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Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread

Re: Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread

Hunh... crazy shit. No we don't have that, we just use regular IVs.
Re: Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread

I think that's just as well;) They're scary:eek:
Re: Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread

Must be new or something cause I never heard of it. Combat lifesavers just carried normal IV's when I was in. Personally I think I would rather just die then get that.

Good story so far, I especially like how you had Darkfire show up and pass the torch so to speak. Though the ripping of the jaw by Nunu seems a little weird I think she'd more just belittle him in an amusing way till he died from embarrasment, but this works too.
Re: Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread

Must be new or something cause I never heard of it. Combat lifesavers just carried normal IV's when I was in. Personally I think I would rather just die then get that.

Good story so far, I especially like how you had Darkfire show up and pass the torch so to speak. Though the ripping of the jaw by Nunu seems a little weird I think she'd more just belittle him in an amusing way till he died from embarrasment, but this works too.

Ooooo Dmronny thinks Nunu's a girl. But anyhow awesome story sin.
Re: Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread

Well, technically nunu is both yet neither gender, so it doesn't matter what gender you use :p
Re: Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread

Though the ripping of the jaw by Nunu seems a little weird I think she'd more just belittle him in an amusing way till he died from embarrassment, but this works too.

I belittle my friends, to my enemies am ruthless, but its nice to know that you think I'm so cuddly. Also I'm the / one of the people editing this and i suggested ripping his jaw off.
Re: Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread

Male, female, neither, or both who cares. I'd cuddle with anyone if theres pizza nearby.

I wasn't saying it was wrong. just seemed a little unlike you is all. As I said it still works.
Re: Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread

i was meaning cuddly as in a puppy is cuddly, cos there just so cute and fluffy. not as in you actually want to cuddle me.
Re: Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread

Who said I wanted to cuddle you, I just want the pizza.
Re: Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread


At any rate, great story so far. Can't wait for the next chapter, Sin.
Re: Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread

Sorry Host, the second story is indeed starting in the new forum,

Despite what I said, now that I think about it Host doesn't need to appear *actively* on the first forum. Most of his past can be done in flashbacks without problems, since he didn't actually change the outcome of anything. That being said, if I could get Dark to include Host in the final chapter it -would- be awesome... Dark, remind me to PM you.

I suppose I'll make a character sheet? I still don't know whether non-humans are allowed, but I'll run under the assumption that they aren't. (By the way, my PM’s information is invalidated and overruled by this information.)

Gender: Male

Build: Athletic. I would have said frail, but then he wouldn’t realistically have been able to wear his armour.

Height: Slightly taller than average, fairly thin too.

Hair: Blonde, but with so much crap through it it's turned brown, nearly black. Long and rather ratty. He'll likely wear a headpiece to stop it from getting in the way, but won't put it in a ponytail.

Eyes: Green-Grey

Mask(if any): During the start he wears a mask, it looks like this only wider at the bottom, and black:
While wearing it he calls himself Adom. He stops doing this part way through.

Colour of armour: Black, ‘dragon skin’ body armour. Somehow he still manages to be stealthy in it. (I’m assuming you know but of you don’t use wiki. I’m ignoring the debate and assuming it works.)

Weapons: An MP5 and an MP 40. Occasionally dual wielded, but not usually.

Attitude socially: Affably Evil, Card Carrying Villain, nearing a Noble Demon. (look them up on TV Tropes and Idioms if you don't know what they are.)

Attitude in Battle: Over-the-top: in a large firefight, usually when fighting alongside other people (When things are going fairly well: "We'll slaughter em, the useless pansies!" When things begin to look a little poorly: "Oh SHIT! We're gunna DIE!") Deadly serious: in more time-limited situations, situations where he or someone else needs to concentrate to not get killed, 1v1's, and stealth situations.

Additional info: Combat Role: Stealth/Recon/Overlord. Host is more likely to go stealth than fight outright. If he can k.o. his opponents before he's seen, that's what he'll do. Information gathering was his main role in the first forum. (It was also one of the main reasons he didn't get mentioned. He didn't do anything important, and nobody noticed him.) Host is fairly good at getting around without being noticed, though the great Nunu probably has him beat, several times over, in that department.
He prefers to lead small squads and to get things done quickly, before the enemy has time to retaliate. If side objectives show themselves he -will- try to devote some time to completing them, but if he thinks too much time has been wasted, he may just cut and run. He is highly opposed to going off alone, and will become moderately paranoid if sent somewhere without someone at his back. He likes to plan considerably on all important actions, like combat, and usually has escape routes planned for various probable and even some improbable situations on general principle, no matter where he is going or why he is going there. As he puts it, "A villain can NEVER be too careful."

