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Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

And you're not supposed to talk to her father (seriously, he's not that old) in library. How did you get through the door?

During the evenings the father appears inside the library but for whatever reason you can just walk right in and sit down (in his lap?!). If you try to talk to him (talking while on the chair) he'll go through his dialogue when you first talk to him on the first day. Ravy will say "I shouldn't go in without permission" right after she walks through the door. You can also read the book again, but all it'll do it teleport you to your bedroom and turn it from evening to evening.

Some thoughts on improving the game:
- Add a better hints system. The old woman is an okay source for stuff that happens in the village and in the deepwoods, but maybe add a place where you can hear rumors in the town, for example, "One of my merchant friends said he heard howling in the forest in the morning." "I've never heard of wolves so close to town though." "Do you think something's wrong with the herbalist? The last potion I got from her tasted a bit weird." "Still better than that crap they sell at the bar" ...etc.
- Add fast travel points to the village and town from the castle. There's plenty of space in Ravy's tower.
- Add a hint for finding Thomlin after the scouting party.
- Add a sign next to Ela's house, or have Ravy comment that they're nearby when she gets close.
- Cat and dog interactions
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Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

danm i have kiterally being bugged out on "its too early to go to sleep" 3 times each time i go make the dog house coz i can¨t do anything at all to advance time so i have deleted 3 saves then on my 4th save i decided to talk to everyone and everything read their mind even do the walkthrough word for word yet i somehow got stuck out of the thomlin 2nd forest scene and the village one from the feast thing didn¨t even go there yet and somehow the villagers are like how they would be like during the day omg and i already did it the 1st scene with neil kid wth happened 6 hours of playthroght wasted and yes i talked to ela enought to invite her to swim e.ee

gah! this is so frustrating-- T-T

i may as well give up till next version coz that "can¨t go to bed yet is too annoying"
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

Thanks, now at least I know where to look.

This is strange, but it should be easily fixed. Thanks for the suggestions, I'll use some of of the ideas for sure.

Well, it's really not that hard. Just go out for a bit without bra and panties, at evenings masturbate thinking about Thomlin and then you should be able to skip nights with him. Also if you bring the dog and talk with him you'll gain few missing "Thomlin points" probably. And for now focus on Ela, go visit her in her house talk with her mother and you'll be able to advance the day this way. Also play with Marienne and do T. Rep event. There is really plenty of ways to advance time. But ok, I'll add more hints next time.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

I really don't know whats up with the sound - because the sound files are there, and they play if I use an external player... but I get nothing in-game. Other RPG-Maker games don't seem to have this issue - and when I try and use sound device checks with the game running it tells me that the device is being used. So the program seems to be using the sound device, but nothing is outputting.

OS: Windows 7 64-bit
Sound Card: Onboard sound device - Realtek ALC889 codec

No idea if that will help any, but providing it just in case it does.

- I have come across what I believe is a typo. When you vvisit the blacksmith's at night, one of them wants to show you his 'big sword'..

Part of what he says: "Did you come to saw my big sword?"
What it should be I believe: "Did you come to see my big sword?"

- I have to admit that trying to 'game the system' to talk to the bar punks as late as possible... is a lot harder that it seems. Unlike my previous issue, I'm now struggling to find night-time events to keep things moving without visiting them.

Here's my dilemma.. so after dealing with the bear and getting back to the castle, it's now night time and unable to go to sleep. At this point I have only 2 ways of pushing time to 'sleep time'

1. go to the feast
2. talk to the punks in the bar.

At this point I go for the 1st visit to the feast, and then get to sleep to the next day afterwards. At this point I can have 2 ways of passing the day, either visiting the trade rep or finding the herb - if you get the charm prior to fighting the bear, else there is only the 1 way.

Due to talking to Marianne I can move the next night along with her swim trip, and then go forward to the next day. However this is where I have become stuck in my attempt to leave the bar punks at late as possible, as I again have a way to skip the day ahead (either finding herb or visiting trade rep)... but only have 1 event that can actually move the night forward:

1. talk to the punks in the bar.

