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RPG Patreon Unknown/Hiatus RPG Maker [Nerion] Fountain of Mana

Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

During the day if you talk to the cat you lose collision with the other (non cat) NPCs in town. Rendering you unable to interact with them. Only the NPCs in the shop stands can be interacted with at that point.

I would like to request something... give us either a option to go to bed early, or an option to go for a solo swim (and masturbation) repeatable scene not tied to any quests.

Its rather frustrating how easy it is to get progress blocked because you absolutely have to see an event to progress time, but you do not qualify for any events.

I thought collision was always off, though I agree it is easy to get progress blocked.

The game has like, almost identical amount of day events and night events, so it expects you to cycle events like day>night>day>night... but some events require you trigger something during the day first, so you can get stuck having no events at night.

I think either make it so you can skip time, or make the stories completely linear: you can only progress time when all day tasks are done, then you trigger a major event, and then do night tasks and so on.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

I would like to request something... give us either a option to go to bed early, or an option to go for a solo swim (and masturbation) repeatable scene not tied to any quests.

i agree with this.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

deathmage126 Don't worry about him, he just have to say something not really important.

Well, as I said before, you can skip day in library, and night with Thomlin if you manage to "talk" with him enough. But you're right guys, I'll make something to skip night without Thomlin. But only after day 4. Why? Well, because it could interfere with some events. Please, bear with it for now.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

Where can you skip in the library? everything says "Book about magic" or something like that.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

Where can you skip in the library? everything says "Book about magic" or something like that.

if yer tryna skip at night, it only works durin the day i think.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

Where can you skip in the library? everything says "Book about magic" or something like that.

It's the same place where you get the book for the dispel magic. Library, small room, rightmost bookcase.

And as torkenstiem said, you can only do it during the day.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

Little Report:
- Bug? After trying to change her Clothes in her Room (Saved Game before)
with Dog and after visit Father, Game crashes as I leave the Menu with
some quick Errormessage. After that I can not reload to that point again
and Game stops in the Load Saved State Menu. So I have to replay from
previous State. I have not try to equip the Dog or something.
- Game runs fine even on Old PC (Year 2001, 667 Mhz) with Win XP, but
little slow on the (Big) Maps, not that smooth when running. Menue´s no
Problem. I like the Game this far.
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Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

Ah, every time i tried to enter during the day she wouldnt so i didnt try anymore. guess ill try again :)
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!


Try waiting for a while in the save menu it should unfroze after few seconds. It seems like one time glich so I don't know what I can do about it.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

So is there any way to fix the dog at night bug? Its very annoying and its preventing me from going any further because after making the Frost Weed salve there's no way to progress through night time except via the dog.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

Sometimes dialog does not show up when talking to NPCs, notably your father mostly, but other random times as well.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

If you go swimming the first night without picking up the suit first you get stuck (scene doesn't fire, can't leave the area)
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

Really liking the way this is going. Like the artwork, and how what Ravvy wear's is shown in the animations... and how there is a difference between the Ravvy image with or without bra on.

I have come across a few bugs, and questions though.

A - I had a bug when I initially found the dog during the day. I went through the initial scene with it, then got the "Dog is vicious, don't go near" msg if I went too close - and this is where the bug happened.

I was able to turn around at this point, before the game forced Ravvy to step backwards. This meant that when Ravvy moved, she was still in 'range' of the dog, so got the msg again and force moved back - except this time I was not able to turn around.

To get out of this I had to wait till Ravvy was moved back into the tree line, then spam the 'up' arrow key to force turn her so that what she was moved back... she'd eventually back out out of range of the Dog.

B - I have had a ctd when fighting the first rats when I was playing in full-screen mode (alt-enter). The game crashed as soon as the fight started and I had to re-do the fight in windowed mode.

This only happened the once though, never happened in any of the other fights.

C - I don't know if your supposed to be able to do the Old Mine quest with Aldrin without the dog, but I couldn't.

After talking to Aldrin and agreeing to go to the mines with him... whenever I talked to him in the mansion he would talk about the mine mission and be all excited for it, but that was all. I tried doing various other events and things... but the only way I could ever trigger the "Are you ready" bit which sent you to the Mine was to have the dog with me.

If the dog is meant to come along, you might want to edit Aldrin's lines to suggest bringing it along.. or have Ravvy think about it or some form of prompt.

D - Is there a way to have the dog stop following you once you speak to him and have him follow you?

While it didn't effect any of the scene's or such, having the dog permanently follow me around was a bit odd. Maybe let Ravvy go back to the kennel and tell the dog to stay?

E - I've read that you can skip time in the same room that you get the dispel book from, however once I've done that quest I have never been able to enter that room again. Ravvy just says she won't enter it without permission.

F - I personally think there should be a way to move time from day to night, and night to sleep time.

Yes, I know that once you get far enough with Thomlin's storyline the night->sleep isn't a concern. However I found myself a few times in the daytime wanting to do a nighttime event/scene/story, but not able to do it because of lack of a daytime 'time' trigger.

I just feel that for people who might not be aware of all possible options, maybe a way to skip time to do what they know of would be handy.

