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Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

A yawn is heard as Kevin walks down the stairs, from whatever room he had been resting in all this time "Breakfast. Bah!" he says, adjusting his Fedora with his right hand and looking over at RJ "Hmm...." is all that comes from his mouth as he examines RJ with curiosity
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Claudia half jokingly pouted. "Alright, fair enough. Want me to go rouse more people up then?"

She looks around the room. "Hmm, if I recall the names right, Ellen, Akira and Conner are the only ones missing besides Chris."
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Sean points over his shoulder, towards the other room. "Connor's out on one of the couches...Wake Akira if you want, but Ellen is likely going to be down soon, so there's not much point in waking her."
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Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Roger adjusts his cap when he spots a certain oddly dressed man, apparently looking at him from across the room. "This is startin' to piss me off, is every weirdo in the world suddenly attracted me? If he's anything like that pale chick, I just hope to god his name isn't Dex," he thought to himself, trying to appear uninterested in the strange man dressed in the trench coat.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Akira walks down the stairs into the main area, looking rather sleepless but other than that quite normal. Sitting down in at a table, Akira mumbles something quietly before wearily looking around the room.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Ellen wandered down to the dining area, dressed in the same clothes from the night before. She looked around as she entered, taking a spot against the wall nearly opposite from Roger, to try and avoid another episode. "Sorry I'm a bit late," she said. "Did I miss anything?"
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

After getting Connor up and into the room, Sean began speaking.

"Okay, here's what's going on.

Last night, we received information concerning an artifact that required immediate action. This on top of the one already planned for recovery today. Due to the circumstances, everyone is being formed into two teams. Chris, who was initially supposed to be giving this briefing, is currently finalizing arrangements for the group he'll be leading. That group is heading to Africa to recover the artifact we received word on last night. The other group is heading to Colorado Springs, Colorado, as originally planned.

Due to warehouse procedures, two people are remaining behind. One of them is Leena, who will be maintaining this building as cover. In this case, I will be handling mission oversight and warehouse maintenance. Normally, Claudia would be doing this, but after the flicker yesterday, it was decided that someone who could get to the breakers without question be the one to remain. Also, Claudia needs more field experience."

He paused here, and held up a hand in Claudia's direction, forestalling any objection. "Chris made that decision, argue with him about it," Sean then continued. "The other decision he made was the composition of the teams. Ro...RJ, Sarah, and Dex, you'll be going with Chris. He should be back soon with the final details on that. Ellen, Akira, Kevin, and Connor, you'll be going with Claudia. You'll have documents and badges to indicate that you're part of a special taskforce of the Secret Service. Should things take a turn for the bio-terrorism side, the badges and documents for BSAA actions will also be provided. Don't use them unless you have to. Also, I will be back-up for the Colorado mission, however, I'll only step in if things have gone totally to shit...And whoever is responsible for whatever fuck up that makes me get up out of my comfy chair is paying for the costs."

Sean paused again, and with a smirk added, "And the pizza." Getting serious again, he finished up. "The Africa group will most likely be catching a flight from Minot Air Force Base. Questions?"

((Okay, feel free to ask further questions. Also, Sean indicated each player character as he named them, so keep that in mind when posting.))
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Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

After being woke up(?) off the couch and groggily giving Sean a nod, Connor joined everyone already in session. After not noticing his name in the first group, he made sure to check everyone who was being pointed out in the meantime, giving them all a small salute when his own name was mentioned. Putting his hands into his pockets, he silently walked into the general direction of where his teammates would be.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Ellen dipped her head in greeting when she was called out, leaning against the wall. She looked a bit apprehensive, but said nothing when Sean asked for questions.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Roger adjusted his cap nervously when he found out who his partners exactly were. "... Women aren't meant to do shit like this... Damn it..." he thought. Roger suddenly felt a strange feeling erupt from within, when he thought of one of the women he was with getting killed out in Africa, of all places. "Damn it, I hope they just plan on sending me and Chris out, and leave those two to do somethin' else to help out... " Roger sighed, his heart uneasy, as he subconsciously started biting his lower lip. He started sharing anger, with worry, at the continued thought of one of the two women on his team dieing...

Roger thought about it for a time, and decided to ask something while he had the chance, "Sean..." he said in a more serious tone than he'd been since his first visit here, "My squad-mates... Besides Chris, will they be involved in direct combat?" he asked, looking at the white haired man with one eye peering from beyond his cap, his body still leaning against the wall, with his arms folded.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Sean shrugged. "To be honest...We don't even know if there's going to be combat, yet. It's entirely possible that we're the only ones that know even the general location of that artifact. Except for this information...There was nothing to show that it even exists. Although a part of me doubts it, it's even possible that this thing isn't even what we think it is. We just can't take the chance that it really is what the info says it is."
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

"In other words, prepare for everything," Sarah said, shifting her bag from her shoulder as she looked through it. "Do you got an armory? I seem to be running low on ammo..."
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Connor spun his head to the girls question before sheepishly lifting his own hand with a confused look on his face. "Are we supposed to have weapons? If so, I seem to be running low on guns..." and adding a silent comment to himself after. "Didn't realize this party was BYOG"
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Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

"Normally, stealth and the Tesla's are preferred to gunfire," Sean answered Connor's question. "I'll try to catch Chris, see what his suggestion is on this, though...Of course, that approach is for the basic 'Snag it, bag it, tag it' jobs like the Colorado one. For the bio-terror stuff...Well, there's usually an air strike or two on standby, if the situation requires it."
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Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Claudia opened her mouth to say something in reply, and was interrupted by Chris arriving.

"Ammo won't be much of a problem, and there's plenty of Tesla's to go around."

He proceeded to dump a giant bag on the table, opening it to reveal about twenty Tesla's, and various rounds of ammunition, making one wonder just where the hell he got THAT from.

"Gear up, and let's get moving. Africa team, we leave in two hours to get started. As for your question RJ, which I heard, let's just hope we get there first. If not, and the shit hits the fan .... well, I suppose the implosion grenades will have to do."

To this, he tosses one casually in the air, clearly one not armed.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Dex straightens her shoulders. This is much more like it. She gives RJ a short smile. "Don't you worry none, I know how to stay out of trouble." Still she goes through the stash of ammo and, to her surprise, finds some clips that fit her Jetfire. "So we don't get any uniforms, huh. Guess I'll pack light. . . Unless we're headed for a muslim country?" That last part is directed at Chris, and even though it could be understood at sarcasm it really isn't.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Sean glares at Chris, before rather suddenly snatching the grenade out of the air. "Don't play with those...We really need to be setting an example for them...Tobar, ag dá laghad dol an nóiméad."
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Connor scratched his head looking at the guns, but eventually walked up and took one. While examining it, he thought of what little time he spent as a cop. he didn't work in a bad area, doing little more than traffic stops and breaking up teenage parties. "Yeah, stealth sounds good to me. I'd like to go without shooting anyone with anything," emphasizing the word thing, as he turned the gun around.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Chris half smiled at Dex.

"The way we'll be going in, that won't be an issue. On the off chance something happens to make it an issue ... let me deal with that if it comes to it."

He shot a look at Sean. "Right ..."

He grabs the grenade back, stuffing it into his pocket.

"Connor, where your going you shouldn't have to even show your weapons, however .... one can never be too careful when pursuing artifacts."
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Akira looks at the pile, then at the other members of the group, "I... I don't think I should be using those..." Looking around a few more times, Akira looks at the table, legs swinging, waiting for the next order, and seriously hoping that they wouldn't have to see combat... combat sounds hard...