It seems that the Thomlin pond scene doesn't happen till afterwards... as he's not there. Also can't visit the Feast again. Once you have visited the swim spot with Marianne, that can't be done again... and Ela won't swim with me at that point either.

So unless I'm missing something... it seems the bar punks scene is being forced on the player to be done before you can get to the point of seeing Thomlin nightly, or having gone adventuring in the Mines, etc?

lol Hope you don't mind, this is just the way I like to play things - I like to try and do things in my order, whenever possible, and trying different approaches. If this situation is the way you want it, that's fine by me.. I'll stop trying to game that scene/situation.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

I really don't know whats up with the sound - because the sound files are there, and they play if I use an external player... but I get nothing in-game. Other RPG-Maker games don't seem to have this issue - and when I try and use sound device checks with the game running it tells me that the device is being used. So the program seems to be using the sound device, but nothing is outputting.

OS: Windows 7 64-bit
Sound Card: Onboard sound device - Realtek ALC889 codec

No idea if that will help any, but providing it just in case it does.

- I have come across what I believe is a typo. When you vvisit the blacksmith's at night, one of them wants to show you his 'big sword'..

Part of what he says: "Did you come to saw my big sword?"
What it should be I believe: "Did you come to see my big sword?"

- I have to admit that trying to 'game the system' to talk to the bar punks as late as possible... is a lot harder that it seems. Unlike my previous issue, I'm now struggling to find night-time events to keep things moving without visiting them.

Here's my dilemma.. so after dealing with the bear and getting back to the castle, it's now night time and unable to go to sleep. At this point I have only 2 ways of pushing time to 'sleep time'

1. go to the feast
2. talk to the punks in the bar.

At this point I go for the 1st visit to the feast, and then get to sleep to the next day afterwards. At this point I can have 2 ways of passing the day, either visiting the trade rep or finding the herb - if you get the charm prior to fighting the bear, else there is only the 1 way.

Due to talking to Marianne I can move the next night along with her swim trip, and then go forward to the next day. However this is where I have become stuck in my attempt to leave the bar punks at late as possible, as I again have a way to skip the day ahead (either finding herb or visiting trade rep)... but only have 1 event that can actually move the night forward:

1. talk to the punks in the bar.

It seems that the Thomlin pond scene doesn't happen till afterwards... as he's not there. Also can't visit the Feast again. Once you have visited the swim spot with Marianne, that can't be done again... and Ela won't swim with me at that point either.

So unless I'm missing something... it seems the bar punks scene is being forced on the player to be done before you can get to the point of seeing Thomlin nightly, or having gone adventuring in the Mines, etc?

lol Hope you don't mind, this is just the way I like to play things - I like to try and do things in my order, whenever possible, and trying different approaches. If this situation is the way you want it, that's fine by me.. I'll stop trying to game that scene/situation.

You have to talk to the other guy, whoever it is, before you can find Thomlin in the forest.

This is the most frustrating part of the trial, you have to encounter events at a certain order to not get stuck, if you find Thom too late you won't be able to pass the night and stuff. Also makes you not lewd enough to go to the feast for the second time. Same for Marianne/Ela or whatever, if you fucked up some options, you can't get enough points for triggering the event.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

I'll convert all sounds to different format and maybe then it will work for you. I'll probably release small bug fix in few days, maybe then.

As for avoiding punks... Well, there is more than one event with them, so not talking with them is going to block that events. But it shouldn't be blocking other. The problem is that "punks events" are mainly night only (3 or so). To find Thomlin just talk with Aldis, he will tell you where to look for him.
So if you can't do Thomlin events then you're pretty much stuck.

Balmunk Fezarion
Well, too unlock feast2 you just need to attend feast1 and have enough "lewd" points. You can get them in many ways. With Marienne just don't talk about Ela and you're good. And what were you expecting when you told her parents that she is lazy? Wouldn't you be a little mad at your friend if that friend told your parents some embarrassing stuff about you? THIS GAME IS SUPER REALISTIC IN THIS ASPECT!

