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VN/TEXT Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Re: Tsukihime

Right clicking works as well.
And unnatural and illogical aside - they are such good writers you can really feel it too. ><;

Welp, I'm glad I was able to share this with you guys then! Glad you're liking it.
Re: Tsukihime

Right clicking works as well.
And unnatural and illogical aside - they are such good writers you can really feel it too. ><;

Welp, I'm glad I was able to share this with you guys then! Glad you're liking it.

Oh you have NO idea. I've been searching for good stories to read for so long, who thought it would be on a porn sight? Hell I've noticed this game doesn't have a whole lot but I honestly don't care! Character development, plot, so many things missing out of movies and media these days. I've been playing this for about 6 hours straight! It's fantastic!
Re: Tsukihime


Yea, I know how you feel. First time I had this it took a bit of encouragement to give it a real shot. That hospital scene felt so, so slow to me. Then after I came back with a fresh mind, even the opening hospital scene was pretty cool. Everything about Tsukihime's just wintastic. After you get finished with Tsukihime, there's Kagetsu Tohya up here. A few other things too.

Also check out . Fate fans, at 2:34 that's the grail. xD

Edit: I'll have to throw up Fate/Stay Night here when my laptop gets battery back up.
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Re: Tsukihime

I've read the manga version. Here's the link:
Re: Tsukihime

Also found the Melty Blood here. But it seems that Melty Blood has no ecchi stuff. Also, it's incomplete. Link:
Re: Tsukihime

Manga Fox has all of the Tsukihime manga. Well, thus far except the last three chapters or so.

The manga's pretty sweet too. THE ANIME SUCKS. It takes all of the logic that is Tsukihime's world and butchers it. Do yourself a favor and never watch it. Or at least experience true Tsukihime first fully xD
Re: Tsukihime

There is no Tsukihime anime. [/denial]

(and incidentally, the same applies for Umineko.)
Re: Tsukihime

Ok, I've checked this thread since it first got posted, and enough is enough. I'm gonna download Tsukihime and check it out tonight... Obviously, no one dislikes it... Oh, and OOH, MELTYBLOOD
Re: Tsukihime

So far I've died twice. Both in... unatural and illogical ways.
Suddenly I'm reminded of the first time I got killed off...

You think you're safe in that hotel room Shiki? Especially with Nero creeping around and the fact that Arcueid is not with you? Well you should of ran, since a shark came out of nowhere and ate you.

...or atleast, I think that's how that hotel scene went.

Also check out . Fate fans, at 2:34 that's the grail. xD.

Reminds me that they made a translation of the game's story in Melty Blood Re-ACT which I haven't gotten around to yet.

Also, I wonder when they'll make a PC port of I do not own a JP PS2 so importing the console version is out of the question, it's a pain, since Ryougi Shiki from Kara no Kyoukai was added to that port.

The manga's pretty sweet too. THE ANIME SUCKS. It takes all of the logic that is Tsukihime's world and butchers it. Do yourself a favor and never watch it. Or at least experience true Tsukihime first fully xD

I remember hearing that the anime was really terrible, I haven't seen it myself but I've atleast read up on it and knew it wasn't taken very well, I haven't read the manga though.

There is no Tsukihime anime. [/denial]

(and incidentally, the same applies for Umineko.)
They rushed so many events with the Umineko anime, wish they seriously didn't do that with the fight between . Even this version covers the VN's version of the fight completely.
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Re: Tsukihime

@Luppi: Yea, give it a decent shot and let me know what you think!

God, I fucking love this thread. :D
I wonder what it's going to be like when I finish my Type-Moon D20 system and try to run play by post on here.
Re: Tsukihime

Spoiler contains story elements.
Arcueid really pisses me off. I felt like I went through all of that for nothing, except to make up for what I did, which makes me even more pissed because it wasn't even my fault. I can't even remember how many times I had to get torn, eaten, beaten up, stabbed, just to have her suddenly disappear. After agreeing to help her, at her own request for killing her, to make up for it, all of a sudden she just starts pushing him away. I make it clear that I want to help, if only because she's an idiot, and will die in a moment's notice if I don't. And after all that, she says thanks, and vanishes forever.

That would bug me for the rest of my life if I was Shiki. I'd make it a priority to find out where she's sleeping, and wake her ass up. After everything they went through, just leaving it like that has got to be the most depressing way to finish it all.
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Re: Tsukihime


Arc Analysis Inside
Well yea, every character - Shiki included - is fucking nuts unless you can understand their perspective. In this case, let's think about the White Princess.

This character existed for eight hundred years so far as nothing more than a weapon. She slaughtered so many powerful people without having any particular emotion about it. She literally lived to just target that which needed to die, and slaughter all in her path to kill it if need be before returning to rest.

She therefore, though having near unlimited power, still very much lacked the concept of what life is even capable of. When she got killed by Shiki, she was pissed. Really fucking pissed. It took many hours to regenerate and when she did, first thing she did is get up and wait for him in front of his school planning to just slaughter him in the street. She sat there waiting hours before the school opened, pissed.

