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RPG Patreon Unknown/Hiatus RPG Maker [Nerion] Fountain of Mana

Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

Dont forget the boy with the paralyzed body.

Also, finally ravvy gets some real action, to bad it requires a bad end >.>
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

Yes, that's basically in (plus things that Shadowen and Seipher added).

Uh oh, nice, another bug. Only questlog prompted you to inspect jar, right? Well, it shouldn't, now it is fixed. How this quest works:
After day 2 if Ravy is low on mana after she wake's up you got this quest. Just go to the lib, and read a book. When you find a jar then you can continue it normally. You don't really have to read a book to find a jar.

As for alchemy it's not ready yet, and I don't know when it will be. I want it to be a special mind mechanic not just regular boring brewing.

It is intentional that you can still use mind read when you have 0 mp. It is possible to program it, but I don't see the point besides to annoy the player.

Don't worry about it.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

Uh oh, nice, another bug. Only questlog prompted you to inspect jar, right? Well, it shouldn't, now it is fixed. How this quest works:
After day 2 if Ravy is low on mana after she wake's up you got this quest. Just go to the lib, and read a book. When you find a jar then you can continue it normally. You don't really have to read a book to find a jar.
Yep, it was only the questlog prompting to inspect the jar. Nothing was said by Ravy or such - I only noticed as I checked the questlog and saw it was telling me to check the jar. Obviously I ran around like a headless chicken trying to find a jar to inspect, before giving up and getting on with the game.

I'd actually forgotten this happened, till I was re-reading some comments above which mentioned this quest. The 'check the jar' made sense when I thought about when/how you got it, but not when the questlog prompted it.

I also agree about the mind-reading thing. Would be annoying to prevent it at 0 mana, as it's very easy to get to 0 mana after fighting the bear or bats... or even from excessive use of mind-reading.

Also I just want to say good work on drawing out and doing the whole bad-ending. It would have been easy to just go to 'game over' or do a short scene and end it at that.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

I managed to go a step further, Ela was kidnapped and I had to rescue her from the pub punks. Got a bad end by letting them win. Reloaded but CTD at battle screen. :\ Haven't tried further yet.

I don't know when it happened but eventually I got Ravy to put the cum up her ass. :D:D After a few times she started to get used to it. BWahahaha. So good. I want to play with this bit some more but I think there isn't much left in it. I guess she want take it in the front until she has had sex.

Would be nice to see corruption stats.

Ravy is such a little slut. She just doesn't know it yet.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

I'm having problems when I'm using an old save from the Dec 15 build.

Basically, I have the Frost Weed but it won't continue the quest, no matter what I do.

EDIT: Nevermind, it seems I can go to the little boy now. I think you should add notifiers (like, Ravy self-narrating) or take out certain options out of a dialogue when you no longer need them, e.g. me asking for hints about the Frost Weed and/or actually make a salve item and replace the Frost Weed.
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Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

i think i found a bug now

so i didn¨t know u could actually fight thomlin on the 1st day

but doing so locks u out of the Feast event for some unknow reason

and idk i literally just started the game from the begining twice and did it the defeat thomlin thing but i can¨t defeat the blonde dude but on doing so somehow im locked out of the feast event coz all npcs are there like if it was day why?

ah yes and the mission counst as complete even thou i lose to the 2nd guy that must be wrong

oh well i think its a bug so i will just let u know this--

and try one last time to get to the bat cave or whatever the tutorial says >w>
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Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game NEW ver. Ap15 OUT!

Figthing Thomlin shouldn't have any impact on feast events... hmm but I'll look to it.
And yes, you can't defeat second guy so it's not a but that quest is complete just after fighting him.
You mean mine right? Just remember that lever is on the left of the grates.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game ver. Ap15 OUT!

Hello, like the Progress so far.
Bug Report: After 2nd Swimming+Feast Date, done Mine+Boy Quest the Dialog in Ela´s House freezes (we acopanioned with the Dog too) Game still runs (Candles flickering, brother runs in his Room etc.) but I can not play on. This could be because of the Dog, how to get rid of him after the Swimm Event? What Now?
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game ver. Ap15 OUT!

I've just uploaded fixed version with some small changes. Nothing new, just now you can leave the dog at the dog house, you can set outfit and wear it quickly and some more.

Where exactly it is freezing and when? What's the last dialog you see? Maybe you can send me your save file? Then I could look to it by myself and possibly fix it for you.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game ver. Ap15 OUT!

Fast Response!
It happen´s nothing after Ravy answers to Ela´s Mom "Thank You".
I will try to send the Savegame with PM to you now.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game ver. Ap15 OUT!

Hello, some kind of glitch found:
after rescueing Ela she is in the Tower Guest Room saying she will stay there
for the Night because it is saver. If you go to her House in the Town and talk
to the brother he wants to play, but suddenly Ela´s Pic appears and she said not now etc. despite that she should be still in the Tower, her Sprite in even not to see in the Houseroom.:confused:
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game ver. Ap15 OUT!

Don't know if anyone posted this before, didn't checked all posts...
I think this is a bug. If you save after that guy tells you a riddle, before you come back to tell him the answer, save becomes corrupted. You can't use it anymore and saving over it does nothing, you just have "game freeze". Stopped playing it because of that, been far in the game and i am just lazy to do it all over again...


Just saw M-77 post, maybe he did same thing. You can continue playing the game until you decide to use your save....
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Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game ver. Ap15 OUT!

How are you even finding those bugs? Anyway, Thanks.

Just try to wait a while when game is frozen in save menu. It should unfreeze after few seconds. If not please send me your save file and I'll look to it.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game ver. Ap15 OUT!

I just test your game, really great so far !

First i was not very enthousiast about the art, but finally a more normal girl in this well written story of corruption is really great. So great job ! keep going like that
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game ver. Ap15 OUT!

Answer to the 7 letter riddle? please
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game ver. Ap15 OUT!

Nah, I won't tell you. You don't really need to answer correctly, you'll just lost few xp points.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game ver. Ap15 OUT!

That's not gonna work anymore. You can do it for first three (I think) riddles, but not for later ones. And as I said, riddles are not that important so not everyone have to answer right.
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game ver. Ap15 OUT!

Is Googling the answer not gonna work either? :p
Re: Fountain of Mana - English H-Game ver. Ap15 OUT!

It should actually work... Hmm, thanks for the tip, in next version i'll make them not googleable.
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