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ACT [暁音] Nightmare Sphere

Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

My previous advice seems to be far from perfect, but I'm glad to hear that it's working for all of you.
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

Reading your posts I dl'd v105, but still the same issue.

Any ideas?
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

Reading your posts I dl'd v105, but still the same issue.

Any ideas?

Did you re-download the DATA file as well? You have to download v105 AND RE-download the DATA file in order for v105 to play correctly.
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

Did you re-download the DATA file as well? You have to download v105 AND RE-download the DATA file in order for v105 to play correctly.

Oh yeah, forgot about the data.

Lemme get that too.
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

Sadly, I had the opposite problem. When I ran version 102, the game would pause/unpause every 3-5 seconds(very annoying). I downloaded version 105, redownloaded the DATA file(author updated the DATA file around the time of release for 105) and everything has been great since.

I might want to add I'm running Wine on Ubuntu. I have not tried it on Windows, so mileage may vary.

I don't know what your guys' issue is, im running v105 just fine, its the one I used to play through most the game, I think I copy+pasted my save file from an old one when I got my hands on v105.
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

I added the data file, and tried again. Still slow.
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

Does anyone have any further tips for the key staggering issue ?

I am using version 102 on Vista and did place the .exe file in the data directory. Sadly I still experience the control interruption issue. When running forward a character will suddenly stop, when draining life from fallen enemy the character will randomly stand up etc. Most annoying of all is obviously loosing forward momentum when jumping;/.
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

It's a problem with the game engine/executable.

There's really nothing to be done except for a complete rewrite of the game.
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

Thanks for the reply. Yet, some people earlier in this thread reported they do not experience similar issues so there must be some differentiating factor...
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

So, I gave up on this game a while back, after not being able to get the the top right corner of the map. It's damned near impossible!
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

I've played through the game on my own with no guidance whatsoever, and I managed to get through it, so I can assure you, it's not impossible. Top right is the wind elemental area if I recall correctly. I recall doing that one either third or fourth in the elemental order. The most useful skills are the sword and hammer up abilities which give you an additional jump technique. That combined with all the other jump upgrades you can find combine to let you do pretty damn well everything you need to do. Jump your way through the wind and up to the top. It is most definitely possible.

If it's still beyond your reach, go do the earth and fire elemental zones first if you haven't already. Those extra jumping skills are key.
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

Or use either the Earth or Wind magic spheres with the shield effect on (I forget which one negates the wind pushback up there...)
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

Opposite effects with barrier will negate the zone effects, earth to negate the strong winds of the mountain. And for the side note, your own weapons can be more or less effective on enemies you face. The sword may be well balanced, but it's weak against those dragon soldier enemies (those large enemies that shoot blade beams and leap at you). The spear is weak against skeletons. The hammer doesn't really appear to have a weak effect versus enemies, it's just too powerful.
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

Those "dragon soldiers" are almost immune to the sword attacks, but they are vulnerable to the hammer.
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

Yeah, I'm having a hard time getting up to where the wings are...
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

Yeah, I'm having a hard time getting up to where the wings are...

Should try and get wall jump, or barring that, get 'real' creative with wave-dashing, multi-jumping, and up-sword/hammer attacks.

Also, this is the point where I mention my dislike of powerup progressions like this, where one you get early on is made totally obsolete by one you get later (usually by using the first ability).

I.e. Getting the wings basically negates the need for all the multi-jumps, air/wave-dashes, wall-jumps, etc.
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

I know, but the jumping controls do not like me. It sometimes registers me as hitting the jump key immediately after I hit it the first time so it wastes one of my jumps... And that gets annoying very fast...


Just beat the game 100% items, 100% purity...

The ending sucked.
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Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

Hey....don't mock the holy hammer or the wings....especially the wings. You have to work to get those and the reward for doing all those jumps and wall jumps is the ability to pretend you're a flying happy butterfly that can taunt the predators as they can't reach you. And I find the hammer to be the only thing that keeps those dragon Soldiers off you. On another note....I really wish I could tell what they and the centaur lady thing are doing to the heroine.
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

There's four endings, try going Evil the next time around. Things change.