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Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread

Re: Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread

Funny, I saw them more as, y'know "Heh, they have a cave troll." SMASH!!! But I suppose that all depends on the type of ghouls you're referring to, too.
Re: Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread

this is one of the main lynch pins of your argument and the truth is, they are just evil. there like trolls, they destroy because they enjoy destroying

Ah, sorry. I used a Cliché line to save time. Just "they are evil" is reasonable as long as you can justify it. The Redwall books are a very good example of this, they manage to make the 'always chaotic-evil' vermin justified with enough exposition. Things that need to be addressed like why are beings that "live only to destroy" helping each other? How did they get advanced weaponry? Why would self-centred evil beings want to attack a heavily defended forum instead of a softer target? They're supposed to be humans, so what made them choose evil - what lured them to behave the way they do? There are likely several points beyond these listed that should have been addressed in the story.

I suppose a better way to put it, instead of "they didn't have a reason for being evil", is that the Lurkers did not have enough thought go into their background. We've rather passed the optimal point for 'enemy evilness justification', we're now in the territory where if you tried to justify the enemy's actions, it'd be seen as a sort of "They're not evil after all - they're just misunderstood!" moment. With a little effort, you can probably avoid heading into this territory, though.

Hmuuur, it’s strange. I can't remember any trolls in the story... and if we were fighting trolls, why the hell were Obe and Mo helping us?
Re: Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread

I think we need to look more at how the forum works here. We all started off as lurkers. What is important to note is the fact that we changed. We evolved into the tighter community we are today. In the first Lurker Wars it was made clear that the lurkers would rape and kill their own, but we never covered the thing with all of us starting out as lurkers. I think there should be more examples of internal dispute between the Lurkers, and I also think that we could say they were a chaotic sosciety, envious of the regulars, then they were united under Super. The whole point of a lurker is that they are unable to contribute, whilst a troll is an all hating mindless deformed monster, driven only by primal instincts and hunger for destruction and suffering.
Re: Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread

There is way too much thought being put into this... this is a forum based story, purely for entertainment. Think of it as a Michael Bay summer blockbuster type deal (okay not that bad...), not something more akin to A Beautiful Mind or some such.

Also, I'm not really presenting the Lurkers as humans in the first place. They are, but I'm not presenting them as such. Again, I havn't revealed any villains, I'm on the first chapter. I have their motivations planned out... and it still just leads to wanting to rape, kill, plunder and burn. Not much good in them at all.
Re: Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread

Ok, you're the writer:p

It's gonna be awesome!
Re: Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread

@ Wonderboy: What this forum calls Lurkers is what most forums usually call 'noobs'. While we tend not to make a distinction between Lurkers who show the promise of becoming members (what most places call 'newbs'), and Lurkers who will never become good members (what most places call 'noobs'), other places normally do. (In fact, Lurkers, by the average Internet definition, tend to be seen in a very neutral-to-good light.) So, in that sense, every member started off as a 'newb' Lurker, while the Lurkers we fight in the story are the 'noob' Lurkers.

I think there should be more examples of internal dispute between the Lurkers, and I also think that we could say they were a chaotic sosciety, envious of the regulars, then they were united under Super.

THIS, internal-dispute(-or-at-least-more-page-time-for-the-baddies), is what I have been getting at and trying to accomplish with my not-quite-completely-evil character, and also what I mean by 'the Lurkers should have more definition'. If original Lurker Wars was/were to show that, as you put it, "(the Lurkers) were a chaotic sosciety[sic], envious of the regulars, then they were united under Super.", then it would have been/will be significantly better.

There is way too much thought being put into this... this is a forum based story, purely for entertainment.

I have no idea what any of those examples are, but I get the gist.

Again, I havn't revealed any villains, I'm on the first chapter. I have their motivations planned out...

That's all I ask, really. Just devote some page time to the enemy, make them believable, and I will be happy. Probably even if you were to fuck up every other aspect of the story, but that's just ‘cause I'm a villain fanatic.

Ok, you're the writer

It's gonna be awesome!

