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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'm sort of impressed we actually got Lyche from this; most of the recent Gold rushes. this one included, have been about getting Gold units we got in earlier gold rushes and whatnot.
So getting someone completely new was a nice suprise.
Plus, I quite like the look of her, from the battle we got to use her in, having an armour with decent magic defense could be handy.

what do you mean exactly weve been sorely missing the gold rush exclusive golds for awhile now may be a part of the tp rotations hold up tbh
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'm sort of impressed we actually got Lyche from this; most of the recent Gold rushes. this one included, have been about getting Gold units we got in earlier gold rushes and whatnot.
So getting someone completely new was a nice suprise.
Plus, I quite like the look of her, from the battle we got to use her in, having an armour with decent magic defense could be handy.

Last gold rush gave us Abel, the one before that gave us Ryuryu and Erun all as brand new units that should be trading post at some point. The only gold rush we've had that didn't introduce new units was exactly one and a half years ago.

Hell, we've skipped more gold rushes that didn't introduce new units than we've had gold rushes with no new units
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

what do you guys mean

are you suggesting its actually possible to get gold units from the current Bouquet Rush event

i dont believe you
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

It's true you can get gold units from gold rushes.

Now I need your credit card number.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'm sort of impressed we actually got Lyche from this; most of the recent Gold rushes. this one included, have been about getting Gold units we got in earlier gold rushes and whatnot.
So getting someone completely new was a nice suprise.
Plus, I quite like the look of her, from the battle we got to use her in, having an armour with decent magic defense could be handy.

Is nothing to be amaze actually, she was introduce along with Louise (Reese) during Pipin's event so it was a matter of time before she arrive, the only one missing is Mitra but she is from the next GR.

We are due to get more GR, I mention before that in order to get the 2015 list of events clear they need to add some GR in between, that way they can start the 2016 list without skiping.

Remember that Raichi also gets Pupuru's aw passive boost if you ever need more def and MR.


So far i'm quite happy for the way the game has been moving so far, if we keep like this We'll get Louise in no time.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

while Louise is nice theres much better units well fairys locked inside subjugations that im waiting for
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

anna's great adventure when
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I just pulled Aisha. With her, I am now reasonably certain beyond doubt that Aigis finds it hilarious to fuck with me for fun.

First Liana.

Now Elyse, Diina, Aisha.

Why is it always the lolis. WHY!

Wish I could pull a gacha black with tits for once.

Joke's on Aigis though, I will level up Aisha because I heard she is op but I have no idea how op she is and honestly i have no friggin clue but it seems like that she can attack up to five targets simultaneously?

At least Aisha is no Liana. But urrgghhh the feeling I am feeling right now is a mix of joy and despair.

At least the black ticket in few more years will force the game to give me what I want for once.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

dont curse your loli luck praise it
for now Aisha is one of if not the best unit you can pull from the gatcha with her class passive on aw -30% on skill timers when deployed and her normal passive of 14% hp to all units when shes on the team
before her skill aw its kinda short but after skill aw most maps get decimated by her 15s of 630 range 5 target meteors put that with some atk buffers and not much survives even without buffs little does to begin with tbh
but even without her skill active she has great normal attacks
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

dont curse your loli luck praise it
for now Aisha is one of if not the best unit you can pull from the gatcha with her class passive on aw -30% on skill timers when deployed and her normal passive of 14% hp to all units when shes on the team
before her skill aw its kinda short but after skill aw most maps get decimated by her 15s of 630 range 5 target meteors put that with some atk buffers and not much survives even without buffs little does to begin with tbh
but even without her skill active she has great normal attacks

This game, its nothing but shattered hopes and broken dreams for me. :p

I am very reliant on getting my Aria or Katie or both out onto field for UP generation.. Won't Aisha slow me down more or actually make it faster for Aria to use her UP generation than if I was to lead with Aria instead of Aisha?

So she's early game unit that is useful well into late game on a map? She's currently level 11 for me atm so I can't quite test her yet. Well it seems like that her skill will be able to murder the early rush and keep the pressure off my soldiers?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

i place soldiers first still as she doesnt affect initial skill the most common soldiers would be katie and aria if you are sure they can handle themselves for 20 seconds when you can start placing other units like most maps do so if not aisha doesnt care about early waves they are nothing to her and gives you ample time to deploy other stuff
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Last gold rush gave us Abel, the one before that gave us Ryuryu and Erun all as brand new units that should be trading post at some point. The only gold rush we've had that didn't introduce new units was exactly one and a half years ago.

Hell, we've skipped more gold rushes that didn't introduce new units than we've had gold rushes with no new units

What I mean is, provided that you weren't lucky with the Gacha, the early Gold rushes would provide you with a bunch of new units. After a while though, the rushes seemed to give you mostly units that you would've gotten in previous rushes, with the odd new unit here and there.
And my memory may be failing me, but I think the more recent units tended to give you the new-to-the-Gold Rush units closer to the end of them.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I just pulled Aisha. With her, I am now reasonably certain beyond doubt that Aigis finds it hilarious to fuck with me for fun.

First Liana.

Now Elyse, Diina, Aisha.

Why is it always the lolis. WHY!

Wish I could pull a gacha black with tits for once.

This might be a new concept to you but "Loli = OP" thats one math formula you can never forget, also the "flatter" a character is the more ridiculous it gets. Lets take Aisha for example, she has an humungus range upon s.aw + that 3x atk, pretty fast out of skill, can cut the WT by 30% and don't forget that 14% HP boost.

This game was made for lolis to rule it, no a simple big breasted unit can be called broken. (Lapis doesn't count, cause: a) She is big but no exagerated. b) They can still fuck her up with aw or s.aw)

Considering we have more plat than blacks, the moment that s.aw gets release for those is the moment we'll get truly broke... So many really cool s.aw.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Oh boy, time get curb stomped by the SAW map....well after I'm finished with running GR maps, will have enough Charisma to do at least 1 run.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Haha, that's funny. My main got one drop per each GR map... GRs are so anno... funny... it's totally not a waste of time...dammit.

On the other note, S.AWed Depsara and Olivie... now they are reeealll monsters, even compared to before. That's some really amazing skills and when Olivie will get that even a bit better S.AW... oh I can't wait! Now I just need to S.AW Berna, Minerva and Aisha and see if they will also turn into real monsters. Don't feel that Nanaly's S.AW had so big impact on her though.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Skill awakened Despara is sooo good. :eek:

Pretty much murders everything near her almost instantly.

Which is good since she's the only black to skill awake for me. Can't wait until plat and gold skill awakening.

Now lets murder some angels with all the anti-air units I have. :D


Ups, trying the awakened map blind was kinda a bad idea. Byebye 90 charisma. xD
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Confirmed that Grace SAW description is just missing "attack".
Attack does increase.


SAW Active

Aaaannnd, with some buffs added on it...

Also, SAW'd 10 chars all at once. Poverty life in a very long time.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Monthly ticket got me a Sherry.
That's three tickets in my lifetime of playing Aigis.
Uzume (nice, but a copy)
Marius (???)
Where's my fucking 25% chance at getting a black unit, huh?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Huh, didn't get wrecked. Was sure that I wasn't ready for the SAW map. Welp, with Deine and now Cornelia SAW'd I think I'm pretty good on the tanking front. Whenever Bernice can get SAW'd I'll go for her as well just to be extra, extra safe.