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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

100/2 isnt difficult if you have a properly leveled feng shui

it's the 90/12 that will dunklord anybody that doesnt have gloria or an appropriate setup for it.

my team is by no means weak but that map is not something you can 3 star blind run without freakish luck or completely OP units

I'll make sure to awaken Aisha and 5/5 + SAW her then before i start. You watch, i'll get 5 rains on Friday and then insta 5/5 and now i said that it won't fucking happen and now i said it won't it will and now it won't etc.

Then i'll fucking roll Saria and Elyse in the gatcha.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Where the fucks my 100% first time drop?

Up Nutaku's (or DevTea's?) ass, somewhere close to their 1,5 year late revival schedule that's never going to catch up. So we'll be jumping between 100% drop rate and old drop rate for quite a while as far as revivals come... or don't.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Grats on the 30k'th post and page 200 I guess? The post is dead long live the post!

I might be in the minority here but... It feels like the pace of level-up fodder has not kept up at all with the amount of new units and the extreme AW level cap. More new units is great and all, but without a better way to level them all up, they all feel pretty meaningless. I just wish there was a more fun and/or faster way to level up units.

I am enjoying the slight increase in story dialogue in the new events though.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

What, faster than 8k TinCan+spirits combo? We are getting showered by them recently, so it is pretty easy to spare em.

But later on there'll be from beating milestone maps in Majin Advent challenges and from subjugations and such to speed things up even more. A good thing, with second awakening adding more levels to cover :)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

What, faster than 8k TinCan+spirits combo? We are getting showered by them recently, so it is pretty easy to spare em.

But later on there'll be from beating milestone maps in Majin Advent challenges and from subjugations and such to speed things up even more. A good thing, with second awakening adding more levels to cover :)

tfw gold exp fairies fucking showered over our accounts like some form of bukkake porno

Silvers are even easier

its just plats n blacks yo. tin can and black tin can = sik as fuk. but the spirit game trash, horde ye plats, ye shall.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

And now there's fame gacha, get 35k and blow it on a single roll each month for a chance at black exp fairy. I wonder if other black units are in there. I am not sure whether I want the exp fairy or gold chibis.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

You know, since RNGesus gave me Sophie I really hope that we get The Holy Spirit of Light and Darkness event for the insta max SU fairy so I don't have to go through 8 levels of RNG nonsense...but it's pretty unlikely, since that was the Second Anniversary event and we still didn't even get the first one. And as much as I want that max SU fairy, I still really want Anna. But, hey at least Sophie got rid of 1 Samurai!....out of 24....for CCing anyway, gonna have to use one (and a rogue for its CC material) for an AW material.

Edit: Huh, I just realized we still never got Pirate SAW. Wonder why they're still dragging their feet on that.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Oh shit Aisha just got woke as fuk

How do i fix? is she kill?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

so are you the new dedicated cringe poster now that angelic is gone?

I am Australian, i am born to shitpost. I can start, if you'd like that?
Just read the 4chan statistics, over 90% of all shitposts come from Australia. I'm not lying, you know.
Angelic isn't even on my level, if i were to try.

I really don't see the problem with posting shitty jokes when the chat isn't even that active lmao.

I was expecting Conrad's face put over Aisha's. I was disappointed.:(
PC broke - on laptop with no pirate edition of adobe photoshop - i can try in paint though if you'd like. Hahaha.
Not that i can't download it again, I may be from Australia, but my net ain't half bad. Electrons? Nah, Photons mate. ALL THE WAY.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Fuck Gloria, I used the absolutely retarded setup of SAW Berna + SAW Despara to deal with the automaton rush in 90/12. Still took a few tries to figure out the timing, but whatever.

My Rikka's been mincost/max skill for ages though, and I still have 10 or so copies stored in my barracks for meme purposes. Which is... probably why I'm always low on barracks space.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Fuck Gloria, I used the absolutely retarded setup of SAW Berna + SAW Despara to deal with the automaton rush in 90/12. Still took a few tries to figure out the timing, but whatever.

My Rikka's been mincost/max skill for ages though, and I still have 10 or so copies stored in my barracks for meme purposes. Which is... probably why I'm always low on barracks space.

Meme purposes? Also, talking about memes, i ended up installing photoshop kek

I was expecting Conrad's face put over Aisha's. I was disappointed.:(

Ayy whoever said totono was a good unit, Cheers. Been using her a lot lately and hasn't let me down since.

Gonna SAW her when i get the orbs, this sun. kek. 10/10 many UP would roll again.

Also, this is what its like to be poor on DMM lmao
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Meme purposes? Also, talking about memes, i ended up installing photoshop kek


Ayy whoever said totono was a good unit, Cheers. Been using her a lot lately and hasn't let me down since.

Gonna SAW her when i get the orbs, this sun. kek. 10/10 many UP would roll again.

Also, this is what its like to be poor on DMM lmao

Damn, your result looks even better than when I made princess Conrad with mspaint.

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Luckiest day of the year for me
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Damn, your result looks even better than when I made princess Conrad with mspaint.


I'm impressed u can even do that in paint lol
Generally, you will want to either isolate the background and fill in the missing bits behind in another layer or just not have one to begin with, makes it a lot easier.

Luckiest day of the year for me

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Took me 3 attempts to complete the 9/12 map. The second Rika I used get her 10/10 skill. Was not expecting that at all.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Welp, i tried the 9/12 and nah, nope.jpg. Let a single unit slip through.
Oh well, i'll attempt it a second time my stamina naturally regens and hopefully get it.
Holy shit the zerg rush tho lol, never expected that many going in blind, was like oh fuk they all gonna start moving now?!

My rika is -3 cost tho, got my first copy this event (There was that event that dropped rika, i got her to -2).. lol. not that bad imho, skills trash level tho. Kinda expected to 5/5 her because i was neglecting her kek. And i plan to for quite a while too.

Did some 6/8's yesterday and they actually went ok for once, gota few rains and got Aisha to 4/5, put two into 5/5 but both failed. I swear if shes gonna go uru on me ima be mad lol. Uru is still 4/5...
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I just managed to 2-star Battle at Sea(the ranged-only battle of this event) and finally mini-costed Rita into the bargain, but my God, what a pain in the arse going from 1-star to 2-star was!
I managed to 1-star it within one or two attempts, but it took me a load to get that extra star. Normally, going from a 1 to 2-star win's easy, you just pull the units out when you know they're going to die, but here you could easily expose more vulnerable units to dangerous attacks and have them killed.
For future reference, are there any ranged units that make good meat shields? My best for the task was that Vampire Hunter whose special improves her attack, HP & Defense. But after that, I wasn't sure. I supposed other vampire Hunters like vincent would be good, though his defense was lower than I thought, and that pirates would be pretty tough too.