And as for problem with getting to day 5 to unlock library timeskip event, it's not really that hard. It was possible to get to day 5 in previous version, where there was a lot more events then it is now.
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Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

I'll convert all sounds to different format and maybe then it will work for you. I'll probably release small bug fix in few days, maybe then.

As for avoiding punks... Well, there is more than one event with them, so not talking with them is going to block that events. But it shouldn't be blocking other. The problem is that "punks events" are mainly night only (3 or so). To find Thomlin just talk with Aldis, he will tell you where to look for him.
So if you can't do Thomlin events then you're pretty much stuck.

Balmunk Fezarion
Well, too unlock feast2 you just need to attend feast1 and have enough "lewd" points. You can get them in many ways. With Marienne just don't talk about Ela and you're good. And what were you expecting when you told her parents that she is lazy? Wouldn't you be a little mad at your friend if that friend told your parents some embarrassing stuff about you? THIS GAME IS SUPER REALISTIC IN THIS ASPECT!

And as for problem with getting to day 5 to unlock library timeskip event, it's not really that hard. It was possible to get to day 5 in previous version, where there was a lot more events then it is now.

Thanks for sticking to the forum and constantly listening to feedback, I fully support and like the idea that choosing bad options will make NPCs mad, but I wasn't being clear enough: the point I was trying to make is that it is frustrating to get physically stuck forever, not because you have to choose the right options, I am totally fine with those realistic aspects.

To make it simple it looks like this:
realistic options that affects NPCs' emotions>>> good
forever stuck and can never progress >>> not good

I guess these versions are supposed to be early releases for bug testing, so
my suggestion is, while the game is at development stage, add an option for the player to change time, like a usable pocket watch in your inventory (some other Japanese RPGs have that too), then perhaps remove that option once the game is finished. It is like a debug mode, which will be much easier for players to find actual bugs. I think >70% people who has played the game cannot trigger all the events in one try without going back to older saves, so this kind of prevents people from testing bugs that might happen in the events.

If you plan on finishing the game without a time skipping option, it is very important to make sure that players can never get stuck permanently.

The current issue is that, events can be chose freely and some events require multiple days/nights to build up, let's say there are 5 day events: A,B,C,D,E and 5 night events, P,Q,R,S,T

Assuming we went A > P > B > Q > D

we want to go to event R, but R requires you to first finish C but we chose D instead, so we can't choose R, event S and T requires you to finish R first, so now we are now stuck at night with no way to progress aside from loading a save before choosing D.

I don't know if my elaboration is clear enough but I hope you understand, thanks for your attention.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

Hmm... after playing through this vers a third time (the first ended up a dead end because Thomlin is kinda a dork and I ignored him), an option to kill time without taking to Thom at night would be useful. He's not going to be to everyone's tastes, and needing to go through his scene every night while trying to raise her acceptance of the kinks I like by dreaming got old real fast (pretty sure I found a few small changes doing that, which was cool).

One thing I did notice though, was that her inhibitions can be a bit... strange. She can be perfectly fine dancing naked, fooling around with people she's met twice, and flashing her panties to Thomlin, but can still freak out if the kid see's her panties if she hasn't fantasized about the trade rep's actions. Similar stuff with the trade rep's second scene. The sandbox style the game has currently is great, not really sure if there's anything that can be done about stuff like this without sacrificing that (please don't), but it's a bit odd at times.

Edit: Oh, I did find a bug as well. I wanted to see if she'd resign herself to letting the punks in the bar raise her skirt if I got her flashing stats high enough, so I saved talking to them and focused on raising that. I managed to trigger their next scene without having that one done though. I also confirmed that you can go back afterwards and get the missed scene, even through the npc's are no longer there.
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Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

i may as well give up till next version coz that "can¨t go to bed yet is too annoying"

Yeah, me too.

