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[Nutaku] Taimanin Asagi: Battle Arena

Is the RPGX game a completely different story/plot or is it just like this game?

Apparently if this does well, we might get it.
well i'm back, long time member of this site and hard core fan of taimanin asagi dmm (during it's first year and a half) and aegis dmm and nutaku (until nutaku closed).

i was probably the most excited person here for taimanin asagi when it was announced early this year, but then canned. then when i heard aegis was also closing, i swore of nutaku. a lot of the DMM games that i personally enjoyed were closing and i was really dedicated to them.

but now, TABA is back and i'm here once more.

so, lets talk taba.

first things first, i'm tried to get my old DMM strategy going. i tried using an alt account to fish for raid bosses and then toss them to my friends list (aka my main would snipe it). it looks like they changed it? when you request backup, your friends don't get first dibs any more. it now goes out to complete randoms.

also, iirc, ANY you chose as an assist had 100% activation rate, not just friends.

these are 2 changes i think i've noticed that's different from the DMM version which of course, puts nutaku version at a disadvantage. unless DMM version does that now too, but it wasn't there at the start.

also, i joined this game late. i joined on the 28th. what time zone does this go off when it says *Players will receive their Upkeep Reward after Break Time every Monday, 6:00PM to 6:30PM. *. does this mean japan 6PM which is my 2AM (pst) or 6pm PST/EST?

Is the RPGX game a completely different story/plot or is it just like this game?

Apparently if this does well, we might get it.

where did you hear this? if this was said by nutaku via tweet or homepage. do you have a link?

in case any one was wondering, i reached rank 1 in 2 days with this deck


for any one wondering how fighting works. you NEED some flat boosters, not just percentage boosters. flat boost come in first then percentage boost. so if you get hit by a stat reducing skill, % boost mean nothing if your atk or def are sub 1000. that's why when the flat boost goes off, followed by the percentage boost. the percentage goes further. can't happen if you only run percentage.

also notice my def deck, it's better to run multiple copies of a good card rather then feed them into each other for a higher skill level. 3 25% def boost is better then 1 29% boost. the blue haired girl and red haired girl both have the same skill, but the blue haired one is better. she has a higher def, but lower def. that's all that matters in a defense deck, since they don't attack. atk stats are just in the way. that's where the red haired girl suffers. she has balanced stats which mean a lot less defense.

so if i get a 4th blue haired girl, i'll run 4 copies. if i get 5 or more copies, THEN i feed for skill level boosting. asagi is an amazing leader not because her skill, but her stats. she's balance type so she has high atk and def so i get insane stats when attacking and defending due to percentage boost. another thing is, when boosting, it's not all togethor, they kick in one at a time. so take asagi's 6400 def. you add 25% to make it 8,000, add another 25% 10,000, add another 25% to make it 12,500 and one final 25% boost to make it 15,625. so the more percentage boost go off. the bigger the gains that flat can't catch up to, but that's only for asagi who has a high base. you'll need a big flat booster to get the ball rolling since 25% of the average units 4,200 atk / def means it's only a 1,050 boost. really small compared to some 3* that give a 1,500 flat boost.

sorry, long post, but i'm really passionate about this game. i hope the discussion for this game picks up and i can't wait for the first def. if any one has questions for me, please, go ahead and ask.
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Didn't realize the boosters worked like that. Thought it all went off the base numbers.

I was also excited to see this game come to Nutaku. Seen a lot of people bashing the game when I've been browsing around the Internet, so glad it's not just me who actually enjoys it.

Was your Asagi from a reroll or just insane luck? 410 summons so far and no UR or LR's. Starting to think its not possible to get.
my asagi was from reroll. i made about 35 accounts and used the 3 gatcha tickets that is comes with for a total of about 105 summons before i got her. i did get 2 accounts with SR's before that and almost called it quits there, but right after the SR roll was asagi so i'm glad i kept pushing it.

went through a lot trouble to make new accounts since nutaku ip blocks you if you make to many accounts.

oh and since i haven't seen it talked about yet. take it from me. don't put points into anything but stamina. stamina is the only stat that will determine how far you can get in some events. tower events literally require you to clear the most chapters to get a higher rank and you do that by spending stamina and refilling with pots. pots go further the more stamina you have.

also the best stage is still chapter 2 stage 5. regardless if it's 2x exp or not. the cost to exp ratio is the best. so once you finish story mode, just farm that stage. also a double bonus, due to low stamina cost. you can also run it more often which means more raid boss encounters.

personally, i not even clearing all of story. i'm just losing out on potential to get ahead of other players. stage 2-5 is all i need.
Good to know them LRs are hiding in there somewhere, hopefully I can find 1 before I go crazy.

I made quite a few mistakes already on my first account, I increased attack with my first few levels until I realized what it did. I also fed exp doctors to Rs.