G - Is the sleeping nude going to influence/effect anything? Or is it mainly for scene looks?

H - I wasn't ever able to get the Ela swim scene/event happening/started, as I only ever once got the option to ask her to go for a swim.

I only ever got the option to ask her to go for a swim the first time I spoke to her, where she said no. I then talked with her daily... both at the castle during the day, castle during night or at her home if she was not in the castle. I was never again given the chance to ask her swimming.

I - Is there currently only the two scene's with the Trade Rep? (Bar & Rep room)

J - Will Ravvy's reaction to the 3 'suspicious' types in the bar change depending on her corruption?

I know there is a vast difference between choosing to do something (ie what she does with the Trade Rep) and being grabbed by force. However, wondering if what she say's and her reaction to being 'touched' changes - ie rather than being all 'no no no" maybe a bit more "no need for such rough play"

Like if she comes across them after seeing the Trade rep in his room (maybe more than jsut that once) as well as the feast event(s)... she's likely not going to be so concerned/embarrassed that they saw her lift her skirt up. She might not be so happy about the force grabbing... but her thoughts might potentially change.

I'm not asking for changes in this if you don't want to, as it is your game. Just curious if later on that scene & story follow-up will change depending on when you trigger it.

Anyways, thanx again for working on this game. Looking forward to it's future.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

The narrator chastises you for being trash at turn-based combat if you lose against the mercenaries. Awesome.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

Okay, now I see that Thomlin isn't enough to progress time forward. Will add something.

What do you mean by that? Text box is invisible or just nothing happens?

Uh, it's not possible to go out without top. There is a condition "have a swimsuit top". If not there's a line " I need a swimsuit". Don't know how you bypass that...

A: Ah, there is always a lot problem with the dog when the player is really inpatient, and try to move during the scene. Well, if you didn't get stuck permanently it's okay. Have to polish it a bit anyway.

B: I have no idea what could cause that... And you're not the first one to have a problem there...
Wha there any message? Maybe something about sound?

C: Uh, yeah my mistake. You should be able to go without dog. Not much change but still...

D: There isn't for now, if you talk to the dog you're stuck with him for the whole day. Somehow I forgot to add option to leave him.

E: No, you can skip day when you interact with any of the bookcases. It must be a day 5+ though.

G: The problem with skipping time is that it's best to do all events simultaneously, and not focus on just one. But as I said, I'll add something.

H: Well, it seems you weren't too nice to her. Every time you speak with her at night you get one point. If you tell her that chamberlain thinks she's lazy you get the point. If you tell her parents she is working hard you get point. There's more, but you can also get -1 if you're not nice. You need 3 points to ask her to swim.

I: Yes, In next update there will be a lot more, I think.

J: It already changes a bit. Also wearing different clothes have influence on their dialog. But remember, Ravy is, and always will be a good girl so she is repulsed by their behavior. And it's not only that they are perverted, (she could probably at some point let it slide) but they are bad people in general. So no fun for bar punks for now. Sorry.

Thank you for your words guys, it helps me a lot.

Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!


B: I have no idea what could cause that... And you're not the first one to have a problem there...
Wha there any message? Maybe something about sound?

E: No, you can skip day when you interact with any of the bookcases. It must be a day 5+ though.

H: Well, it seems you weren't too nice to her. Every time you speak with her at night you get one point. If you tell her that chamberlain thinks she's lazy you get the point. If you tell her parents she is working hard you get point. There's more, but you can also get -1 if you're not nice. You need 3 points to ask her to swim.

J: It already changes a bit. Also wearing different clothes have influence on their dialog. But remember, Ravy is, and always will be a good girl so she is repulsed by their behavior. And it's not only that they are perverted, (she could probably at some point let it slide) but they are bad people in general. So no fun for bar punks for now. Sorry.
B - No error message, just a standard Windows "This application has stopped responding" message with no option for more details. Nothing about sound, of which I'm assuming there isn't any in the game... because I'm not getting any sound at all.

In case it helps, I'm on Windows 7 64-bit and game is not installed under either /Program Files/ or /Program Files (x86)/

E - ahh, I never tried on Day 5 - I tried on day 3 or such iirc. Upon thinking about it, it was likely around day 5 I started to have issue's with what to do... so I guess I'll do another play through and try again on day 5 to check it's working.

H. Ooooh. So I guess I botched it. As I told her mom that thing's weren't going all that well for her at the castle: I gather that's -1 to the score? Does telling her the Chamberlain thinks she's lazy +1 or -1?

That only really accounts for 2 point's... and those two situations are the only real things I can remember with her. Every other time I've talked to her at night.. it's been a scripted "lets chat *fade to black and then back* It's getting late" scene. I think I spoke to her 3 times, but I likely still didn't get the points due to -1 or -2. Oh wells, will try again :)

J - Yeah, I realize they aren't 'good' people and Ravvy is basically a good girl, even if she can be corrupted to like sex & such. Their actions and the tale from the merchant & waitress make it plainly obvious. It's why with the corruption I was thinking maybe let slide some of the groping/ but not the forcing, but likely not the more she knows about them.. cause as you said, she is basically a good girl at heart.