First of all, Nerion2, thank you for making a free English language game. It is very much appreciated. Also, i think the art is very good. It's nice to have a game where the girl doesn't have watermelon-sized breasts. Also i think she is very cute and i like the clothing system (i'll be looking forward to more options).

I'll be interested in seeing this game develop but you do have a big problem with the "too early to go to bed" requirement. You say just walk around without bra and panties for a while but it's a hidden stat and we don't know how long "a while" is. I'm stuck on day 4. I've tried walking around without bra and panties "for a while" but i don't even know if it's making a difference because i can't see the stat. I've talked to everyone (more than once) but it seems there is no way to progress.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

I'll be interested in seeing this game develop but you do have a big problem with the "too early to go to bed" requirement. You say just walk around without bra and panties for a while but it's a hidden stat and we don't know how long "a while" is. I'm stuck on day 4. I've tried walking around without bra and panties "for a while" but i don't even know if it's making a difference because i can't see the stat. I've talked to everyone (more than once) but it seems there is no way to progress.

I'm not sure about walking around without a bra and panties helping pass the time. I haven't really tried it. I also had issues trying to pass the time until I found out Thomlin was outside in the first south of the entrance at night. Once i found out that information, I had no issues skipping nights.

After doing the frostweed quest, I found you can skip days by visiting Neil. It might not be a perfect system, but it seemed to work.

It sounds like some people might not have been able to progress with Thomlin because his affection was too low? Is that correct?

Anyway, I'm still loving this game a lot. And I think the idea to make a Development item to skip to next time period would be good for now. Also, it might be good for Ravy to have a journal or diary in her inventory that might "suggest" activities she has available. So for example, if Ravy's affection for Thomlin was high enough, maybe the diary would say "I'm kind of curious what Thomlin has been up to at night, maybe I should try to look for him"?

Hopefully the suggestions help somehow.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

Well, played some more and thought I should report my findings. I am really enjoying the game and artwork, and looking forward to more releases! I also want to say I love the artwork and style, it's got a character of it's own and I find it a good difference to other styles you see around.

- I've found that by trying to leave visiting the punks in the bar to later causes me to not be able to push Ravy's corruption/lewdness like I'd like to. This is due to the fact this event unlocks something that is needed to happen to fully push things in the 2nd encounter with the Trade Rep. I personally will be doing this event/scene asap due to this.

- I found a movement/control bug, that might or might not be fixable. When your in the village for the first time with Thomlin and he's following you around, if you go to the door just north of the village chief and the scouting head person, you get stuck and can't leave. I found that when I walked north between the 2 mat things on either side of the door, Thomlin became like a rock and I couldn't back out, turn around, or anything... I had to load a save game to bypass.

- When talking to Marienne during the swim scene, I found that there were 2 things said that I felt didn't quite make sense to me.


Ravy "It's not that easy to do too"
M: "Really? Isn't casting a fireball easier"
R: "No, with a fireball all I need is rawe energy, while this takes concentration/skill/etc" (sorry, forgot to write this bit word by word)

It seems to me that Ravy is trying to say that a fireball is easier than the magic show, but with her saying "no" tied with Marienne's question implies the opposite. Possible change Marienne's question so she ask's "Isn't casting a fireball harder?"... as this would then make sense with what Ravy's answer.


Marienne ask's Ravy is she's tried reading Aldris' mind, and Ravy says she has but that he's pretty straightforward. Marienne's reply uses an incorect discription I believe.

Marienne: "... he's not really an introverted person"

Shouldn't that be more along the lines of "not really a complicated person." ? I ask as Introverted is just someone who's not really an out-going people type person.. and Aldris seems fairly outgoing and extroverted to me, but he is fairly straightforward and uncomplicated.