Re: Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread

OKay, okay. I know I'm slow. Some situations that have had to be dealt with in real life, plus the addiction of fallout 3 has caused some slowness to chapter 2. However, I am currently at four pages, and see another 2 more coming. Perhaps more but we'll see. The rough draft will hopefully be sent to the editor in a few days.
Re: Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread

good job sinfull. i was afraid this had started to die.
Re: Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread

No no. I've been running different scenarios through my mind daily. Just little things that I think would be cool in the story, ways I want to run with the characters, how I'm working in Host, and bringing up the plot line that were abandoned with Ex-Lurker Chronicles.
Re: Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread

Hey, Fallout 3 is a perfectly reasonable excuse :p

Yes, real-life issues always come first. Anyone who disagrees... is either a troll, or has no 'real' life.

I have faith that sinful would have told us or sent word through someone on here if she had - for any reason - been forced to abandon/postpone this project :)
Re: Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread

Heh. At least she has reasons for the delay.
Re: Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread

It amuses me that Fallout 3 is such an accepted reason.
Re: Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread

Damn straight, gotta go say hi to that funny tree guy :)
Re: Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread

Don't tell me anything I have not gotten through it yet!!
Re: Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread

Hell, I've restarted for the fifth time now (though I think I finally have it down) because I'm OCD about getting my character as awesome as possible :p

When the new perks and level cap came out, the "Almost Perfect" made me hawt XD
so, I'm working with a starting SPECIAL that goes like this: 6-5-7-3-7-7-5

Ant Sight and the Lucky 8-ball will help with getting perks until lvl 30, at which point I grab the "Almost Perfect" (unequipping the 8-ball first if I want my luck to go to 9 instead of 8; there's a glitch, find out more yourselves) and then and ONLY THEN do I grab the SPECIAL bobbleheads.

And my CHR is at 3, because I put 1 point into Intensive Training, raise CHR to 4, and then take Child at Heart perk... Not the best perk, but it makes some things easier.
Re: Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread

Okay, for some reason I cant find the first LW discussion thread so I'll post it here; I've almost finished, about 2/3's of the way through so it should be done by the time Im on next time.
Re: Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread

Same here. I have about two-five paragraphs left in the second to last chapter.
Re: Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread

little things that I think would be cool in the story, ways I want to run with the characters, how I'm working in Host,

*Grins* I fully expect to die horribly for causing such trouble.

I noticed these ages ago, wrote them down but didn’t find them again till today.

to remember friends lost and the own blood she had shed
Tricky. Difficult to find a phrase that gets your idea across, probably needs a change of intention, maybe dropping the idea about the blood she had lost.

grave stones
should be gravestones

Nunu stormed down the steps, anger filling the mind
Nunu felt revulsion, recognition dawning as memories came back over the mind.
The mind needs to be identified as Nunu's, either with "its", "Nunu's", or some other form of identifier.
Re: Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread

You're not causing trouble, in fact you've given me a good way to explore a plot thread long thought abandoned.

I like the line where she talks about the blood she shed, meaning she was there, fighting. I dunno, I liked it.

Minor detail really. My spell check didn't like it as one word.

I was actually having some interesting fun writing Nunu's stuff like that, and I intend to continue on doing so. Give's Nunu, a very Nunu presence.
Re: Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread

Gah, can't believe I forgot about this.

I like the line where she talks about the blood she shed, meaning she was there, fighting. I dunno, I liked it.

I like the idea behind it, but 'the own' is awkward. Which is a shame, because there is no way that I can think of to convey the idea, "the friends she had lost and the blood she had lost", without it sounding like crap (see quotation-marked section). The best I can get is "those that had fallen and the blood she had lost".

Minor detail really. My spell check didn't like it as one word.

Yeah, but I thrive on minor details. I'm about 90% sure that gravestone is a compound word... it's probably just your spellchecker showing it's fallibility.

I was actually having some interesting fun writing Nunu's stuff like that, and I intend to continue on doing so. Give's Nunu, a very Nunu presence.

I should have figured it'd be something like that. I've no problem with it being like that, and agree that it makes Nunu very Nunu-y.
Oh, and there's no apostrophe on 'gives'. =P