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[Nutaku] Taimanin Asagi: Battle Arena

Ingrid best girl.

Edit: You're a freak.

i still have a bit of ammo too
Damn, pretty sure Taimanin is now my best deck. Guess that means I have to remove the demon leads and find Taimanin ones...

Wow, that's a lot of potions! Thought I was doing alright with my 170. Wish I had all them.

Is getting rewards for stages rather than points what we will have going forward? Seems like a pain to get to floor 200.
not sure if i have you, but i have rinko lead if you want to add me.

not sure what you mean for your last sentence, but i'm honestly doing it more for the event gatcha points. got 2 premium tickets in the 5 summons i've done. honestly i feel like i get more from RB events though.
Sent you a request.

I'm sure in past tower events we got rewards for the score we got. This 1 we get rewards for floors. Doing 200 floors just seems harder than getting points.
past tower events were the same. it just stopped giving rewards past floor 100. they didn't have SR tickets as floor rewards, but adding it for floor 200 is a bit too much.

edit: are you slawter?
Oh that's strange. I could have sworn we had rewards for getting points. Maybe it's the raid events that I'm thinking about. I've gotten myself all confused.

Yeah that's me. Keep forgetting my name on here is completely different.
yeah, it's RB events that give you rewards with points.
How many pots did you burn and how many stages did you clear with those pots dartred? o.o
hard to say how many pots, since during a fever time, i use 1/2 pots. after fever time is done, i collect all the rewards and use the 10/30/50 pots to search for fever times or raid bosses. i try to use up flat pots first since 1/2 pots only get better the higher level i am. meanwhile flat pots will always stay the same value.

all in all, i think started with 780 or so 1/2 pots, but you gotta remember, i also collect pots while i play. like for the last day or so i have been in first place so i've only been doing raid bosses since there is no reason to climb any more. i might just finish this next set for the HR ticket though. i did use up all 60 of my full stamina pots. which only equal to 120 half pots.

dont forget guys. midterm rewards are in 3 hours and 26 mins from now. (8pm pst).

edit: sr ticket was USF Luna. 2 HR tickets were ok HR units. guess ill be trying to get that floor 200 SR ticket after all.
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Ohhhh~ we now have enough shard to limit break an UR now, so many choices,......
oh do we now? hmmm tempting. UR murasaki is a beast.

why does it take 20 shards for an LR T_T

gonna save my shards for now. at the rate they are giving them, i'll need them for my asagi's. though triple limit break murasaki would probably break into the 5 digits.

let me know if you limit break an UR and if they need more stones for next limit break or if it stays 10 stones.

edit: floor 200 gave me my third dragon ingrid. i have literally pulled dupes of every SR but Rinko T_T why!!!
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SR Murasaki? Not sure who you mean. Keeping mine for the next event I think. Will probably end up with another Mishea or A-66 Luna though.

Using up my x2 exp on tower I ended up rank 88. I might be able to push top 50 as I got my potions mixed up. I had 170 BP potions and over 400 1/2 stamina. 40 fulls but I used them all up just now. Still 1.7m points off the current rank 50. Tempted to just stick with 4 copies, but I really want this card for my Taimanin deck and would like her maxed.

Also going to save my shards, not sure who I want to pick yet though.
Oh oops, I meant SR rinko lol. Have yet to pull a dupe.

Just curious, how many tickets of each kind does every one have?

I have 36 premium and no HR or SR. I can’t hold onto SR/HR tickets to save my life. I also try and do a multi summon or 2 every event to try and get a lucky UR.
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Managed to get 1 dupe of her so far, she's the only 1 I want dupes for at the moment. Managed to pull 2 of Rebecca and she was only released an event or 2 ago.

I've currently got 17 premium tickets, 4 HR and 1 SR. Back when beach Asagi was released I used up 40 odd. Since then I haven't managed to save up over 30 again.
currently sitting at 45 premium tickets and 22 hr tickets. Should prolly use some of these at some point.
welp, my demon deck is currently my strongest deck


that's with 1 ingrid not proc'ing. my taimanin deck gets the same attack with full proc. shame the best RB are demons and most of my friends are taimanin >.<


Can't wait for my Oboro's to get buffed.
damn, demons are op right now with their flat boosters lol. taimanin had their moment, now we just need some USF love.
RAID EVENT - Tentacle Storm ~The Dark Doctor's Request~

[SR] [Specialized Tentacles] Angers (UFS)



Taimainin def down 35% at level 1. 55% at level 5

ok, so normally type specific def downs are not good, but in this case, since it's on a card where it's possible to get max level, this card might actually be worth your investment. this means any future taimanin RB will always fight you with 45% of it's maximum health at all times. that's some pretty crazy debuff for an SR. personally i'll try for 5 copies if it doesn't get too expensive. demons are pretty op right now too so it should make it pretty easy for a lot of us who got both demon murasaki and vampire ingrid.


Mikoto Kiryuu (Demon)

demon def up by 900 at level 1. 1700 at level 5.

will be buffed too 2000 at level 1. 3000 at level 5. yeah, thats really good for a HR, but by the time the buffs come in, we will probably all be running full SR and higher decks

with that said, my recommendation is to hold onto this card if you're a free to play. get her skill as high as you can then put her into your storage until she gets her buff. who know, she might turn out to be useful in the future. if not, you can trade her for medals down the line.


now for the gatcha cards. i know, you're probably thinking. why is there 2 Halloween themed girls in the gatcha? originally in dmm version, this gatcha took place the day after Halloween, we are getting this gatcha a little late.

iirc, slayer bonus for cards are 3x for r, 4x for HR and 5x for UR.

[UR] [Little Sister] Sakura Igawa (Taimanin)



all enemies def down by 30% at level 1. 50% at level 5.

this is the first card that most players should be saving for. one of the best cards at this stage of the game. good for raid bosses and good for climbing the arena. all bosses will always have 70% hp if this card is in your lead, making all rb die much faster. for arena, it's hard to get big numbers after being hit by this skill. % boosting low numbers usually wont catch up unless boosted by flat boosters first.

here's the nuts part. her slayer bonus is 5X iirc, putting her at 39,860 attack BEFORE skills kick in. that's more then some peoples entire decks combined in just 1 card.

i'm probably going to throw 2 or 3 multi's at this gatcha and prey.


[Unleashed] Magical Girl Lilith (Demon)


USF def down by 25% at level 1. 35% at level 5.

for the first time, the slayer card for a raid boss event is actually good. not only does she get the 4x attack bonus for being a slayer, putting her at 18,620 attack for the event. she also has a skill that will lower the main RB's max health. i hope you guys have HR tickets ready, this card is a saving grace even if you don't run a demon deck. her 4x stats will make her useful outside of demon decks.


[R] Magical Girl Lilith (Demon)


demon attack up by 1000 at level 1. 2000 at level 5

R card and good, but sadly, she suffers from low rarity syndrome. you won't ever be using her outside of the event.

though during the event, she is actually ok to run. her slayer bonus is 3x putting her at 9,224 attack. that's LR stats on an R card. she isn't a total waste to pull.


[R] Edogawa Cayce Ikuko (UFS)


taimanin def by by 13% at level 1. 25% at level 5.

sadly, the worst card in the event gatcha. she is a balance type so her 3x bonus is the smallest. her skill does nothing for the raid bosses since they are USF and demon. i would be hard pressed to put this card in my USF deck even for the event, she just doesn't bring anything i need to the table.


all in all, everything but the USF card in the gatcha can be used. the Sakura is a beast, the demons help for the event. ill see just how hard i go into the gatcha.
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