Then she started wondering about what kind of guy he was to have been able to kill her. What made him different than the many other who fell like gravy at her feet. It was that thought in general that gave Arcuied the concept of curiosity, which is what set her onto the path of a common human life form and why Roa feels that she is now "tainted" and wouldn't hesitate to kill her, feeling her as "nothing more than a common vampire."

At first she very much wants to kill you. Eventually it just becomes that she doesn't care. You're quite literally her only friend. Even everyone else in Tsukihime's a total bitch to her really. Also, for most of that time she is under the sure impression that Shiki is some expert murderer.

In comparison to most characters in Tsukihime, Arc's bouts of insanity are not too far fetched. It's pretty much what you'd get if you had an omnipotent death-machine woman trying to fit into society with the mentality of a child. Just be glad you haven't started Kohaku's route yet. xD

Other than that, I hope you're enjoying it all. xD
Re: Tsukihime

Spoiler contains story elements.
Arcueid really pisses me off. I felt like I went through all of that for nothing, except to make up for what I did, which makes me even more pissed because it wasn't even my fault. I can't even remember how many times I had to get torn, eaten, beaten up, stabbed, just to have her suddenly disappear. After agreeing to help her, at her own request for killing her, to make up for it, all of a sudden she just starts pushing him away. I make it clear that I want to help, if only because she's an idiot, and will die in a moment's notice if I don't. And after all that, she says thanks, and vanishes forever.

That would bug me for the rest of my life if I was Shiki. I'd make it a priority to find out where she's sleeping, and wake her ass up. After everything they went through, just leaving it like that has got to be the most depressing way to finish it all.


Alternatively: (Kagetsu Tohya included)

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Re: Tsukihime

Yeah, I can't deny that it was a good story, it did do well to reel me in at points, but there's one thing I can't agree with.

Story elements here, go away unless you've beaten the game once.
On the contrary, I think Shiki is perfectly sane. There hasn't been a point yet, perhaps because I can control his choices to some extent, that I ever felt like I wanted to leave his perspective for the sake of disagreeing with it. I never felt like he ever lost his mind. All I ever saw was that he was suffering from his experiences, with either the option to keep going, and be responsible for his situation, or give up, and try to run away.

In the case of Arcueid, honestly, when I was asked what I thought about her at the restaurant, I called her selfish. When Shiki killed her, I was expecting, just as he was, that she waited, and chased him with the sole purpose of revenge for killing her. I was thinking the scene that would follow would be either begging for his life, or killing her again. Instead, she's lost interest in revenge, and asks if he's sorry. Well, of course he's sorry. He didn't mean to kill her to begin with, just whatever was inside him made him tick, and want to kill her, even without his consent. She asks Shiki, or in the game's case, me, to help her. Of course, I saw it as a way to make up for what happened, so I agree. Then almost every scene with her after that, is her being a complete idiot. Not only is it hard enough to kill supernatural beings with a fruitknife while being chewed on, but she gets hurt as well, and basically declares that she's going to go attempt to do what she said we'd do together, declares that she's probably going to die trying, and simply leaves it at that.

Child's mentality or no, the constant crap she put me through caused me to get an ending where Shiki simply went back to school, and never saw her again as if nothing happened. THAT ending, with the simple words, 'are you forgetting something?' made me think, 'No, I'm not forgetting anything. I'm hurt, my chest has been bleeding for no reason, my brain feels ready to explode, and the girl who asked me to help her doesn't want my help anymore, she wants me to go away. I can't find her, I waited at the park at the time she made me promise to wait, I waited even an hour after that. She's wants me to be gone, so it can't be helped.'

To me, that ending was better than Arcueid's True Ending. It wasn't a satisfying conclusion, but then again, her true ending wasn't either. After going through all of that, she dies in my arms, I think she's dead. Even that would have been fine, with it ending with Shiki returning to the mansion and living happily with his sister, Huisi, and Kohaku. BUT, she reappears. Oh, joy! I think to myself. She's fine, revived somehow. But then, just as soon as she reappears, she goes away, saying she's going to go back to sleep, likely for a time beyond my natural life.

Absolutely. Terrible. God, that was horrible. And I even agreed with Shiki, 'Please, stay,' we both thought. But nope, just like all those times before, she vanishes. That ending, with Shiki simply saying goodbye, was the only moment where I didn't agree with him. Shit, I've chased after her, almost literally through Hell, just to see her. Letting it all go, and just going back to the way things were is something I wouldn't be able to accept. Wherever she's gone, it's still gotta be on planet Earth. And that means I'd search for her, even if it means giving up on everything else that's around.

