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Multiplayer Gaming

Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Is anyone here thinking of organizing a stable team or something? I don't think a co-op FPS is a good idea without having a trustworthy group of players ready.

It's not a FPS. :p But you have a point in forming a stable team. I played with my two brothers and it was fun - they didn't act as tactical as I'm used to, but it still was a blast. With folks you can team up and rely on, fun-factor increases into the omg-levels.

Question is: Who around here is trustworthy?

*sends suspicious looks towards the other users in here*
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Last night XSI, TWO, Hero and I were a team, and plan on doing so again today. Hence my earlier comment :p
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Especially on higher difficulty like "Hard" or even "Insane", the whole team isn't allowed to do many mistakes. Screw-ups always take the team one step closer to mission failure. They happen sometimes of course - nobody's perfect - but players have to stick to the plan and tactics. VoIP is very useful in this game in case something happens, so you can warn others in time.

By the way, does anyone know how to get the infestation off a soldier, apart from medikits and that shock armor? Does it help if you punch the infested soldier? Those little facehuggers are the worst enemies.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Incidentally that's what the last part of my previous statement was about. First time finding them everyone but me got infected. Ready to say "screw it" and start over blasted two of them :)D), but then TWO somehow got deinfested. He picked up the flamethrower and had no weapon. So that time really didn't count.

We were really close the second time, but ran out of medpacks early. We did half the map with 3 chars on like 1 hp, and were really close to beating the last encounter of that level, there were probably like 5 seconds untill the door opened, I swear.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

The parasite's attack is like poison damage. The only thing a medic can do is reduce the amount of time a marine is infected while healing them, which Faith is best at. But no matter what, a marine getting infected by a parasite costs a lot of resources to cure, so the best way to fight them is to not get infected at all.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Incidentally that's what the last part of my previous statement was about. First time finding them everyone but me got infected. Ready to say "screw it" and start over blasted two of them :)D), but then TWO somehow got deinfested. He picked up the flamethrower and had no weapon. So that time really didn't count.

We were really close the second time, but ran out of medpacks early. We did half the map with 3 chars on like 1 hp, and were really close to beating the last encounter of that level, there were probably like 5 seconds untill the door opened, I swear.

That's because you shot at us when I was deinfesting people, and they died faster, causing us to lose the guy we needed, and I picked up the ammo =P. We ran out of medpacks because I guess nobody knew what to do and we all stood around just kinda wondering what we had to do.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

I'm usually trying to find areas my squad isn't focusing, in case a couple swarm come in from behind or some such. So whenever some butthole wants kills so desperately, he shoves his ass on the end of my gun to block my shots, I usually just aim somewhere else.

I say usually, because there have been times when I really didn't feel like sparing his anus from a full blast of my load.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Yeah, sorry about that.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Honestly, the second time we didn't do to bad, I think someone had to AFK in that one hallway which is why no one was firing.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Honestly, the second time we didn't do to bad, I think someone had to AFK in that one hallway which is why no one was firing.

Yeah, but I ran out of medpacks cause we were doing nothing <.<
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

The Tesla Cannon seems to blast the buggers off as well, so that combined with a Healing Beacon and/or a Medic Gun clears them right off. And don't forget to grab the Electric armor. It's a lifesaver against them. Just be quick about turning it on; the longer they're on before you hit it, the longer it takes to shake them off.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

ohhhhh meh gawddd kawaiiiiii~~~~ =w=

Fuck off bro, darkfire and I are the sexy gay couple.

I think.

Wait, you're a woman too?
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

You're a woman.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Bitch, you wanna throw down? I'll whop your skanky ass into next WEEK!
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

I'm sorry, I didn't mean homosexual. I meant are we that gay about it?