I'll admit I knew dialogue & such had to be different based on what Ravvy is, or is not, wearing... but not sure how much by. Simply because I like to try and play as depraved as possible the 1st time through... so was from the start not wearing a bra, and no panties at night either. They did comment on the fact she was wearing no bra, as well as no panties. The Trade Rep also comments on Ravvy not wearing a bra as well.

Ohh, that reminds me of another possible issue - the first time you encounter the feast. I went there at night for the 1st encounter, no bra or panties on... and when Ravvy panicked and put clothes back on, she equipped the swimsuit and not her bra & panties. Was she meant to put on the swimsuit top & bottom, or her bra and panties?

Brassyandclassy - What mercenaries, and what narrator?

I only remember fighting Thomlin, Aldris, Goblins, a bear & bat's. I guess I've missed something?
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Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

Okay, now I see that Thomlin isn't enough to progress time forward. Will add something.

What do you mean by that? Text box is invisible or just nothing happens?

Uh, it's not possible to go out without top. There is a condition "have a swimsuit top". If not there's a line " I need a swimsuit". Don't know how you bypass that...

A: Ah, there is always a lot problem with the dog when the player is really inpatient, and try to move during the scene. Well, if you didn't get stuck permanently it's okay. Have to polish it a bit anyway.

B: I have no idea what could cause that... And you're not the first one to have a problem there...
Wha there any message? Maybe something about sound?

C: Uh, yeah my mistake. You should be able to go without dog. Not much change but still...

D: There isn't for now, if you talk to the dog you're stuck with him for the whole day. Somehow I forgot to add option to leave him.

E: No, you can skip day when you interact with any of the bookcases. It must be a day 5+ though.

G: The problem with skipping time is that it's best to do all events simultaneously, and not focus on just one. But as I said, I'll add something.

H: Well, it seems you weren't too nice to her. Every time you speak with her at night you get one point. If you tell her that chamberlain thinks she's lazy you get the point. If you tell her parents she is working hard you get point. There's more, but you can also get -1 if you're not nice. You need 3 points to ask her to swim.

I: Yes, In next update there will be a lot more, I think.

J: It already changes a bit. Also wearing different clothes have influence on their dialog. But remember, Ravy is, and always will be a good girl so she is repulsed by their behavior. And it's not only that they are perverted, (she could probably at some point let it slide) but they are bad people in general. So no fun for bar punks for now. Sorry.

Thank you for your words guys, it helps me a lot.


The text box is invisible. I can tell she is talking by her facial reactions. I also had a weird big when I talked to her grandfather in the library. The birthday dialog started up again there.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

Lots of crashing. One was with Aldin, not sure what triggered it, but the save just before I fought him could not be loaded, the other one was the rat battle, which I think was because I learned dispel before fighting them.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!


B: I'm not expert but it seems it's just RPG maker problem or something as not everyone have this crashes. I certainly don't have them, and I don't know how to fix that. And how the hell you don't have any sound? There is music, footsteps and all kinds of battle sounds.... I don't know what is wrong...

H: Every time when it fade out to black it gives you +1 point. Telling her that chamberlain thinks she's lazy is also +1. But if you tell her parents that things aren't good it's -1 or maybe -2 I don't remember exactly. So yes, just talk with her more and everything will be alright.

J: Still, there is more about bar punks in this ver. if you complete more quests.

I think Brassyandclassy is referring to old man in the forest who speaks when the game starts. And by mercenaries he men "you'll see who". O ho ho.

Braemir - Are you sure that you haven't pressed CTRL? This key is supposed to hide dialog box.
And you're not supposed to talk to her father (seriously, he's not that old) in library. How did you get through the door?

Just wait few second in save menu, game might appear to be frozen but it will work normally after few seconds.
And did you have any message about sound or something or it was generic "Program has stopped working"? If the latter then I can't do anything by myself because it works perfectly on my end.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!


B: I'm not expert but it seems it's just RPG maker problem or something as not everyone have this crashes. I certainly don't have them, and I don't know how to fix that. And how the hell you don't have any sound? There is music, footsteps and all kinds of battle sounds.... I don't know what is wrong...

H: Every time when it fade out to black it gives you +1 point. Telling her that chamberlain thinks she's lazy is also +1. But if you tell her parents that things aren't good it's -1 or maybe -2 I don't remember exactly. So yes, just talk with her more and everything will be alright.

J: Still, there is more about bar punks in this ver. if you complete more quests.

I think Brassyandclassy is referring to old man in the forest who speaks when the game starts. And by mercenaries he men "you'll see who". O ho ho.

Braemir - Are you sure that you haven't pressed CTRL? This key is supposed to hide dialog box.
And you're not supposed to talk to her father (seriously, he's not that old) in library. How did you get through the door?

Just wait few second in save menu, game might appear to be frozen but it will work normally after few seconds.
And did you have any message about sound or something or it was generic "Program has stopped working"? If the latter then I can't do anything by myself because it works perfectly on my end.

I'm not sure about sound, but it looks like the program tried to load something that wasn't there, maybe a graphic file. The rat battle works fine after I opened the chest though...