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RPG [mminit] Lewdest Labyrinth

Re: Lewdest Labyrinth - Dungeon Crawler [Updated Feb 10]

I'm working on some stuff to try and address the game over thing, I don't want to say for certain what I'll go with until I'm sure of it though. This stuff increases my workload a ton in terms of making art, so hopefully it's worth it.

-Game over CGs for each enemy
-Combat animations depicting "finishers"
-Lewd attacks for the heroine (lust victory)

All these are things people want and have repeatedly asked for. I'd like to add them but I need to be realistic here, there's no team working on this game, it's just me. Still, I'm taking things at my own pace so hopefully I don't burn out doing it.

I do have some questions, though - is Damage victory the only way to win in battles, or do you plan to add a Lust victory as well, the way Corruption of Champions does? I'd love to try to experience the difference between the two, and it's always nice when you're the sexual aggressor in these games I feel.

Not sure about the lust victory thing, I think it would be possible to make it work but it would be a pretty big fundamental change and difficult to balance. I could do something like if you raise the enemy LP past a certain threshold you'd get the option to do something lewd to them, but I have other things planned to add to the battle system before I think about that. No promises.

I agree with the idea of non-titlescreen gameovers.


Thanks for the feedback, the map has been mentioned and I'm looking into adding to it.

Funny enough I am playing around with a "retry" option right now when you lose, however it will come with a penalty should I choose to keep it.
Re: Lewdest Labyrinth - Dungeon Crawler [Updated Feb 10]

All these are things people want and have repeatedly asked for. I'd like to add them but I need to be realistic here, there's no team working on this game, it's just me. Still, I'm taking things at my own pace so hopefully I don't burn out doing it.

No pressure dude, take your time. At the end of the day your the dev, so its your decision on what goes in the game, and what you think you can handle. Remember that, and you won't have to worry about getting burned out.
Re: Lewdest Labyrinth - Dungeon Crawler [Updated Feb 10]

Mminit has posted videos and images of the next update. You can check it on his or just read my summary here:
4 new outfits, he may add a 5th so there will be 6 total outfits. They'll affect your stats. Each one has to be repaired the same way as before if it's damaged, but if it's damaged in combat you'll be able to swap to the default outfit as a backup. Some of the CG's will be slightly altered by the presence of alternate outfits. Outfits can be levelled up like your own abilities.
New battle options. There's now a guard option during battle that reduces LP, increases defense for the turn, and protects against grabs. You can run from a battle at any time with no fail chance, but you'll lose 1 max HP, XP equal to the enemy, and potentially an item; the exact opposite of winning a fight. There are now game over CG's for losing. Most are enemy specific, but there are also a few generic CG's.
The minimap has gotten its oft-requested improvement. Some traps can now cum and leave the heroine all sticky, which will act like a constant arousal effect until washed by healing, using a fountain or an item. The posts also mention that there will be new game+.
He's working really hard on this game and adding a ton of stuff to it (eventually). Let's show our appreciation eh?
Re: Lewdest Labyrinth - Dungeon Crawler [Updated Feb 10]

Mminit has posted videos and images of the next update. You can check it on his or just read my summary here:
4 new outfits, he may add a 5th so there will be 6 total outfits. They'll affect your stats. Each one has to be repaired the same way as before if it's damaged, but if it's damaged in combat you'll be able to swap to the default outfit as a backup. Some of the CG's will be slightly altered by the presence of alternate outfits. Outfits can be levelled up like your own abilities.
New battle options. There's now a guard option during battle that reduces LP, increases defense for the turn, and protects against grabs. You can run from a battle at any time with no fail chance, but you'll lose 1 max HP, XP equal to the enemy, and potentially an item; the exact opposite of winning a fight. There are now game over CG's for losing. Most are enemy specific, but there are also a few generic CG's.
The minimap has gotten its oft-requested improvement. Some traps can now cum and leave the heroine all sticky, which will act like a constant arousal effect until washed by healing, using a fountain or an item. The posts also mention that there will be new game+.
He's working really hard on this game and adding a ton of stuff to it (eventually). Let's show our appreciation eh?
That smug face of the MC when the eyeball slime enemy couldn't manage to strip her armor tho. :cool:

Little things like this is what makes a game a gem IMO. :)
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Re: Lewdest Labyrinth - Dungeon Crawler [Updated Feb 10]

That smug face of the MC when the eyeball slime enemy couldn't manage to strip her armor tho. :cool:

Little things like this is what makes a game a gem IMO. :)

mminit often undersells their own art, but the truth is that they really have a way with pictures. The MC's expressions are one of my favorite details in this game.
Re: Lewdest Labyrinth - Dungeon Crawler [Updated Feb 10]

mminit often undersells their own art, but the truth is that they really have a way with pictures. The MC's expressions are one of my favorite details in this game.

