere?
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Archons are the respresentitives of the Justicars who are often sent in their stead.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Wheee... *waits for Const. Winters to go, "YOU'RE Eve Vosmus. AAARRRGGGHHH." and start beating her head on the wall*
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Wheee... *waits for Const. Winters to go, "YOU'RE Eve Vosmus. AAARRRGGGHHH." and start beating her head on the wall*
I know, it'll be quite lulzy.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Alrighty, as promised, here's the Blood, Will and Health

Health: Everyone starts with six boxes, what they are fillex with determines how wounded you are. There's three different types of damage:

Bashing - Indicated with a '/' in the boxes, it represents bruises, small cuts, etc... The kind of stuff a Human could heal overnight. To a Vampire it means practically nothing, unless you manage to take enough bashing damage to fill all your boxes, in which case it imposes penalties, and all further bashing damage is upgraded to the next category.

Lethal - Indicated with an 'X' in the boxes, it represents more lasting damage, broken bones, knife and gunshot wounds. A mortal who fills their health boxes with Lethal is dead, plain and simple, while a Vampire enters torpor, a state of dormancy, and any further damage they receive (Bashing or Lethal) is upgraded to the last category.

Aggravated - Indicated with a '*' in the boxes, it represents a level of damage event he vampiric body has no defense for. Sunlight, Fire, and supernatural tooth and nail are the usual causes, though take enough of a beating and it will have the same effect eventually.

Always put the most damaging symbols to the left, shifting everything needed to the right to make room, if needed. I'll put an example of such up later.

Willpower: Kind of self explanatory, it can be used to refresh yourself when feeling tired once per night, as well as fueling disciplines in some cases. Eve Starts with six, all others get four, and they refill used ones at a rate of one per night.

Blood points: The reason a Vampire exists, to put it simply. Can be used to boost physical ability, heal one's self, fuel disciplines, and rise every night, among other things.

Heres where it gets a little complicated...
Luna, Jaylene, and Clara = 11 maximum, currently 5
Isabella, Jonas, Rashar, Rosary, and Claire = 12 maximum, currently 6
Byron and Ronell = 13 maximum, currently 6
Eve = 14 maximum, currently 7

The Blood and Will differences are due to generation, or how many sires removed someone is from the original vampire. the closer you are, the more potent the blood and abilities that come with it.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Check diablerize Eve, then Byron, before moving to the others. Er I mean ooh, shiny.

So you wants us to put that on our charrie sheets then since you were having us keep track of those.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

If anyone's going to be diabelerizing, it's Luna... She "is" the Assamite after all >.>;;
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

No actually the Lasombra do it more often than most except for the weirdos with the name you can't pronounce.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I would just like to point out at this juncture that committing diablerie on anyone but the subject of a blood hunt is a death sentence, and that anyone with Auspex 2 can tell if a person has done it or not, up to a half year previous ;)

Also Ronny, Byron, then Eve, not the other way around ;).