- I finally found out what Brassandclassy was talking about regarding the narrator. I really found the commentary about me the player to be highly amusing. Especially the jibe about being bad at turn-based combat... or intentionally loosing just to see what happens. I do wonder just how many ppl do loose at that point just to see what happens... lol

- I had a crash when I tried to fight the 3 merc's while trying to save a friend. I had already done the fight solo, and re-loaded a save to see the different convo with Thomlin... I was playing in full-screen mode and the game crashed upon trying to load the fight. Here's the error text (if it helps at all):

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: Game.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 4e8d3142
Fault Module Name: RGSS301.dll
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 4f443355
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 00111a1c
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 3081
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

- I've also found myself stuck at night, with no way to progress. I'll outline the progress of events I took in a spoiler window.

Note - I talked to everyone everyday. So upon waking up I would go and talk to Ela, Marienne, Aldris, and Thomlin in the castle. At night I would go and talk to Aldris at the castle, as well as Thomlin when he was there, and Ela at either the castle or her home. I always talked until they repeated themselves.

Day 2
- Scout party, flashed panties to Trade Rep to get him to talk
- At night I went to bar and got grabbed by the 3 punks
- Dreamed of flashing panties at trade rep

Day 3
- Went to report the attack to the town hall (day event)
- That night I went to the feast for the 1st time
- Dreamed of flashing panties again

Day 4
- Visited Trade Rep's room, kept holding skirts and removed panties
- Did the swim visit with Marienne
- Dreamed of visiting the Trade Rep's room

Day 5
- Made potion with herbalist, took all day
- Did Ela's swim event (yeah, I had botched it earlier by dobbing her in to her mother)
- Slept at Ela's home

Day 6
- Found dog in Forest, Aldris helped, took all day
- Found Ela during the evening
- Did the Feast for the 2nd time
- Dreamed about the naked dancing

Day 7
- Did the Old Mine trip with Aldris, gave him a blowjob.
- Found myself stuck at night.

At this point I have no night time event to push to sleep time. Thomlin is nowhere to be found and does not spawn in the forest. Aldris only says "I'll be in the study tomorrow", although if I read his mind he says Thomlin is/was acting weird. I have spoken to Thomlin each day during the day, I took him with me to find Ela and I did show him the dog. Aldris never once said anything about Thomlin needing to go for a walk for fresh air, something I remember him saying the 1st time I played.

I'm either missing something, or got myself completely stuck by the order that I did the events. I'm annoyed because I got past this point the 1st time I played... but can't remember what I did! lol

- Regarding the 'walk around with no panties or bra" comment... that's a given for me. I always take the bra off during the day, and panties off during night. And made a big effort to go talk to everyone in town every night.

- Library time skip works for me, allowing me to skip the day time. I didn't use it, but I checked and it was working.. use any bookcase and Ravy said she hasn't been studying, and the day passes.

- As for the sound, don't make any huge effort. I can play .ogg & .mp3 files, it just seems the program isn't playing them. Unless there is going to be game critical sounds/music/etc... then I'm not too fussed. The game, the artwork, the story, the corruption, etc is what gets me playing and trying to get it done from start to finish... not the sounds/music. I don't mind playing it silently.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

Yeah, me too.

First of all, Nerion2, thank you for making a free English language game. It is very much appreciated. Also, i think the art is very good. It's nice to have a game where the girl doesn't have watermelon-sized breasts. Also i think she is very cute and i like the clothing system (i'll be looking forward to more options).

I'll be interested in seeing this game develop but you do have a big problem with the "too early to go to bed" requirement. You say just walk around without bra and panties for a while but it's a hidden stat and we don't know how long "a while" is. I'm stuck on day 4. I've tried walking around without bra and panties "for a while" but i don't even know if it's making a difference because i can't see the stat. I've talked to everyone (more than once) but it seems there is no way to progress.

After replaying for multiple times, I don't think walking around contributes to the stats. It looks like the only way to not get stuck is to unlock the thomlin events as soon as possible, you also need to talk to Ela's mother at least once to invite Ela to swim. Once you asked Mary and Ela out, save the events for later, only do it when you can't progress further because it looks like they will wait for you indefinitely.

However I still don't know how to unlock the traveling merchant event after the bar scene, don't see any special dialogues.

