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ACT Loli Ryona [Misinkoujou] Flower Witch (RJ256081)

It was a friend of the game developer. After they returned home from their office job, they realized they forgot to buy dinner, and went back out to get some food to eat. When they returned their room was filled with smoke and the ceiling was on fire. After they put out the fire, they got into contact with the fire department and subsequently police that had arrived, but nobody knew the cause of the fire, and their friend was actually suspected as being the one who started it. However, as a precautionary measure, the police checked each apartment room in search of any anomalies. On the floor above the one the game dev's friend lived, there was one room that didn't get a response. The police contacted the landlord and had them open the door to find a corpse in the back of the room. The time of death was unclear, but it must have been during the Summer based on the decomposition of the corpse, and the room was filled up to the entrance with bugs that had been feasting on the corpse. In the end, the cause of the fire was never found out. Neither was the dead person's cause of death. Perhaps they started the fire so that their body would be found...
Ok I didn't join a H-community for an IRL horror/detective story cause damn that's messed up.
Ok I didn't join a H-community for an IRL horror/detective story cause damn that's messed up.

H stuff is usually pretty messed up by and in itself (except 100% vanilla stuff) xD
H stuff is usually pretty messed up by and in itself (except 100% vanilla stuff) xD
yeah lol
"i only came here for the sexual assault and suffocation stuff"
i know the games arent real of course but its still funny

Dev ran a short vote for the most popular animation/scene from either of the two games. Winner was


which was one of my top picks, so it's a good result.
Not a bad one, but I def would've put the final boss from the first game or the ex boss from the second.
Not a bad one, but I def would've put the final boss from the first game or the ex boss from the second.
This was actually what I voted for, but I'll take what we got. Both of those ended up in joint 5th place, along with the yuki-onna (FW version).
It was a friend of the game developer. After they returned home from their office job, they realized they forgot to buy dinner, and went back out to get some food to eat. When they returned their room was filled with smoke and the ceiling was on fire. After they put out the fire, they got into contact with the fire department and subsequently police that had arrived, but nobody knew the cause of the fire, and their friend was actually suspected as being the one who started it. However, as a precautionary measure, the police checked each apartment room in search of any anomalies. On the floor above the one the game dev's friend lived, there was one room that didn't get a response. The police contacted the landlord and had them open the door to find a corpse in the back of the room. The time of death was unclear, but it must have been during the Summer based on the decomposition of the corpse, and the room was filled up to the entrance with bugs that had been feasting on the corpse. In the end, the cause of the fire was never found out. Neither was the dead person's cause of death. Perhaps they started the fire so that their body would be found...
Thanks for clarifying. I left out a bunch of details and such because I legitimately thought almost no one would be interested, and I've had assholes attack me before for posting about "unrelated shit no one cares about," so I kind of half-assed the interpretation.

The thread has seen a bit of life recently, so while you're all here I'll ask something again that I never figured out; how do you get monster 027 in the bestiary? Monster 027 is the shadow monster that pulls you underground at the end of its GoR animation. It's found in the dark area around the wooden machine boss.

Speaking of which, I've been meaning to post but keep forgetting, some of the monsters have a "stomach bulge" thing in their animations. The wood machine boss and iron maiden are two that I remember (there are probably more).
It's hard to see, but maybe if you tilt your monitor a bit, it's there for the people who want it.
The thread has seen a bit of life recently, so while you're all here I'll ask something again that I never figured out; how do you get monster 027 in the bestiary? Monster 027 is the shadow monster that pulls you underground at the end of its GoR animation. It's found in the dark area around the wooden machine boss.

I think you get shadow hands monster from an Item drop either by Card Tophat Lady monster before the Construct boss or by Lantern Necromancer. For Tophat Lady I think I had to subjugate her really aggressively or she becomes invulnerable after a short time.
am i supposed to be able to do something for the final boss... or just dodge until i get wherever i'm going? getting to it is a bitch in itself
am i supposed to be able to do something for the final boss... or just dodge until i get wherever i'm going? getting to it is a bitch in itself

You can shoot at her...
English (+Chinese) version's now out on both JP and Eng DLsite. Go to the options/settings menu and change the bottom option to the 2nd choice to make everything English.
English (+Chinese) version's now out on both JP and Eng DLsite. Go to the options/settings menu and change the bottom option to the 2nd choice to make everything English.
Thanks for reminding us.

wonder if anyone has a full (or close to it) save?
Yeah, pretty sure a couple were posted in the thread.
complete/almost complete with a recent version?

Edit: and now I kinda regret deleting my posts about hex-editing the save.

AFAIK all saves are compatible with subsequent versions. Think I was going to post mine but then someone put theirs up and they'd grinded for decent gear ( which I never did ) so I didn't bother.
AFAIK all saves are compatible with subsequent versions. Think I was going to post mine but then someone put theirs up and they'd grinded for decent gear ( which I never did ) so I didn't bother.
that I know, but most seems to be a few updates behind and/or far from complete.

... or translations wasn't the only thing added.
last thing he added was either the bonus scenes you need to use an item at the bed for or the ex-ex dungeon with the magician, saves should have all the items ( at least 1 of each? ) and the ex-ex dungeon has no save points with only 2 of the magicians so farming her for her item's a nightmare ( also a complete waste of time ).