Is there any raid bosses that you should focus on defeating yourself? Or do they all drop the same stuff.
there are only 2 and a half raid bosses that you should spend ANY bp on. red oni and speed demon. they are the only 2 that drop pots. the other one is the wolf "dark beast" because he drops kiryuu exp cards.

the way raid bosses work is, if you deal the most damage, you get the mvp prize which is the best drop from the raid boss. to secure that you will always get the mvp, deal at least 51% damage then request assistance for some one else to finish it off. so you don't have to spend more BP then you actually need too.

speed demon drops 3 stamina 50% pots, 2 for mvp and 1 for discovering it. red oni drops 3 1BP pots, 2 for mvp 1 for discovering it.

my secret for farming is, if i recovered my BP naturally, deal enough damage to get the majority damage mvp award. even if it cost more then it rewards, because it was free regen bp. same goes for sniping the raid boss from another player. i'll use up as much as i need to, to secure mvp even if it cost more then it gives, if it was natural recovered or fresh level up bp.

if i am sniping an enemy red oni and i am sitting on 0 bp. if i think i can kill or deal majority damage with a weak 1 bp attack, i will quickly drink a 1bp pot and attack it. because i would then make a profit of 1 bp from the mvp reward.

some might think, "i shouldn't spend bp pots and just wait for natural regen". that could slow you down and put you behind in events. what i would do is drink bp pots if i'm gonna make a profit. example, i run into my own red oni at 0 bp, i drink 1 or 2 bp pots and deal majority damage, now i call for assisstance and once it's gone. i look for another raid boss. that way i'm cycling through raid bosses faster and leveling up faster.

this is my pot count for almost 3 days of playing

NEVER spend any bp on faulst or w/e his name is. maybe spend some on the first 1-10 levels of the gold raid boss and if you are new, dark beast raid boss for exp cards. exp cards are the only real way to max out UR's and LRs. so try and spend bp only on speed demon and red oni. give away faulst and gold raid boss (because you can make money selling N cards you get through story) and dark beast is at your own discretion.

There is a SUPER rare UFS type raid boss that drops 2 gold medals when you get mvp, but his appearance rate is insanely low. kill him when / if you get him. if you play this game hard like i do, you'll probably see him about 3-7 times per week rotation.
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Hm interesting tips, thanks for sharing. What are Violet Shards used for ?
i honestly never used them on dmm version, but they look like they just raise the stats on your cards a little past their limits, but can only be done a few times. so a limit broken maxed out card is better then a plain maxed out card.
695 summons total, 1 UR Sakura. Might try again tomorrow but don't think I can keep going on much more, its super depressing doing so many summons for trash. Really wish I didn't start doing this but I've spent so much time on it I feel like I have to keep going a little bit more.

And damn that's a lot of pots. If I don't bin this game out of frustration I will make sure to do that.
Damn I wasted a lot of BPs trying to do the Faust weekly then lol. Oh well. Now I know.
fulst is trash. 250 medals for mvp. that's not very much considering you get 700 when you solo speed demon or red oni. so you get the prize of fulst AND you get pots. at least fulst is the easiest to kill. so if you're about to level up and you have a lot of bp to spend. may as well spend it then level up and let it go to waste. which suprises me that my lvl 49 fulst is still being taken down like hot cakes XD. makes me wonder if people don't know how bad he is or if people are just using up some extra bp they have.


695 summons total, 1 UR Sakura. Might try again tomorrow but don't think I can keep going on much more, its super depressing doing so many summons for trash. Really wish I didn't start doing this but I've spent so much time on it I feel like I have to keep going a little bit more.

And damn that's a lot of pots. If I don't bin this game out of frustration I will make sure to do that.

as much as i love this game. the rates are the worst. 63.5% chance for an R and only 6.5% chance that anything is even gonna be an SR or above. most games have the R or lowest gatcha rarity at 50% and then the higher rarity are split fairly between the remainder 50%. not this game, a whole 63.5% dedicated for r cards.

BUT it's not all bad. unlike other games. R cards in this game can actually be used to make it to rank one. partly due to luck and another is strategy. sure, SR and higher have big stats, but get dupes of them is hard. meanwhile, R cards drop like flies due to medal gatcha. look at my R ingrid, i pulled 5 copies so i am able to max her skill. an R card is giving a whopping 30% boost to demon!!!

the next 2 best demon % booster are Meia Bradford and Kicillia Oswald who also boost atk by 30% when max skill level, but how often will you pull dupes? not very. so putting a max level ingrid for raid boss fighting is the best thing a free to play player can do. my HR collection is actually getting pretty good and that's with medal summons. i've actually exchanged extra ingrids for gold medals, since you have a chance of pulling SR's.
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What about killing Fulst just to get him out of the way. From what I can tell, you can only have one raid boss at a time. I've been killing mine just so other bosses could pop up.
waste of bp. call for assist and let someone else waste bp. from what i seen, even my lvl 50 fulst is killed within 3 minutes and 10 at the most. your only goal is to get pots for events and kiryuu's for exp if you have a card that's not maxed. gold is easy to come by and medals are gotten fast by just killing speed demons and red oni's.

maintenance is over and i see they have a bundle that is VERY worth it. new bundle is 20 cards for 60 dollars instead of the usual 10 cards for 50. not only that, the rates are increased for the bundle only.