So one of the more optimal route looks like this(without merchant event):
Basic rules:
1. Talk to Ela every night. Go to the town when Ela isn't there and talk to Ela's mother about Ela is doing her job fine, they live next to the accessories shop.
2. Talk to Marienne everyday. You only need to talk to her about yourself once to ask her out, but keep talking to her in case it is needed in later versions. According to the author, as long as you don't mention Ela it will be fine.
3. Talk to Thomlin whenever possible after watching him rubbing one out in the forest.
4. Choose the sluttiest options possible.

Day 1: Follow the story, Talk to Aldis and fight him(winning doesn't proceed the quest, you have to lose)

Night 1: Cast spell on yourself during swimming event.

Day 2: Follow the story. Talk to Marienne about yourself. At the town, go to the herbalist and start the weed mission. Eavesdrop the Mayor until you can't do it any further. At the bar, trigger the first grope scene, wear swimsuit bottom(not sure if it matters) and choose to lift your skirt. Go back and investigate about weeds, proceed story. Get Charm from old woman. Don't know about the bear scene, maybe just don't find the bear and get lost in the forest.

Night 2: Find Aldis and talk to him until you get information about Thomlin's position. I think he doesn't mention talk about Thomlin if you don't visit the town first. Spend all your mana. Find Thomlin in the forest pond. Sleep naked(not sure if it helps) and masturbate.

EDIT: I think I've found the problem now, at night 2, you have to talk to the herbalist about the frost weed and stuff(Or maybe you just have to talk to enough peoepl), then you can ask Aldis about Thomlin.

Day 3: Ravy will talk about reading the book again if you ran out of mana, don't do it for now. Find Frost Weed and thank the old woman, visit the herbalist again.

Night 3: Find Thomlin again, apologize for watching him masturbate(don't think it matters though), masturbate to him before sleep every night from now on.

Day 4: Find Herbalist and visit his grandson(via southern road of the town). Go to the right side and defeat the goblin, don't kill him.(Not sure what happens later) Go to the left side and talk to the guy, apply medicine for grandson.

Night 4: At this point I think you can start asking Ela out for swimming? Not sure if it takes 4 or 5 talks but she needs notification 1 day in advance. Ask her out earlier. Talk to Thomlin(should have no progress for now). You can start choosing the following 3 scenes: getting groped at the bar, play with Marienne or go to the feast for the first time(Don't go near the dog at night, it is bugged).

Day 5: Read the forbidden book about regaining mana. You can now drink cum once a day(+30MP).

Night 5: Choose 2 out of the 3 scenes left.

Day 6: Visit herbalist's grandson again, keep selecting 2nd option which leads you to jerking him off. Acquire cum jar x1. Drink it asap because you can only drink once a day.

Night 6: Choose the last scene you have left. I think at this point Ela is ready to go to swim with you now. My memory is confused near this point but there should be enough scenes for you to progress.

Day 7: Find the dog and finish related quests, spend your day reporting the thugs who groped you.

Night 7: I think you can start asking Thomlin out, if so, don't wear panties, choose options to tease him and lift your skirt. I think the 2nd feast event is unlocked as well, choose options to give a handjob. After swimming with Ela, trigger an event when sending her home. You can also start injecting cum in your ass at some point.

Day 8: You can go to feast 2 during the day(I think it is a bug) but it will skip the night as well. Instead, bring your dog to Aldis and explore the mine, after finding the shovel, keep clicking on the debris until you ask Aldis for his cum, then choose options to suck his dick.

Night 9: In the night after swimming with Ela, talk to her mother and realize she is missing. Go back to castle guest room to find her and fails, find a companion to help you. Go back to the town and find Ela within 60 seconds (no scenes if you fail, just game over unfortunately). Maybe ask Thomlin out for his cum and inject it in your ass.

You can then start skipping days with the library and fill your ass with Thomlin's cum at night.
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Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

I really like read your comments, it's always fun.