Story roles: There are a certain few I fit better in. I’ll PM you. Although you may have to remind me (hopefully not).
Re: Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread

I don't know why you want to be a villain Host... but okay.
Re: Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread

you do realize that being a villan, you will probably end up dead you troll baiter
Re: Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread

Is Host being dead a bad thing?
Re: Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread

I don't know why you want to be a villain Host... but okay.

Okay. Now for that epic post I promised you.

The first few reasons for wanting to be a villain are from a purely narrative standpoint. The first Lurker Wars only had Supermeme and supersonic, and, to use an analogue to Star Wars, this was effectively like having the Emperor but no Darth Vader. It had it's behind-the-scenes big bad, but no lesser commander for exposition and the like... FORUM'S STORY NEEDS(needed) VILLAINS BADLY.

The second reason is because the Lurkers - and I don't mean the Ex Lurkers but the true Lurkers - have never had any friendly viewpoints given to them. There has not been a single Lurker character that has had any redeeming qualities, without immediately defecting to the Members. It was at a point where there seemed to be no reason for their actions, they were just destroying things "because they're evil". Adding in what is effectively the closest thing this story has to a 'Player Character' to the bad guys' side will, hopefully, give them some much-needed reasoning and justification - because despite how they were acting, they are supposed to be human, and humans don't tend do things without justification... let alone a whole army's worth of humans simultaneously.

The next reason is a matter of pride. I have mentioned before how I lurked around the first forum, and when it became accessible to members only, instead of joining up or leaving like most others, I kept checking up on the only area I could access - the random section. I like to pretend that this puts me at a 'higher rank' than the average Lurker, like to think that I'm some high-up in the grand Lurker scheme of things. So, in a choice between Member or Lurker, I am going to be a bad guy(Lurker) that likes to help the good guys(Members). After all, the only other option is to be a good guy that wants to help the bad guys, and while being a defecting bad guy is awesome, being a defecting good guy is not. (Bloody double standards...)

My last reason is a matter of personality. I am, I believe, exactly as my 'Attitude socially' section puts it; An Affably Evil, Card Carrying Villain. That kind of personality does -not- fit well with being on the good guy's side, where as it fits perfectly with being on the designated ‘bad guy’s’ side.

you do realize that being a villan, you will probably end up dead you troll baiter
Yeah... but I don't really mind. Host is rather a butt-monkey character, and plaything for the universe a large portion of the time, anyway. (Though I've no idea what that's supposed to say about my self image...)

Is Host being dead a bad thing?

You only say that because I pestered you to get my character sorted *grin*.

...Bah, only 500 words? So much for 'multi-thousand'... Still, for some reason, I get the feeling you're not complaining... =P
Re: Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread

Wow, that was NICE!

I asked for my char to be an old lurker but also helping the good guys and then finally converting for much the same reason. A faceless enemy is a thing you fear at night, the enemy with a symbol is the enemy you fear during the day.
Re: Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread

Okay. Now for that epic post I promised you.

The first few reasons for wanting to be a villain are from a purely narrative standpoint. The first Lurker Wars only had Supermeme and supersonic, and, to use an analogue to Star Wars, this was effectively like having the Emperor but no Darth Vader. It had it's behind-the-scenes big bad, but no lesser commander for exposition and the like... FORUM'S STORY NEEDS(needed) VILLAINS BADLY.

The second reason is because the Lurkers - and I don't mean the Ex Lurkers but the true Lurkers - have never had any friendly viewpoints given to them. There has not been a single Lurker character that has had any redeeming qualities, without immediately defecting to the Members. It was at a point where there seemed to be no reason for their actions, they were just destroying things "because they're evil". Adding in what is effectively the closest thing this story has to a 'Player Character' to the bad guys' side will, hopefully, give them some much-needed reasoning and justification - because despite how they were acting, they are supposed to be human, and humans don't tend do things without justification... let alone a whole army's worth of humans simultaneously.

That probably would've made the first Lurker Wars a little less corny...

But remember. There are still two chapters left in the first Lurker Wars. When Oni can get back on, we'll talk and see if we can add you in at the last second.
Re: Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread

.. It was at a point where there seemed to be no reason for their actions, they were just destroying things "because they're evil"...

this is one of the main lynch pins of your argument and the truth is, they are just evil. there like trolls, they destroy because they enjoy destroying
Re: Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread

this is one of the main lynch pins of your argument and the truth is, they are just evil. there like trolls, they destroy because they enjoy destroying

Y'see, there's another issue: The enemies are lurkers and Trolls
Re: Lurker Wars 2 Discussion Thread

Trolls are indeed a monstrous creature thing, kinda like a ghoul. At least that's how they were presented in the first one.