LR is now 1% instead of 0%
UR is now 3% instead of 1%

they took the difference from R's so it's now only 61% instead of 63.5%.

AND you get at least 1 UR guaranteed. any other UR / LR is just lucky. honestly, i'm gonna go for it if my check clears tomorrow.

side note, if you haven't bought the 5 dollar for 1000 nutaku gold yet, this bundle will only cost you $55 instead of $60. so for only $5 more then the 10 summon, you get 20 and 1 for sure UR. i think i'm gonna enjoy this game even more then dmm. i don't think dmm had this bundle

now to talk strategy. a new card was added to the pool, Saya NEO. it's one of the best defense cards ever released. it reduces damage from ALL sources, not just 1 specific faction. she can be used as a lead and iirc, can also be used to reduce damage from all raid bosses. an extremely good card to hold your spot in the arena.

speaking of, i ended in rank 2. by my choice of course. i feel that 3 gatcha tickets gets me more then 1 HR ticket.
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That new Saya Neo card looks amazing for a defense deck, wtf. Also the gacha now says that the 100 Nutaku Gold draw is a daily discount? It might not be too bad in that case.
the 100 gold for 1 card daily has been here since before maintanance =p

it feels too tedious to buy cards 1 at a time. i wish they just did a 10 cards for 1,000 bi-weekly. it would just feel smoother buying cards.

edit: check cleared a little after midnight. did the 20 card catcha and got TWO UR'S!


sadly no Saya or SR's, but damn, now my Taimanin deck is stacked.

dont know how i missed this card. she was also just added. i honestly didn't think it would make it in back when this game was first announced due to being loli, but glad we got her. she reduces ALL types def by 30% at max level. mines is now sitting at 2/5. great for demon decks or mix types alike.

glad it's a one time thing. my pulls were so good, that i was tempted to go in again T_T

my account is wack. has an LR, 2 UR's, but no SR's yet >.>
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Just started the game and have a few questions if anyone can answer.

What's the point of building a good deck if it's better to be in rank 2 then rank 1? Do we know the specific % rates for the HR ticket that you get for being in Rank 1?

Also should I be hoarding tickets for a rate up, as in do rate ups for particular characters happen?

Will the new RPGX game also get ported into english soon because it looks like a lot nicer except you can't read any of it if you don't understand moonrunes.
Just started the game and have a few questions if anyone can answer.

What's the point of building a good deck if it's better to be in rank 2 then rank 1? Do we know the specific % rates for the HR ticket that you get for being in Rank 1?

Also should I be hoarding tickets for a rate up, as in do rate ups for particular characters happen?

Will the new RPGX game also get ported into english soon because it looks like a lot nicer except you can't read any of it if you don't understand moonrunes.
i don't think we know the rates of HR or SR tickets. i just go with rank 2 because 3 tickets with a 30% chance for HR, i'm almost likely to pull an HR and then the other 2 tickets are freebies. though HR tickets do have an increased rate for SR, UR and LR, since R rates are removed from the equation. i just don't know the exact %'s of them.

yes, hoard up tickets for events where you like the event reward card. gatcha cards during specific events have bonus effects like increase event points by 2, 3 or even 5X. so you are getting event points 5X faster then a guy without an event gatcha card. meaning you are going to rocket to the top of the leader board using less pots. though the 2, 3 and 5x are for HR, SR and UR/LR cards respectfully.

apparently some one said that if TABA does good, the new RPGX game will also come to nutaku.
After a total of 722 summons I pulled a LR! It was Asagi as well :)

Still a bit shocked that it finally happened. Thought I was going to hit 1k summons without getting a LR. Guess I can get back to actually playing the game now.
After a total of 722 summons I pulled a LR! It was Asagi as well :)

Still a bit shocked that it finally happened. Thought I was going to hit 1k summons without getting a LR. Guess I can get back to actually playing the game now.

I highly doubt you spent 3,610 bucks on a fucking clicker game. What are you doing?
congratz man. asagi is a perfectly balanced card. just need to get some flat boosters. i know she boost all types, but this early in the game, mono types are better. try and get some taimanin flat boosters for your attack deck.

I highly doubt you spent 3,610 bucks on a fucking clicker game. What are you doing?

he actually rerolled. no money was spent.
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