Balmunk Fezarion
Yes, I understand what you mean now. Maybe adding skiptime event available only when player is stuck would work? But then again, if someone don't like for example Thomlin, player will be forced to see his events anyway... Hmmm, Everything will be alright when there will be more content and at some point there will be probably some "choke point event" after which new quest will be available and old ones will be gone forever. Uh, I hope you can understand what I wrote...

Thanks for bug report.
As for weird reactions it can't be helped. I already have a lot of variables and switches but I can't foresee every possibility. I'm trying my best though.

It's nice to have a game where the girl doesn't have watermelon-sized breasts.
I know, right? I'm so tired of them!

That's very good idea.

Thanks for bug report. I'll fix what can be fixed.
And wow, you really got stuck. Aldis have to tell you to look for Thomlin but if you do Mine event then he has something else to say. I didn't think anyone would do things in that order... Eh, don't worry, I'll release small fix in few days with night time skip.

Balmunk Fezarion once again:
Yes, walking around does help! But it doesn't matter how many steps you take. It matters where you go, and with whom you talk.

And you mean Trader Rep, not traveling merchant. It's pretty simple. Go back and forth between T. rep and commander in the castle to deliver documents. That's it.

And always choosing the sluttiest option possible may appear as good idea for now, but some day... Apart from that very good guide.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

Thanks for bug report. I'll fix what can be fixed.
And wow, you really got stuck. Aldis have to tell you to look for Thomlin but if you do Mine event then he has something else to say. I didn't think anyone would do things in that order... Eh, don't worry, I'll release small fix in few days with night time skip.
LOL The joys of putting your game out to the public, there will always be those who do things you never expect and thus break things. lol But I don't mind, I'm enjoying the game and trying stuff out... and if my experiences can help make it better, then that's great :)

I think I'm going to try out Balmunk's guide. He does things so vastly different to the way I'd do it... but my way is obviously getting me stuck right now. lolz.

Regarding the first scene in the bar with the Trader Rep...
I'm debating which would be more lewd/corrupting. Flashing your panties is obviously embarrassing for her, but if you wear the swimming bottom he makes you hold your skirt up longer and comments on your legs vs you being an obedient girl. Playing the 'trickster' on him seems to impress him...

Even though sadly it makes no difference to what is said when you see him the 2nd time.

Regarding finding Thomlin - I wonder if what Balmunk said is correct, and that he won't say anything to you about him till you've already been to town. I'll have to give that a try... head straight to town, then come back and talk to him, instead of talking to him before going out. I'll report back on this if it triggers/unlocks finding Thomlin.

Regarding the Travelling Salesman - I believe Balmunk is talking about the trader who appears in the village, not the Trader Rep. He will comment about the 3 punks from the bar, as well as tell Ravy he'll be fine alone. I can't remember what I did yo unlock him, or his comments... but they didn't seem to be that important at the time.

I'll also add my voice to the praise for the fact Ravy doesn't have watermelon-sized breast's. Nothing against them, but I prefer smaller to average size... like how Ravy is being drawn. :)

Oh, and bah at your riddles! I've gotten stuck on I think the 5th day's riddle? Something about being a comfort and warmth in the cold. 3 letters. My brain fails me & my google-fu is a fail as well. lolz. Ah wells, I'll work it out eventually :)
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

You might want to wait that few days.

As for Thomlin think what would you do in Ravy's place.
She's like "oh, I want to speak with Thomlin, he's probably chilling in the yard as always."
And then she is like: "Uh, he's not here, where to look for him? Hmmm, He probably is chilling in the barracks where he sleeps, eats and do other stuff."
And then: Uh, he's not here either. Okay, let's ask Aldis"
You can't go straight to he forest because I think his scene needs a small build up, and hint from Aldis is good.

