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Making a hentai platformer - Moving to a blog pg.12

Re: Making a hentai platformer


Would you like curly or steak fries with that?
Favorite meal of russian /b/tards
Re: Making a hentai platformer

I don't think the head is really that large, though the eyes are. I like the size of the body, considering that's where the focus will end up being
Re: Making a hentai platformer

You mean the jiggling marshmallows? :p
Re: Making a hentai platformer

I think the proportions work fairly well. The angle is a bit odd, but I can't really say if it's enough to be annoying or not without seeing the aesthetics of the stages.
Re: Making a hentai platformer

The sprite looks fine to me so far. I have to agree with Akuma. It depends on other factors if it needs to be fixed or not.
Re: Making a hentai platformer

Hmm, I don't really think that it's an issue. Platformers don't exactly have the most realistic perspective to begin with, for instance with tilesets you can often see both ends of an object in such a way that would be physically impossible.

Well, just make her face a liiiiiitle more to the side and its fine, but, its your game you have to do whatever you feel comfortable with. Looking very very good so far, im definitively keeping a close eye on this project.

And to the rest, it would be nice if you all stop the bullshit and keep on track, you cant prevent mean posts, so just let it be.
Re: Making a hentai platformer

*sigh* I guess I'm sleeping on the couch again
Re: Making a hentai platformer

If I must, but I'm coming armed with my own private futon, changing screen, private portapotty, and garden sheers, so no touchy.
Re: Making a hentai platformer

....What the hell goes on here? :confused:

Oh and project looks really good by the way. Much appreciated, because we do need more platformers!
Re: Making a hentai platformer

i will try make a sprite.
how many "heads" (size) will be? (personaly i line somenting between 3~6
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Re: Making a hentai platformer

I've decided not to go with the whole light dark thing, I just can't find a good enough way to implement it into gameplay seamlessly. Instead, I've decided to go with something a bit simpler. I'll explain it a bit more later on once I've come up with the specifics.

Anyhow, here's a WIP of the "world" map.

If you'd like, list off some types of areas you'd like to see in the game and I'll see if I can include it somehow in the story.