So, that ending left me irritated. I wasn't satisfied. Playing through a second time, in the process of it, I said to myself, "Fuck you Arcueid," when she asked me to be her 'shield,' as she did before. Of course, she used her mystic eyes, and forced me into it anyway. There's no way I'm going to try for a second ending with her. I just don't like her. Ciel's my next attempt, since Akiha's a mean bitch, dragging me all the way to the mansion, and treating me like she hates my guts, and Huisi is just plain creepy. And with what you said about Kohaku, I'm having doubts there as well. I actually thought something nice might happen with someone who seems like the brightest of the bunch.

Edit: Hahaha, thanks nnescio, I think I know what endings to go for now.
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Re: Tsukihime

So there's more this guy has done right!? I'd love if somebody downloaded more here, and I'm sorry if I don't see something because I'm playing the sequel (I think) Kagetsu Tohya at the moment. Though I'm starting to wonder is this the ONLY story arc this guy stays with?
Re: Tsukihime

...Edit: Hahaha, thanks nnescio, I think I know what endings to go for now.

You're welcome. Let me guess... Ciel True?

So there's more this guy has done right!? I'd love if somebody downloaded more here, and I'm sorry if I don't see something because I'm playing the sequel (I think) Kagetsu Tohya at the moment. Though I'm starting to wonder is this the ONLY story arc this guy stays with?

I'm sorry but I can't quite understand what you are trying to say here.
Re: Tsukihime

Kohaku, actually. Opinions of Ciel's makes it sound like I might want to avoid it, much like the dreaded 'you are dead,' scenes.
Re: Tsukihime

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCK!!! I can't seem to get whatever the hell I'm supposed to do. Repeat again, repeat again, repeat again, despite doing the exact fucking thing I was told in the HELP SECTION! Someone, anybody, if you have any heart and soul just give me a direct approach to the next fucking level!!! T_T

I've spent 2 hours trying to do it in EVERY combination possible! ((actually getting some pretty amusing game overs)) but still can't get this!

I'm sorry but I can't quite understand what you are trying to say here.

And I mean other stories, other little story games. Is or these two the only ones?

Or at least other visual novels that rival Tsukihme? ((I'm growing too frustrated with the second one if you can't tell.))
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Re: Tsukihime

Apologies for the absence, bro-hans!

Ciel's story is a bit jacked, and she's kinda like Arc in the socially inept department. But let me put it this way. QUOTE THE ENDING. "There's nothing wrong with chaining Tohno-kun down with my feelings!" My buddy Xanatos would BURN HER if she was alive.

Akiha, in my opinion, though a total bitch she's likely the only one of these folks really with that feel of 'it was supposed to happen.' It's only really revealed in her route and I won't ruin it, but she's not too bad at all.

Hisui is creepy.
"Gah! Were you watching me as I slept?"
"Did I make any funny positions?"
"I would like to refrain from speaking about it."

Kohaku's not too bad. She's actually a very good character. Her story is just, really sad.

And yea, Shiki Tohno is the sanest of the bunch. I personally loved following his progress, it felt like I was him.

@Sponge: Yes, indeed!

Visual Novels:
Kagetsu Tohya (Sequel to Tsukihime)
Fate/Stay Night (Yes it was a VN)
Fate/Hollow Ataraxia (Which I still have yet to play, but not for long)

Hrrm. There's more but I can't recall off the top of my head.

Angel Notes (Poorly translated and short but so cool.)
Fate/Zero (Staged in the previous grail war)

Uh, there's a ton ton more. I can't recall right now due to me staying up all night reading Bittersweet Candy Bowl because for some reason I love it.

And which route are you on? I may be able to help you out. As you play, there are variables which indicate your relationship with people hidden in the background too. If you are forced to replay through it, remember - hold CTRL. It is your best friend. :p And yes, that one is really a pain in the ass. But it's SO WORTH IT. Hang on bro.

I hope that helps you out. ^^
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Re: Tsukihime

Kohaku, actually. Opinions of Ciel's makes it sound like I might want to avoid it, much like the dreaded 'you are dead,' scenes.
That's BULLCRAP! I loved Ciel's True ending. Much more romantic then the vampire chick. But I don't see why you didn't like her ending, it's a bittersweet ending really. In the end, you know it can't be done, She's a vampire, and she can't stay with you and you know it too. But the relationship still remains, and you made her happy when all she knew in life was killing and pain. She'll treasure the times you did have...... wow I sound sappy.

And you misunderstand Hisui, I haven't played through her story yet, but I'm thinking she's always been longing for something with him, but her current position of only be a servant demands that she doesn't have feelings, despite the fact she's always been looking out the window at you every time you played as a child. That's as far as spoiling I'm going to do though.
THANK YOU! ALTMAN BE PRAISED (dead space reference X3)

I hope that helps you out. ^^

THANK YOU! ALTMAN BE PRAISED (dead space reference X3)

Um, except one thing........



Edit: Oh wait, google translated... FUCK YOU GOOGLE! Leaving that untranslated! I think I actually got to that part but I had no idea how to answer her.
And I've never played Fate Stay Night. Do we have any uploads of that or are you doing all of them? I'd give you more rep but it won't let me rep you so soon again. XD
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