Yup agree with you there. The expressions feels alive yet not over-detailed.
Re: Lewdest Labyrinth - Dungeon Crawler [Updated Feb 10]

Thanks a lot guys! Hope you'll enjoy the upcoming stuff.
Re: Lewdest Labyrinth - Dungeon Crawler [Updated Feb 10]

Thanks a lot guys! Hope you'll enjoy the upcoming stuff.

Love the game so far! Can't wait until updates and maybe in the far future full release :D
Re: Lewdest Labyrinth - Dungeon Crawler [Updated Feb 10]

As the others already said, then changes look very exciting. The costumes especially; two of them are exactly what I requested a few pages ago!
Whether or not by my request or by being the most obvious choices; I highly appreciate it and I'm looking forward to the eventual next demo.
Re: Lewdest Labyrinth - Dungeon Crawler [Updated Feb 10]

As the others already said, then changes look very exciting. The costumes especially; two of them are exactly what I requested a few pages ago!
Whether or not by my request or by being the most obvious choices; I highly appreciate it and I'm looking forward to the eventual next demo.

It definitely helped influenced the decision. I also got messages/emails that requested outfits that were some variation of those, so I figured they'd be liked most.

Also, it was easy to find gameplay perks for them.
Re: Lewdest Labyrinth - Dungeon Crawler [Updated Feb 10]

Man! I hope you keep being so awesome. Great job so far man!
Re: Lewdest Labyrinth - Dungeon Crawler [Updated Feb 10]

Just curious, will there eventually be moving animations for this?
Re: Lewdest Labyrinth - Dungeon Crawler [Updated Feb 10]

Just curious, will there eventually be moving animations for this?
This game would be so much more amazing with animations even if basic but I'd imagine that would add a bit too much extra work.
Re: Lewdest Labyrinth - Dungeon Crawler [Updated Feb 10]

Animation seems a little overkill to me, even then I'd rather have more cgs than a couple of animations.
Re: Lewdest Labyrinth - Dungeon Crawler [Updated Feb 10]

Animation seems a little overkill to me, even then I'd rather have more cgs than a couple of animations.

Animations overkill? Aww come on man, animations are never overkill! :(
Re: Lewdest Labyrinth - Dungeon Crawler [Updated Feb 10]

Animations are always nice, it's just a question of whether creating them would compromise the amount of content otherwise
Re: Lewdest Labyrinth - Dungeon Crawler [Updated Feb 10]

I don’t think I’ll be doing animations, sorry. The amount of work they’d take would definitely hamper any additional content I would want to add to the game, that and I don’t think my skill in it at the moment would be satisfying. I’m already stretched thin enough anyway.
Re: Lewdest Labyrinth - Dungeon Crawler [Updated Feb 10]

I don’t think I’ll be doing animations, sorry. The amount of work they’d take would definitely hamper any additional content I would want to add to the game, that and I don’t think my skill in it at the moment would be satisfying. I’m already stretched thin enough anyway.

If you consider it, you could probably do it as an after project after you complete development on the game. If you consider it.

Edit: Whoever told me in a neg-rep, "Getting a little pushy there, let it go." needs to fuck off. Why the hell do you think I said, "IF you consider it," huh?

Let me show you an example of actually being pushy:
"B-b-b-b-but mmint! anmatiens would mak the gam wunderful! U should do dem!!!"
That's being pushy and bad at English. And for the rare mega idiot who thinks this is my opinion and tries to start to neg-rep bombing all of my 144 (At this point in time) posts, this is in fact not my opinion. I don't give a flying fuck if they put animations in THEIR game or not, I just thought it'd look cool. But if you're going to bitch at me, then you can go jump off a bridge.
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Re: Lewdest Labyrinth - Dungeon Crawler [Updated Feb 10]

Some guys are bad at reading how aggressively a suggestion is worded, and also defensive about games they like. It stands to reason that people like this could be found on these forums. Also, calm down. Everyone here gets rep-sniped by people who want to criticize from the shadows. If you want to make suggestions without risking an ankle-biting, try sending the dev a PM.

Anyway, great game, mminit! The visuals are nice and clean, there's just enough voice clips to enhance the porn, and the gameplay is intuitive and snappy. Do you intend to do a sequel, or are you just going to keep adding onto the game, for a while longer?
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Re: Lewdest Labyrinth - Dungeon Crawler [Updated Feb 10]

Apparently, they neg-repped me too. The nerve of some people I tell ya :rolleyes:.
While it is sad to hear there may not be animations I still really love the art and gameplay. Can't wait for the next release. How many "levels" is planned and sorry if it's been answered already?