Travelling Merchant (uh, I'm not even going to start on how everyone of you guys mash up every name here), is not really that important. He appears when you talk with bar punks during the day and he leaves when the grope you or scouting party ends. \

I'm not gonna help you with the riddles. They aren't that hard, right?
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

I was referring to the village merchant because the official walkthrough had mentioned him, but turns out I also missed the trader representative scene because I thought the commander was useless after the scouting mission so I never talked to him again. Anyways I have got all the scenes now, thanks.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

Success! I loaded up my last save game, which was right after the mine. So I was up on the tower... went downstairs and headed to town without talking to Aldris, talked to everyone there, then headed back to the castle, then went into the barracks and left it again, and now finally talked to Aldris and the conversation about where Thomlin was happened.

Not sure if going to town was required or not. It might just be triggered by going into the barracks and then back out prior to talking to Aldris. In any case, no longer stuck... well I am stuck again because I've now done everything in this version :)

I also find it somewhat amusing to note what order you felt people would do events. It's obvious you thought people would do the Neel event line prior to heading to the mines with Aldris... as it's weird for Ravy to say "I'm going to see a penis for the first time" after she's given Aldris a blowjob! lol

I'm not complaining mind you... I understand that trying to write & program different reactions is extremely difficult, especially as your trying to keep things semi-open in regards to letting players do events and things in whatever order they want, or come across things.

As for the riddles, nah they are fine. I'm just terrible at riddles. Don't spoil them for those who want to have a go at them :)
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

Yes, you need only visit barracks and then talk to Aldis.

This is strange, I have switches for seeing penis or even who's it was. There should be even a line comparing the two... Don't know what went wrong, will fix soon. So they are switches if she did "fun" stuff or not, don't worry.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

Trying to work out where each quest line finishes in this version.

Thomlin - Can freely watch him jerk off at night. Flash panties (can accidentally flash pussy).

Feast - Get played by Vella while jerking Rodik. Going back says to wait for next version :D

Sick Boy - Jerked him off.
Goblin - Hurt him during combat and he gets erected. I spared him, he runs away.

Trade Rep. - Lifted skirt after removing panties in his office. He wants to train me but doesn't seem like there is progression even though Ravy says she may go back. Just says "..."

Mariene - Lake gossip scene.

Ela - Swimming then pub punks in the street followed by her brother finding Ravy sexy in her PJs.

Pub Punks - Got groped, reported them in townhall (or tried to) and just stormed off.

Mayor - Listened in a bit at his door during the day. Ravy doesn't want to listen in any more there.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

Have a question about the 'read the book again' quest.

I only ever got this quest if I went heavy spell use in the bear fight at the start. If I didn't then I never got the quest, but never had any issue's in regarding replenishing mana via the jar (once acquired). Yes, I did try draining my mana to 0-10 via reading minds both before and after getting the jar... but Ravy never complained about mana use, and never got the quest.

The one time I did get the quest, I read the book... which took all day... and it was then prompting me to examine the jar, but there was no jar to examine. I'm assuming that it was trying to get me to look at the jar you get from cleaning Neel up after he cums... but I hadn't gotten anywhere near that part yet.

Now for three question - are you supposed to have to do the 'read the book again' quest to be able to use the jar for mana replenishment? Or is that only brought up if you go spell crazy fighting the bear?

On another thing - I'm assuming that the alchemy / potion-mixing isn't done yet? I've found numerous ingredients that state they are used to make potions, but nowhere to make potions.

Finally, regarding mind reading... reading minds uses 1 mana every time I do it, yet I can still read minds even at 0 mana. Is this intentional? Or is it something that would be too hard to program out (sorry for what might be a silly question, never tried making games with RPG maker or any kind of programming beyond Basic)?

EggsBenedict - I believe you have those quest lines correct, although don't forget Aldris!

Aldris - have traveled to the old mines and escaped them. He's promising further adventure's... in another version.

I admit I missed the fact that Ela's little brother will comment on Ravy's outfit. I need to go talk to him... I guess after getting the same dialogue from him I stopped talking to him.

I'm wondering if Nerion is planning any shota in the game. As of right now I can see 2 possibilities - the boy in the castle who looks at Ravy every time she uses the ladder by him, and now Ela's little brother.