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RPG Patreon Unknown/Hiatus RPG Maker [Nerion] Fountain of Mana

Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

Awesome. Really looking foreward to trying the new version tomorrow when I'm sober... :p
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

Awesome. Really looking foreward to trying the new version tomorrow when I'm sober... :p

maybe mega will be workin by then. i been tryna dl it for the past 2 hrs now.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

Is there some sort of invisible corruption value? If she refuses to do something and I go and do other stuff, will she eventually feel like it?
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

It works just fine for me, but probably I should make a mirror somewhere else...

Yes, there is few of them. You won't be able to do some event's if someone doesn't like you for example, or Ravy is not used to certain things. Also most events more or less are different depending on your "stats".
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

kinda stuck at night

i got the dog from the forest, built the doghouse

was able to bring Ela along to swim and also brought Marienne along by saying ill hang out with her at night

after going to the creek? i bring Ela to her house in town only to encounter the drunks in the bar along the way

slept in Ela's house till morning

went back to castle and read the book again and it turned night

i took the dog and went to town at night with dog to see the scene

after that when i try to sleep she says "It's too early to go to the bed..."

i was planing on giving the frost weed to the herbalist at morning but cant due to not able to sleep

fixed it by finding Thomlin again in the pond jerking of on a kiddy drawing of ravy :D
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Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

Really need a walkthrough, cause I have no clue how to get anything >>

On another... was wandering around and found a potential problem.
If you jump off this ledge in the forest, and into that bush, you get stuck.


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Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

i dont think ive found everything in the latest update, but i like that yer takin it slow on her corruption. most games by the time youve played an hour, the girl is already fuckin the whole town.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

Might be a few errors in how the progression of days go. After you posted your hints, I was able to do the village dance and 2 scenes with the sick boy. But I'm stuck at night again and the only thing I can do is talk to Ela and invite her to swim, but she said she didn't bring a swimsuit and at that point there's nobody to talk to but when I try to sleep it says "It's too early to sleep".

You're making great progress though, I really like this game a lot.

Edit: After seeing posts about a dog in the forest, I encountered it at night. If this happens, it bypasses the quest and you get stuck.
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Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

Good Morning! Thankfully New Version is Public now, but I still cannot Download from "MEGA" it stops at 99%. Mirror/Torrent Someone Please?
Have to go to Work now.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

I'm stuck in the old mine because of text skip (bad habit), seems like I need to find a shovel or whatever to get out of the mine, can someone help? :(
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

It seems that going to sleep is a problem. Thomlin is a key to this. Just focus on him for a while and then you'll be able to skip the night with him.

Don't forget to visit Ela at night if she isn't in the castle.

Thanks for the heads up. Yeah, walkthrough will be here soon.

Yes, probably not everything. But it's up to the player how fast it is, and there is always option to back away.

How did you get stuck there? How it bypass the quest? You should get quest normally but you should't be able to talk to the dog until morning.

I'll do something about this later.

Ah the beautiful mine. Just explore it a bit. Shovel is behind the grate, and lever is really close to it. Also some of you might not want to find gunpowder.

Thank you for feedback.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

Nerion, The dog was in the forest at night. I didn't talk to it all during the day, but Ravy acted like I had food for the dog and it followed me home. At that point, I couldn't talk to Ravy's father to get approval to keep the dog because he's in his study at that point of the day.

I loaded from a daytime save and was able to do the quest normally however. Just trying to figure out what I'm supposed to do now. The "too early to go to bed" is killing me hard.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

Got the dog but the carpenters won't sell me anything - are they supposed to sell me wood or do I need to get it elsewhere?
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

did you ask Aldis to go with you?

Oh, so that's what's required. It's kinda misleading that when you have the quest it just says to go buy wood from carpenters and when you try nothing happens.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

Oh, so that's what's required. It's kinda misleading that when you have the quest it just says to go buy wood from carpenters and when you try nothing happens.

i think she said sumpm like maybe she can find somebody to help her...
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

i think she said sumpm like maybe she can find somebody to help her...

Yeah, she probably does. I think I thought she needs help afterwards, not when she goes to buy the stuff.

Anyways, found a bug - blueberries aren't consumed when eaten so you can just use them to heal to full after any fight. I shamelessly abused it in the mines, didn't really enjoy the big bat fights there even with that helping.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

got the dog bug too. Met him at evening/early night. Can´t progress any further. Father is still at "Birthday" Loop.

The Trade Rep. scene in his office is the last until next update or did i miss something?
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

Found a bug. If you bring your dog into your room, make it wear your blue blouse and skirt, then go to sleep, you'll lose access to that clothing and become unable to leave your room. And yes, I was trying to see if I could break the game by doing that. Fun fact, the dog will also wear a bra and panties with no complaints. You might want to change her clothing from anyone can equip to Revy's class only. Or her class + specific others if there are other customizable characters planned.