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ACT Loli Ryona [Misinkoujou] Flower Witch (RJ256081)

Do the various items dropped by enemies do anything, other than the staffs/hp replenishing items? Like the skull for instance. The only related thing I could find was the list of items you've already collected along with some flavor description.
Do the various items dropped by enemies do anything, other than the staffs/hp replenishing items? Like the skull for instance. The only related thing I could find was the list of items you've already collected along with some flavor description.
I think the miscellaneous items unlocks new gallery entries.
Like picking up the bat wing will unlock the bat and its animations.
(I don't know if this appropiate for the thread, sorry if it's not)
I just stumbled upon this thread while looking for help since I was kinda stuck at one point, and I didn't realize that this game was released so recently. I had known about Flower Fairy before and it took a while before I discovered Flower Witch, but I thought that was just me discovering it late, I thought these games were some ancient thing from 4-6 years ago. Pretty cool to find out it's a 2019 game.

Also, an actual question: One thing I also realized thanks to this thread is that I'm playing on an old version. Can I transfer my save file to a new version or do I have to do everything all over again?
Also, an actual question: One thing I also realized thanks to this thread is that I'm playing on an old version. Can I transfer my save file to a new version or do I have to do everything all over again?
The saves are kinda persistent and will kinda transfer itself to the newer version, from my experience. It takes more effort to delete the save, since you have to go through some system folder or something (I forgot how I did it).
safe file is stored somewhere in your app data folder. as long as you leave it alone your save will not go away even between versions
new version?

>last modified 12/9/2019

ummm.....is it exclusive to ci-en backers or something?
So I just realised that there's RJ256081 and RE256081, has the game been translated or is that just the place for EN players to buy the game only (without the game being translated itself)
So I just realised that there's RJ256081 and RE256081, has the game been translated or is that just the place for EN players to buy the game only (without the game being translated itself)
Unless it specifically says it's english, it is NOT english. Doesn't matter if it's on the EN dlsite.

200719b.png 200719c.png

It's been 10,000 years, but the English version is actually about to materialise. Dev says he's aiming for a release this month or next month, with a cautionary note that his past record on giving accurate estimates isn't exactly great.

View attachment 33390View attachment 33391

It's been 10,000 years, but the English version is actually about to materialise. Dev says he's aiming for a release this month or next month, with a cautionary note that his past record on giving accurate estimates isn't exactly great.
I already bought the Japanese version, so hopefully the English version is an update and not something I have to buy separately....?
I already bought the Japanese version, so hopefully the English version is an update and not something I have to buy separately....?
It will most definitely be sold as a separate product :D
Yes! I really enjoyed his previous game and have been holding off on trying this one until there was an English release. So glad to see it's on the way even if it takes a little while.
For those interested, the author also published a story in the same post announcing progress on the English translation.

I may be misinterpreting things due to Google Translate, but apparently the author (?) left their apartment one day to buy groceries. When they returned, their apartment was filled with smoke due to a fire that had started. Police and fire department showed up and when investigating, they found that the fire had started on a different floor. When they got into the apartment where the fire started, they found a corpse sitting at a computer in the back of the apartment. If I interpret correctly, the person died earlier in the summer, and laid there until their apartment eventually caught fire.

Completely unrelated to the game, but maybe some out of the loop would like to hear.
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It was a friend of the game developer. After they returned home from their office job, they realized they forgot to buy dinner, and went back out to get some food to eat. When they returned their room was filled with smoke and the ceiling was on fire. After they put out the fire, they got into contact with the fire department and subsequently police that had arrived, but nobody knew the cause of the fire, and their friend was actually suspected as being the one who started it. However, as a precautionary measure, the police checked each apartment room in search of any anomalies. On the floor above the one the game dev's friend lived, there was one room that didn't get a response. The police contacted the landlord and had them open the door to find a corpse in the back of the room. The time of death was unclear, but it must have been during the Summer based on the decomposition of the corpse, and the room was filled up to the entrance with bugs that had been feasting on the corpse. In the end, the cause of the fire was never found out. Neither was the dead person's cause of death. Perhaps they started the fire so that their body would be found...